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Canterlot High: Post Equestria Girls (Sign Ups) (name is WIP)

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2 years ago, in the city of Manhattan, a school called Canterlot High exposed magic to the world.

However, despite multiple witness accounts of what happened, no real evidence of magic taking place was found, government officials soon shrugged off the "Magical" event as a terrorist attack with no casualties.

Now, two years later. The school is doing no better than it was earlier. It had it's 15 seconds of fame and then it went back to being the same boring school.

Although, some freshman may find magic... to be as real as the Earth itself.

Rules for character app:

You're character must add conflict and depth to the story as well as be unique, I am a very flexible guy, but characters CANNOT :

Be any older than a freshman

Be flawless

Basically, explain how your character is flawed and how they can add depth into the story, and you are in.

Character app:






unique trait:

How they add Depth to the story

My character Bio:

name: Richard Grayson (Yes, THAT Richard Grayson)

Personality: Richard is rather antisocial and mean, he makes wisecracks and is rather good at getting the information he wants. This all comes from his past life.

Bio: His parents assassinated when he was 4, Richard was adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne. Bruce home-schooled him up till this year, when he decided Richard deserved to live the life he never got to, but there is one more thing Bruce did for Richard, he trained him, molded him into a vigilante, Richard is a creature of the night. By day, Richard is the kid everyone tries to beat up for money, by night, he is Nightwing, one of the biggest heroes in Manhattan, second only to Batman.

Flaws: Richard is, as said earlier, rather antisocial and mean, he also is judged more for being Bruce Wayne's adopted son.

Appearance: MV5BMTMyNDEzMTI0N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjA2MDgzNA@@._V1._SX640_SY360_.jpg

unique trait:

He is a vigilante during after school hours

How he adds depth to the story: Aside from being incredibly fun to play, Richard is an antisocial, homeschooled his whole life, being put into an entirely new situation. As for being a vigilante. During after school scenes, Nightwing is literally a HUGE plot device, that guy who just saved your life is the same one who told you to shut up about your new haircut, Nightwing would have to make sure the people he saves don't recognize him, and at first that was easy because he didn't really KNOW anyone personally, now he does and people can get a close view of him .

Let's also say the school goes into lockdown or something. Richard wouldn't sit there and do nothing, but if the vigilante who only appears at night shows up, it would be no mere coincidence.

RP scenes per day



Afternoon/Night(After school)

Special events

Fall Formal

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[colour=#000000]name: Brass Bolt[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Personality: optimistic, charming but a little dark, take charge sort of person, likes to think of himself as a doctor.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Bio: Brass is a freshmen in high school, loves biology and likes to create steampunk/clockwork style contraptions which helped him when he was 13. He lost his right arm in an accident when his uncle, Ticker, (the care taker for the city clock tower) needed some help with some jammed gears and cogs because he needed to run some errands. While unjamming a bolt that fell between two gears Brasses shirt sleeve snagged on a gear and his arm was crushed and ripped off. He was able to unhook himself before he lost more than his arm. It was 10 minutes before his uncle showed up and by that time he had created a temporary cast out of some gears and wires. He refused to be taken to the hospital but rather he go home. He then created himself a temporary arm using spare part from his fathers junk yard and a laptop battery. he knew the arm wouldn't last long so he made another that held a battery life of 48 hours, could lift as much as his normal arm could and was able to stay steady.in his spare time he makes other artificial body parts for the local hospital.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Flaws: Grim and dark hides his arm with long sleeve shirts and gloves.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Appearance: wears dress shirts, a vest, white gloves and fedora. He is as brass coloured skin and rust coloured hair.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]unique trait: Gets awkward when talking about his arm

How they add Depth to the story: he isn't afraid to literally poke his finger into something, whether it be a pudding cup or a container of acid.[/colour]

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((You're taking a canon character from the DC universe? Really?

... I could take advantage of this being allowed and take a certain magician from a video game I love, but I do need to use my OC more often.

Name: Pitch Light

Personality: It's hard to find anyone out there who can take abuse so easy as he can, but Pitch is really hard to anger. He has never held a grudge against anyone before and likely will not do so in the future. Due to his feminine looks, he has received many remarks on being more of a girl than a guy but it's never bothered him. Heck, he's been convinced into wearing skirts and dresses on some occassions, just for the satisfaction of those around him. He always greets the people around him with a smile, and will always try to befriend people when he meets them. He's also quite a fanboy, and has grown a heavy admiration for the five remaining who stopped Sunset Shimmer. He avoids Sunset, but has never said anything negative toward her. All this said, he stands strong by his friends and is always quick to step in if his friends are in trouble. I should also add that he has a mild shyness, not normally approaching others until he himself is approached.

Bio: When Pitch was young all the way to today, Pitch has always been teased, for various reasons. When he was young it was because he looked like a girl. As he got older it was because he acted like one. There are many who look down on him but he's never been one to return the favour. In fact, as he grew older he decided to humor their accusations of him being feminine, which eventually led to him being so. People always fight in school, and whenever he can, he always steps in and stops it. This has led to him receiving various beatings from school bullies, but he's surprisingly one of the most resilient kids on the schoolgrounds, never ending up standing down or running away, although he does cry quickly. He has always been assigned to groups by default and it normally results in him taking on a majority of the work, but he never minds, as he's always happy to help.

Basically, he grew up teased, but never cared. And he likely never will.

On another note, he was actually walking by the Canterlot schoolyard when the battle had gone down and grew an immediate respect and admiration for the people involved, even though he doesn't know them. He never told anyone what he saw and knowledge of the event quickly died down, but he still holds high regards to the Canterlot heroes, and he'd love to talk to them if he ever got the chance.

Flaws: You will not find anyone as forgiving as Pitch. Issue is, he's TOO forgiving, and he has no issues forgiving someone who beat him up just a few minutes ago. As well, he's very gullible. If you tell him something that isn't too far-fetched and insist on it, he'll very likely believe you.

Appearance: First look at Pitch, you'd think he's a fairly pretty tomboy, with his soft, slightly rugged hair, soft black skin, light blue eyes, and his very casual blue jeans and fandom-related T-shirt (except on days where he gets a dare to wear a dress or a skirt). But he's also one of the more feminine people you'll meet.

And he's male. Along with the aforementioned apparel he chooses to wear, he's always carrying a plushie on him in some way or another. Which one? It's different every day.

Unique trait: He has a natural gift for loving people. Not necessarily romantically, but he loves everyone.

How they add depth to the story: [colour=#282828]His strong care for others makes him a valuable asset to a group of friends with him being the easiest shoulder to cry on and the first one to offer to help people with their problems. But his gullibility makes him very susceptible to making mistakes that could cause some serious problems.[/colour]

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Both accepted

((You're taking a canon character from the DC universe? Really?

NOTE: I've done this before and know how to handle them so they don't get over the top and stupid, I even know how to steer them in the right direction to make them a compelling and interesting character for the roleplay.

Okay guys I'm gonna make the RP and hope people join it as they go along.

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Name: Sugar Glider (SG or Sweetie)

Personality: Independent, bubbly, perhaps a little over-friendly. Can be self centered occasionally and is sometimes rather vain.

Bio: She grew up under her parents strict thumb, and wanted her to do well and aquire the career of their dreams. She fought against them to pursue her own dream of becoming a beautician. In the process of rebelling against her parents she became rather rebellious in all aspects of her life and generally didn't abide by her parents wishes at all.

Flaws: She can get worked up easily and is sometimes very stubborn.

[colour=#282828]Appearance: She is tall and thin and wispy, with teal hair and effortlessly tanned skin. She is rather attractive as she tries hard with her appearence; often testing the latest new beauty product on herself.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Unique trait: She can get very emotional and upset quite randomly and vice versa, and often tries to hide or run away when she gets like this.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]How they add depth: She's your typical token hyperactive girly-girl with parent issues! Every story needs one![/colour]

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Name: Pyro Blaze (or just Pyro)

Personality: kind, loyal, determined, and very relaxed. He will never give up until every avenue has been explored to solve the problem.

Bio: growing up under loving parents, Pyro learned morals and to never give up. He was pretty much ignored by bullies throughout his schooling, mostly because he knows how to handle himself in a fight, so he would fight off bullies wether they were after him or his friends. Pyro really doesn't care about classes, but still does well. Pyro often hides his emotions behind a mask of calm. Pyro's parents are fine with almost anything he does, as long as it doesn't take away from school and it isn't a bad thing to do. Even with this freedom, Pyro tends to be somewhat of a loner.

Flaws: typically a nice person, Pyro becomes angered easily. His calm facade keeps people from knowing how he feels, which sometimes keeps him from getting the help he needs to deal with his feelings.

Appearance: tall, slightly more muscle than average, naturally tan, pure red hair with orange streaks, wears shorts and a t-shirt pretty much everyday, and almost never takes off his sunglasses during the daytime.

Unique trait: he is pretty much a walking golden rule, he'll treat you the same way you treat him or his friends.

Depth: His determined nature means he will never give up on you or his tasks. Other than that, he is very emotional, even if he doesn't show it to others. He is a very complicated person under the surface of his cool outward appearance. Also, he has no trouble jumping in on a fight if it means protecting either innocent people or his friends.

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