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((OOC Thread: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/16118-a-casual-roleplay/#entry386688))

Ember looked around in awe as he trotted up the road to the entrance of Canterlot. It was about as different from the rock farm he'd grown up on as possible, and he still couldn't believe he was actually here! He swallowed nervously as he approached the gates, smiling awkwardly at the royal guards he passed. Wow... All the ponies here look so refined. A country pony like me's gonna stand out like a sore hoof...

He continued to look around as he made his way down the streets at random, wondering where he'd find a place to stay. The one place he refused to look at, though, was the castle. I can't believe I'm so close to where the princess' stay! I wonder if I need some kinda permission to launch my fireworks...

Eventually the stallion came to a stop at what seemed to be some kind of crossroad, uncomfortably aware of his singed mane and burned tail among all the fancy-looking ponies that passed by. "I wonder if they sell maps aroun' here..." Ember decided to wander around the wide area, to see if he might encounter something or somepony that could help him find his way.

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Well...this was different. It wasn't too surprising though. Lunchbox was bound to come across the fancy-pants pony city eventually during his wandering. Still, he looked extremely out-of-place; dusty, grubby, and a diamond dog! He'd considered just passing on by, but these fancy ponies probably had something worthwhile. Hopefully something real shiny. At least the guards let him by, after he claimed he wasn't up to anything, though they seemed suspicious and wary of him... The citizens mostly gave him looks of curiosity and surprise, though some of the more snooty ones were bold enough to turn their snout up at his presence. Not that he cared, ignoring them all.

All he cared about was whatever fancy gemstones and whatnot there might be to trade for. Unfortunately, he'd failed to consider that he had absolutely no idea where to find such a place... He was used to wandering the wilderness, not a city. Especially not a pony one. He came to a crossroad eventually, stopping for a moment to ponder over which way to go. Or maybe just pick randomly, which was most likely what he'd do. Simply asking direction wasn't something he even considered, and even if he did, would a pony even bother helping him?

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Pyro was off on one of his usual walks through Canterlot. He looked around as he walked, humming songs he had heard recently to himself. "Wonder if anything exciting will happen today? It's been pretty normal lately." Pyro said to himself as he walked. He had always liked this city, it was busy most of the time, but not too busy like Manehatten. The ponies living here were another matter though. Most of them were snooty rich ponies, which didn't sit well with Pyro. His family wasn't rich, but they definitely weren't poor. "Just because your rich doesn't give you the right to act like that." Pyro muttered to himself angrily. Of course there were ponies in Canterlot that were more like Pyro, not snooty at all and actually quite nice. Those were really the only ponies in Canterlot that he liked, besides the princesses. Looking to the castle, he thought to himself, 'I wonder what those two are up to today. Probably some royal thing.' Pyro arrived at a crossroad, almost running into another stallion because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. "Sorry, I didn't see you there." Then, after getting a better look at the pony, he realized that he didn't look like he was from around here, especially with his singed mane and tail. "Where are you from? You don't look like you're from Canterlot."

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Ember almost didn't realize the other pony was talking to him, he was so busy staring at a... Dog? He'd never seen a diamond dog before, and was thinking about if it would be safe to approach him when Pyro almost ran into him. Ember blinked and laughed nervously. "Wha? Oh, yeah, I'm from around Fillydelphia... Not really from the city, but the country around there. That obvious, huh?"

He laughed again. The question was pointless, he already knew he stuck out from the locals. Trying to quickly make up for his awkward introduction he quickly thrust out a hoof at the other stallion. "I'm Ember Sparx. Travelin' pyrotechnician, fireworks all the way from Fillydelphia!" Ember smiled, trying to put on his best 'business face'. It looked more like he was trying not to swallow his tongue, but it was still something he was trying to work on.

Through his introductions, he couldn't help but turn his head a little to watch Lunchbox, trying to keep a curious eye on the diamond dog.

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The mental gears turned(slowly) in Lunchbox's head as he wondered which road to take. Not that he had much to wonder on in the first place. It seemed like he'd just have to pick one randomly. Only, if he got lost here, he couldn't just forage for stuff to eat. He needed those...'bit' things. Or, he could just rifle through garbage. Aside from their sweets, though, pony food was boring... Maybe he should just leave.

But then his ears perked up--or as must as they could under his helmet--at something one of these nearby ponies was saying. Another of the ones eyeballing him, even while they spoke to one that looked like they were on fire or something. They also looked a bit different than most of the inhabitants here...but not nearly as different as himself. He wandered over, not really bothering with putting on a friendly face or anything sociable like that.

Upon reaching them, he mostly ignored the fiery-looking one, instead eying the dark one as if he had something in mind... "Fireworks, eh? The things what go boom?", he butted in, with no regard to their own conversation.

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Ember quivered a little bit, his ears flattening out. He didn't want to be rude, but he'd never seen a diamond dog before, let alone having one approach him quite like this! He swallowed nervously and tried to smile. Be friendly, Ember. You won't make new friends like this. The stallion cleared his throat and nodded. "Th-That's right! The best fireworks this side of Fillydelphia! Or at least that's what I tell myself."

Ember looked nervously at Pyro, wondering if encounters like this were normal for Canterlot. The city's nothin' like the rock farm... Deciding he should be polite and introduce himself to the diamond dog as well, Ember also offered his hoof towards Lunchbox. "Uh... My name's Ember Sparx. Are ya interested in my products by any chance, uh... Sir?" He was completely unsure about how to properly address a diamond dog, or if they even liked fireworks, but the little voice in the back of his head couldn't pass up the chance to potentially show off his work.

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Pyro smiled at Ember as he talked, seeing that Pyro didn't need to respond to the first thing, he took Ember's hoof and shook it. "I'm Pyro Blaze, I was born here in the city." Pyro perked up at the mention of pyrotechnics, and looked at Ember. "You do pyrotechnics too? It must be harder for you, since you don't have magic like me. I just do it for shows though, I have no idea how to make fireworks, so that's pretty cool."

Pyro glanced to where Ember had been looking, and saw a diamond dog approaching them. When the dog arrived, he completely ignored Pyro and talked directly to Ember about fireworks. 'Well, somepony needs some manners. And some grammar.' Pyro thought to himself. When Ember looked over at him as if Ember was asking what to do, Pyro just shrugged. "Umm... Hi there? I'm Pyro Blaze. Who are you?" Pyro said as he looked over the dog behind his sunglasses.

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These ponies always seemed to get all flaky and nervous when he was around. He hadn't even growled or anything! He didn't really mind, though. Occasionally, they'd get so nervous that they'd just hand him free stuff so he wouldn't hurt them, even though he had no plans on it. He nodded at Ember's answer, the gears in his head turning crudely. He even bothered to shake his hoof, mindful not to squeeze too hard. "You got anythin' that blows up rocks?", he asked.

He finally acknowledged the other pony when they also mentioned the boomy stuff. Though, they didn't actually make it, so he was much less interested in them. This one looked a lot less shaky, though. "Mrh..? Er. Yeah, g'day, whatevah.", he said, almost forgetting to give his name. "An' I'm Lunchbox." His green eyes narrowed severely for a moment. "Make any fun, an' you'll regret it."

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It was just a great day! Even for the odd pair of stallions that were spending the day in Canterlot together. The charcoal colored archaeologist, Locke Wind, who was currently wearing his archaeologist hat and matching pocket jacket.He was born and raised in Trottingham but he moved to Canterlot for work.

And the illustrious Casanova, a stallion who preferred the prim and proper and was a member of high society. The stallion can seem snooty at first, but he is quite the charmer.

The two stallions both lived in Canterlot and decided to spend a day together. The pair were trotting happily the bustling streets of Canterlot.

"So Casanova. You plan parties?" Locke questioned the large chocolate colored coated stallion. The stallion returned a happy nod knowing that Locke knew of his gathering.

"Yes I do. But I prefer to call them "Gatherings". Parties are what ruffians call them and where loud music is played and unfamiliar drinks are served. My gatherings provide a swell atmosphere and are always fun."

The comment caused Locke to raise an eyebrow. He liked Casanova though, they had known each other for a little while but that just means there is still room for their friendship to grow. "Riiight...well..why haven't I been invited to one of these Gatherings?"

Casanova stopped and panicked. He had known Locke for a bit but he had grown quite fond of the wiry stallion. "Uhh...I..uh...never know when you are home you see. What with you always being gone on excavations and such."

Locke pondered what Casanova said and then smiled to him. "Well, at least you were thinking of me!" The stallions both smiled at each other as the crisis was averted.

After a few turns and what not the pair continued to speak and such.

"What do you mean I'm clumsy?!"

"I'm just saying, when we stopped for that drink you tripped into that waiter causing the poor stallion to drop his whole glass."

"Yeah..well...that was just fluke. I can't be clumsy being and archaeologist and all! I'm the most observant stall--!" Just then Locke's face met the back of a Diamond Dog. Locke fell over and landed on the ground. "Uhh..what?"

"My point exactly." The brown unicorn chuckled slightly.

Locke, picked himself up and dusted himself off. "Whoa..sorry there big fella." He smiled slightly.

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Ember's ears perked up as Lunchbox seemed interested in his products, a smile crossing his muzzle. "Rock breaking, huh? I've used small charges to help grind up my reagents, I could probably put together something larger... Do you mind if I ask what you have in mind? It would help if I knew the purpose." The stallion looked from the diamond dog to Pyro and smiled, then looked back at Lunchbox. His first day here, and already a potential customer! Granted, it didn't sound like the diamond dog was interested in anything fancy or colorful so it wouldn't be great advertising, but business was business after all.

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It had been a relatively longer trip than Aloe had planned. A few of her go to stores where out of the essential supplies that she needed for her spa, and one of them was the only one close that carried the volcanic ash that was required for their mud baths. Oh dear Celestia... she thought to herself. How will I explain to my customers that our mud services won't be available until later this week? At least she let me put in a back order for them to come back then and pick the ash up... she sighed. Thankfully the other stores had everything that she needed, so she wouldn't have to close the spa entirely until the ash came in.

She began to walk through the market place and she soon found herself looking at a... rather unusual scene. She had just watched charcoal grey pony stumble over what looked to be a diamond dog that was conversing with a few others. The stallion picked himself up and seemed to be okay, but what kind of pony would she be if she didn't at least check to make sure they were okay. She lightly trotted over to them and looked to the stallion. "Excuse me... I couldn't help but notice the stumble and I came over to make sure you both were alright," she addressed with a bit of concern.

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Locke rubbed his nose and scrunched it up a few times. The Diamond Dog's backside was rather hard and Locke was making sure his nose wasn't broken. After a few moments he assured himself it was fine. He tipped his hat back a bit and huffed. Maybe he was a bit clumsy..

"Excuse me... I couldn't help but notice the stumble and I came over to make sure you both were alright,"

Locke looked to where he heard the voice and noticed it was a mare whom he had never met before! The stallion gave a happy smile to her and appreciated her asking if he was alright. "Oh me?" He chuckled slightly. "You saw that then?" He nervously rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah...Uh...I was just distracted is all."

Casanova then intervened and cast a glance to the pink mare. He moved his long blue mane out of his face and said with a happy sarcastic smile. "Not distracted. Just Clumsy." Locke then pushed Casanova back a bit. "Quit it would ya?" The stallion then gave a few chuckles.

Locke brushed him off and looked back to Aloe. "I can't say I've seen you before then. What's ya name?" Casanova nodded in question agreement. "I as well have never seen you before and I know for a fact I would remember such a pony as yourself. Tell us. What is your name?"

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Lunchbox blinked and went silent for a moment. He thought 'blowing up rocks' was pretty clear. "Ya know. Kabooming rocks! For mining an' stuff.", he answered loudly. However, he perked up as he felt something bump into him from behind, swinging his head around to leer at who'd done it. Some pony with a hat that he had to admit he kinda liked... That wasn't enough to stop him from being grumpy, though. "...Watch where yer goin', dumb blind pony!" Afterwards, he checked all of his pockets in a paranoid fashion, as if worried he might've tried to swipe any of his stuff.

He then realized that...there was now a much bigger group of them than when he'd started talking. He really hoped this wasn't the part where they start poking at him and asking diamond dog stuff... Fortunately, none of them had. Yet, anyways. One of them actually asked if he was alright. These ponies could be so...nice. It was weird. "Hunh..? Yeah, sure... Ponies're too soft to hurt me."

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Ember blinked his eyes, just now noticing the growing crowd around them. He'd been so focused on the potential job he hadn't even noticed! "Oh, hello everypony!" He shuffled his hooves slightly as he turned to make sure his saddlebags were still on his back. It was a fruitless gesture since he could feel they were, but it was an old reflex. He looked at Lunchbox again, one of his ears flicking as his thoughts raced.

"Uh, I meant... Do you know what kind of rock you need busted? It isn't really my specialty, my explosives are more for show than practicality. I mean, I may be able to put something together for you, but different stones would need different strengths of charges..." He chuckled and gave a nervous smile. The stallion wasn't entirely sure the diamond dog would get his point - he'd met plenty of ponies that didn't understand his work, anyways. The thought of this job was starting to make him a little nervous, he'd never been hired for mining charges before.

Not wanting to be rude, Ember was also trying to divide his attention to the growing crowd of ponies. He felt like he was coming across as incredibly scatter brained, but he didn't know what else to do. "Uhh, is everypony okay? That looked like a pretty rough stumble."

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Lunchbox warned against Pyro making fun of his name, which just caused Pyro to smile and say, "I'll regret it? Oh no, I think you'd regret messing with me." Then he looked over as a pony ran smack dab into Lunchbox's back, causing Pyro to laugh and say, "You two okay?" He said this right after a mare walked up and asked the same thing. 'Well, this meeting sure is attracting a lot of ponies.' Pyro thought, looking around at the small crowd that had gathered. Pyro chuckled when Lunchbox said he was too tough to be hurt by a pony. "I think you'll find I'm a lot tougher than the average pony, Lunchbox." Pyro said to the dog in response. Then, to address the three newcomers, Pyro said, "Hi there, my name's Pyro Blaze. What're your names?"

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As Aloe awaited the response it appeared that this diamond dogs reputation proceeded himself. The fact that even after this pony apologized, he was still obscenely rude, showed this. She paid no mind to it though as the others began asking who she was, saying that they would definitely remember seeing a pony like her around before. This enticed a small blush from her but she answered. "My name is Aloe, I'm the co-owner of the Ponyville Day Spa! My sister and I run arguably one of the best spas in Equestria!" she told them with a smile. "That's actually why I was here. I was picking up some of the ingredients for my salves and some of our other services. However, one of the main stores was out of the volcanic ash needed for our mud baths."

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Casanova quickly raised an eyebrow and looked to Aloe. "You are Miss Aloe? Your sister is Miss Lotus?!" A big smile grew on his face. "Ponyville Day Spa? I've heard only impeccable things about you and your sisters establishment. I myself have actually never seen your spa but I would love to visit it one of these days!"

As Casanova was being...himself..Locke was actually impressed as well. Even though he had never gone to a Spa before he had heard the name Ponyville Day Spa spoken around Canterlot many a time. The place must be quite famous. But the thing that stuck out to Locke was the thing Aloe said she was here for. Volcanic ash?! For a mud bath?! No way! Locke would love to go explore a volcano! "Volcanic Ash!?" He then coughed nervously. "Apologies for the outburst. I know not a thing about Mud baths or spa treatments. I do, in fact, know a bit about Volcanoes." The stallion had a funny smile on his face. "I have decided that will be my next place to excavate. Mark my words I will do this! I will excavate a whole volcano!"

Casanova laughed lightly. "So Miss Aloe. Are you originally from Canterlot but built your Spa in Ponyville? Or were you born and raised in Ponyville?"

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Lunchbox blinked a bit cluelessly at Ember. "Y'know...just...rocks!", he barked. "...Hard ones, I guess." He was well acquainted with nearly every type of dirt and stone and whatnot, but...really didn't know the technical named for any of it. He then reached a paw into one of his vest pockets, grabbing a random assortment of rough gemstones, holding them out to the pony. "...First, though. Ya take these, right? Trust me, they're lots better than them bit things." Though if would disappoint him greatly if his 'currency' was refused, it wasn't like he had any trouble mining on his own. It was just hard work, and he got lazy often.

He mostly tuned out all the 'spa' talk going on nearby. Lunchbox wasn't even sure he knew what that meant. It was like these crazy ponies were speaking some kind of different language, even though he knew most the words..! However, the fiery one got his attention. His eyes narrowed, almost in confusion. He wasn't used to ponies talking at him this way... "You gotta spine, at least.", he conceded. Though it was obvious he was skeptical.

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"Hmmm..." Ember's horn started to glow with a soft green light as he brought the offered gemstones closer to look at them. With a smile he perks up his ears, nodding. "Yes, I would be able to take this as payment. Let me see what I can put together..."

Taking a few steps away from the growing group, Ember shrugged his saddlebags off of his back. He wouldn't normally put things together right in the middle of the street like this, but Lunchbox didn't want anything fancy. Just something strong. With his horn still glowing he pulled a few different containers from his bags, muttering to himself under his breath as he goes over his available reagents.

"No no, there's no blast in that, it's just the green sparks... No, that one's loud, but no real strength to it... Ah, maybe these?" He was aware of the conversation going on around him in the group, but the stallion was too focused on his work to contribute in it. He wouldn't be a very good businesspony if he put conversation before an order. As he wrapped the combined powders in a thick parchment he compressed the package carefully into a small bundle. He left a long wick sticking out of one corner before picking up the entire thing with a simple levitation spell and carrying it back to the diamond dog.

"Is something like this what you had in mind? I've used smaller ones to chip off stones before, but I've never tried to make an actual mining charge." His ears flicked nervously as he waited to hear if Lunchbox liked the product or not. It wasn't too different from one of his fireworks, but it was different enough that he was completely unsure how it would work. If only he could test it first...

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Aloe blushed again at the reign of compliment that came from the two stallions. "Well, Everything you've heard is true. We do everything ourselves, and we make all of our own treatment solutions, and my sister is the best massage therapist in all of Equestria," she giggles. "Or at least I think so anyway," she said to the brown stallion that had complimented her, saying that while he hadn't been to her spa, he would love to be able to get out there one day. "But of course, We're always open. In fact," she said reaching into her saddle bag to pull out a coupon for a free treatment. "We're so confident that you'll love our spa, and come back to us, that we, well I, give away a free service. It never expires, but it only works for you," she told him handing it to him.

The other stallion seemed surprised when she had mentioned volcanic ash. He stated that he didn't know much about spa treatments, but he did know a thing or two about volcanoes. He added that he knew where is next excavation was going to be. She smiled. "Well, most ponies may not know, but many of the minerals that can be found in volcanic ash are very beneficial to a pony's skin and coat. They help prevent the skin from drying out, and it keeps the coat vibrant and healthy, while the warmth of the mud-bath in general relaxes the muscles and eases tension. There are many more benefits as well, but I won't bore you with the list," she giggled.

When the brown stallion asked if she was from Canterlot and opened in Ponyville, she shook her head, as well as when he asked if she was born in Ponyville. "Actually, My sister and I both are from Trottingham. We decided to open up our spa in Ponyville because at the time, there was no other spas there. With that in mind we figured if we did our best to provide the best possible service to every customer we could, it would be easy going. Unfortunately that hasn't been the case lately. It's been slowly back on the rise, but for a while there most ponies couldn't afford our treatments. It's not that we want to charge that much either, but we're just barely breaking even. If we drop our prices any lower, we'd either have to lower the quality of our supplies, or lose our spa..." she told them a small sigh at the end.

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Casanova took the coupon and levitated it in front of him. He scanned over the words of the slip and then gently placed it in his saddlebag. He looked to Aloe with a generous smile. "This day just keeps getting better. Thank you. I'm certain you will see me visiting there soon."

Locke was actually quite dumbfounded. All of those things for a pony's complexion could be found in volcanic ash? That was amazing! "Huh..learn something new every day right?" He smiled to both Casanova and Aloe.

His ear's perked up once Aloe stated that she and her sister were originally from Trottingham. "Get out!" The stallion was rather exuberant. "I'm from Trottingham! Born and raised I was! But, I moved her to Canterlot in pursuit of work. And I have to say I love my job." The stallion kept his exuberant attitude. He was so excited, for he didn't meet many ponies that were from Trottingham. But as she told more of her story his smile slowly went away and he calmed down. "Well...at least things are going good right? Hate to hear that Miss Aloe...I'm sorry.."

Casanova nodded in agreement with Locke after hearing the whole story. "Agreed. If anything to just..help boost business. I could spread the word of you fine establishment at one of my next gatherings. That is, if I have your permission." He raised an eyebrow to her.

Locke became happy yet again. The spastic stallion looked to Casanova. "And will I be invited to this one?" He held his breath in anticipation.

The brown stallion took a few seconds to think it over and decided what the hay. "Yes...I suppose. But a week before we will discuss proper etiquette. Understand?" Locke nodded to him. "Yes I do!" The two stallions each gave light laughs and then looked back to Aloe.

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Pyro wasn't listening to the talk about spas. He'd never been to one, and he didn't plan on going to any anytime soon. He tuned out of that conversation right after the mare had introduced herself. Responding to Lunchbox, Pyro said, "What, you don't believe I have a spine? You don't seem sure about that, but let me assure you, I can definitely take care of myself." Pyro watched as Ember made an explosive charge for Lunchbox. 'I get he's a business pony, but I don't think he needs to just stand around and take Lunch's rudeness. I mean, if you're going to ask somepony to do something for you, you should be nice to them, even if you are paying for whatever they're doing.' Pyro ranted to himself in his head.

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Lunchbox perked up and his mood seemed to suddenly improve drastically when the pony said he would accept his payment right away, without any yelling or anything involved. He watched with interest as Ember went to work right in front of him. He had to admit these ponies knew...stuff. Neat stuff, sometimes. Mostly it was all fluffy wimpy stuff like spas and fashion and that leafy water they liked so much... But this was neat. As the charge was floated over to him, he grabbed it, examining it a bit. Not that he was an expert or anything. "I never used one before. Guess I'll find out...", he said, eager to try it and make something go kaboom, his spiky tail wagging slightly. "Thanks little pony. Yer awright.", he added.

The fiery one, however was still getting on his nerves. Which probably wasn't their fault. "I said ya did have a spine. What else you want from me?!" He would probably refuse to ever consider a pony to be stronger than a diamond dog, even with their tricky magic stuff.

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Pyro watched Lunch's mood improve dramatically when Ember gave him the charge. 'Probably just excited to make something blow up.' Pyro thought, looking over at Ember. "Maybe we can show each other our skills sometime. Skills with pyrotechnics I mean." Pyro said, glancing at Lunchbox as he spoke to Pyro. Sighing, Pyro said, "I was just saying, you didn't seem very sure of yourself when you said that, as if you didn't really believe it, but said it anyway." Pyro walked a bit away from the group then and sat down. "Ugh, that dog is really getting on my nerves. He needs to learn some manners, or at least be nicer to ponies he knows nothing about. Oh well, not really anything I can do about the way he acts, but he sure is asking for me to attack him." Pyro said to himself while he sat there, unwinding and calming himself down. "Okay, all good now." Pyro said as he walked back over to the group. "Sorry for just walking away like that Ember, but sometimes I just need time to myself. Especially when other ponies are being mean."

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Ember smiled happily, glad to see that Lunchbox seemed satisfied with the mining charge. And with him, apparently. "I do hope that it lives up to your expectations! If you ever feel the need for some fireworks, please keep me in mind." He doubted the diamond dog would ever need fireworks, but he couldn't help but add the little self advertising there at the end. Force of habit.

As Ember watched Lunchbox and Pyro go back and forth, the stallion blinked and his ears went back a little. So much tension! I really hope everypony stays calm... I hate conflict! He smiled at Pyro as the unicorn came back over to him. "Oh, umm, it's alright. You said we should compare pyrotechnics? Hmm... But, didn't you say you make yours with magic?" Ember knew he shouldn't feel leery about it, but he couldn't help himself. He could make some small flames and sparks himself, but he only used them to start up his creations. The very thought of using magic itself just seemed... Almost boring to him, after he'd spent so long making his products out of hard work and scavenged stones.

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