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"Your very welcome!" Aloe said with a smile to the chocolate stallion as the other commented about also being from Trottingham. That he himself was born and raised there. This made Aloe perk up a bit more as well as their comments about wanting to help her and her sister in any way they can as long as they had their permission to do so. "But of course. Anything you could spread about our spa to help attract business would be greatly appreciated. It has been getting better recently, but still a bit slower than we'd like. For the most part Rarity is what keeps our spa afloat with all the bits she spends there," she told them. "Oh but enough about the hardship that I'm going through. What part of Trottingham were you from?" she said pausing as she remembered that he had asked if he was invited on the coupon. "Well, each coupon is only singly use, however," she said reaching into her saddlebag and pulled out another one. "I have multiple," she informed him. "And I don't believe I've gotten either of your names yet," she added.

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The charcoal colored unicorn took the coupon he was handed by Aloe. "And for that. I thank you! I don't know about any of the other stuff in a spa...but I know I'd actually enjoy taking one of those..bath thingies you said, with the Volcanic Ash!" The stallion bounced happily a few times.

Casanova stopped him and laughed lightly. "Like I said. Etiquette." He looked to Aloe and shook his head. It was in good fun though. Locke pushed his tan hat back up above his face as he thought to answer Aloe's question. "What part? That I actually do not really remember...I remember I lived rather close to the lakes of Trottingham...if that helps ya any. Sorry I can't remember.." He became disapointed with himself. He had never met this mare and he couldn't even remember where he was raised. Good job Locke. "Oh names? Well, I'm Locke! Locke Wind! Gonna be Equestria's most famous archaeologist!"

Casanova could not help but laugh at his friend here. "And I am Casanova. I plan various types of gatherings for ponies. Such as weddings, or drink tastings. Or just gatherings for fun." He smiled.

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"Yeah, I do. I guess that I don't technically use pyrotechnics, but that's just what I say. What I do is controlling and creating fire using my magic." Pyro said, creating a couple of small fireballs. He then made the fireballs look like ponies galloping as he moved them around Ember's head. He then moved them back to himself and caused them to disappear. Pyro then smiled at Ember and said, "I usually make my stuff bigger, especially when I'm in a show, but I can be kinda lazy sometimes and these seemed sufficient as a demonstration of my control over my magic."

At the mention of names, Pyro turned to the three ponies that were conversing next to him. 'Okay, so we've got Aloe, Locke Wind, and Cassanova over there, and Lunchbox, Ember Sparks, and me over here.' Pyro thought to himself as he looked over the two stallions and the mare next to him.

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"I drift around a lot. Dunno if I'll ever even see you again.", he told Ember. "I already traded you for it, either way." Whether this mining charge worked out or not, Lunchbox was apparently a fairly honorable diamond dog--when it came to trades, at least--, and wouldn't blame this pony for it. After all, he knew a lot less about this sort of thing than Ember. "...Also...I dun' like fireworks. Dumb things are too loud..! I just want one boom." Though he'd put up with a boom for the sake of not having to chip away at some rocks, Lunchbox hated loud noises. They really hurt his sensitive ears...

He was also pleased that the annoying fire pony was finally leaving him alone... Normally, Lunchbox would have not been nearly as peaceful about the whole thing, but he wasn't dumb. He knew no matter who started the fight, he'd be the one getting kicked out of the city. Plus, the ponies with the horn had all sorts of annoying cheaty magic...stuff. However, he soon came back... Whatever. At least it was only one of them annoying him.

OOC: Oops. > > -edits-

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Ember smiled happily at Lunchbox, his ears flicking a little. Now that he'd made a successful sale to the diamond dog, he wasn't as intimidated as he initially was. "Ah, I'm sorry to hear that, but to each their own. I'm sure a life of mining wouldn't suit me very well either!" The stallion laughed before looking back at Pyro.

"I don't really know if it would be fair to compare fireworks to your fire magic. I mean, I'm sure you can do some great effects, but all of my products are hoof-made with the finest reagents I can find!" He smiled at the other unicorn - he really wasn't trying to be rude, he just didn't see the appeal of using magic where he dedicated his life to his fireworks.

Now that his sale was finished, he was finally able to turn his attention to the mare and two stallions that were nearby. He felt a little ashamed he hadn't been able to pay them better mind before, but he had to focus on his job after all. "Uhm, howdy everypony..." The stallion's smile was a little awkward, afraid that he was intruding on their conversation. "Sorry, I'm Ember Sparx. I'm real sorry about before, I had to focus on makin' a sale though."

Wow, everypony here looks so... Fancy! I feel right outta place with my burnt mane n' smolderin' tail... Aww, calm down Ember, I'm sure everypony's nice as can be! Ya just made a sale to that Lunchbox fella after all!

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Aloe smiled and nodded as the other stallions introduced themselves. The charcoal one stated that he was going to be Equestria's most famous archaeologists, and introduced himself as Locke Wind. The other pony introduced himself as Casanova and that he was a gathering organizer. "Of wow. Both of those sound like they are a lot of fun, though Locke's sounds a bit more dangerous. Would it be possible for me to be able to attend some of these gatherings to give an example of my services first hoof?" she asked make a note that they didn't really remember much about Trottingham. "And to be honest, I don't really remember a whole lot about it either. I do remember being from the north-central district though. Our parents were a bit on the wealthy side, and one of the reasons that we've made it as long as we have in this poor stretch that we had. That's something that I hope we don't have to rely on again," she commented.

Another stallion then started to approach them and when he did he also apologized, though for what she had no idea. She looked around and didn't see anything out of the ordinary and there were no unusual odors in the area aside from the slight smell of Aloe coming off of Aloe. She was completely bewildered as to what this stallion could be sorry for. When he explained that he was making a sale. Oh my, that's perfectly okay. Believe me when I said that I know what it's like to take every chance you can get," Aloe told him before extending a hoof to the Mister Ember Sparx as he announced. "My name is Aloe Blossom, Co-Owner of Ponyville Day Spa," she introduced.

(OOC: Terribly sorry for the delay. I got stuck waiting for Derpy because I never got the notification or email stating that he had posted already. Also, Pyro, something that can help with differentiating thought from dialogue is that you could put thoughts in italics. That's what I do.)

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Casanova's face lit up as he nodded happily to Aloe. "Would it?! Madame Aloe, I would love to have you attend one of my gatherings! You are always welcome to any of them! I will just need to be able to mail you the information a few weeks before you know?" He gave a joking wink to her.

Locke was filled with a sense of joy and excitement when Aloe said his profession sounded more dangerous. He felt proud but was not one to boast. Not until he uncovered the ancient secret tombs of the long lost Pony civilizations that were before them! No telling what they left behind!

The grey stallion nodded as Aloe finished her story. "I understand! I remember living semi close to one of the famous lakes in Trottingham. Can't say I remember the name but I remember travelling to it a number of times!" The unicorn finished his talking as another stallion spoke to the group.

Truth be told Casanova was usually the observant one of the duo but he had no idea why this stallion was apologizing. But he must have had a good reason. The stallion didn't seem to be from around Canterlot and..what was this? His tail was burnt and his mane was as well! Was it a new style?

As Aloe finished introducing herself Casanova decided he would speak next. "And I am Casanova. Social Gathering planner and connoisseur of the Fine Arts. A pleasure to meet you." He gave a warm smile to the stallion.

Locke turned to the stallion Casanova and Aloe were facing. He had never seen the pony before so he must be new! He looked like he just got done rolling around in a fireplace or something. Or maybe...a volcano..? No..

Locke made his way closer to the stallion and tipped up his tan hat. His tan pocket jacket matched with the hat and when he wore both he just looked like a regular archaeologist. He gave a friendly wave to the stallion. "Ello there! Nice to meet ya! Guess we are giving names and such again yeah?" He chuckled slightly. "I'm Locke Wind! Archaeologist for the Canterlot Museum of History! Nice to meet you!"

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"I dunno... You ponies aren't so bad at mine stuff. Complain a lot, though. Rather just dig it myself usually...", he grumbled in response, as if oblivious to how much of an unpleasant subject it might be for them. It wasn't any big deal in his mind. A little mining never hurt no one. Usually.

Well, now that his business was over, he finally took the time to acknowledge the rest of the group again. Still talking about goofy pony things like 'baths'. Jumping into some water once in a while seemed to work just fine to him... However, there was a certain word that kept catching his attention. 'Archaeologist' or something. It took his brain a few moments to recall, but when he did, he suddenly seemed to become a bit more interested, especially in the clumsy one that'd bumped into him. "...Hrm. Thassa fancy word for 'digger', yeh? But, not for gems. For...", he paused reaching in another one of his pockets, holding out what seemed like some kind of old stone pony-shaped statuette. Though...it'd obviously not been handled with any sort of care. "This kinda stuff? I do that sometimes..." He suddenly narrowed an eye and grinned a bit with his jagged maw. Selling things was much more appealing than buying, to him. "You pay anything for 'um?" It seemed like a lucky day for trading.

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Ember smiled widely at the introductions, flicking his tail and sending off a small wisp of soot as he shook Aloe's hoof. "Wow! Everypony sounds real successful! Er, I mean... I should be expectin' that much here in Canterlot, right?" He laughed, a little nervous still, but happy that everyone seemed friendly. As gears turned in the business focused part of his brain, the stallion's ears flicked and he suddenly smiled as he turned specifically to Cassanova.

"Ya said you're a social gatherin' planner? Do ya ever have a need for fireworks? Err, sorry, tha's what I do... I'm travelin' around tryin' to perfect my wares!" Ember almost bit his tongue to make himself stop talking - in his eyes he was being both rude and unprofessional, but he couldn't help himself! Here he'd just met these ponies and he was already trying to see if he could make a sale... And poorly at that.

Try and fix it! "Erm... I mean, it's real nice ta meet everypony. Y'all sound real interestin'." Okay, stop trying to fix it! You're repeatin' yourself!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aloe nodded as Casanova told her that he would love to have her attending one of his gatherings and that she was welcome to any of them that she would want to attend. He would just have to send out information to her about when the gatherings were going to be held. And gave a gentle nod when Locke told her that he had lived near one of the famous lakes in Trottingham but couldn't remember the name of it. He did know that his family went there a lot though. "Well, perhaps we should make a note to go there at some point I could see if the lake has any kelp that I can use," Aloe commented as the other stallion accepted her hoof shake.

Aloe immediately noticed the small puff of soot that had dispersed from around his hoof and slightly coating her coat as well. She listened as the stallion asked if Casanova had a need for fireworks, and Aloe made the presumption from the suit and the comments that this pony was a pyrotechnic. The starburst explosion on his flank seemed to amplify and confirm this presumption. She looked up a bit as he commented that it sounded like everypony was pretty successful, but that was to be expected here in Canterlot. "Well, I wouldn't say everything is a bucket of roses for us, but we're getting by at least," Aloe commented trying to think if there could be any use at all for fireworks in her spa. "Though if you don't mind me asking, what minerals do you use for your firework constructions? I may be interested in some myself, though not really for their intended purpose," she asked wondering if the minerals could be beneficial and if they could some how use them to amplify their baths.

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"Minerals?" Ember grinned widely at the question, and his lips start to move as though he's speaking to himself, going over a mental checklist of his supplies. "More'n I can rattle off right here... I tend ta use a lot've barium and copper myself, but that's because I'm partial to the green sparks they put off... I'm guessin' that you're not all that interested in the colors they make though, huh?"

With his horn glowing green he levitates his saddlebags off of his back, placing them on the ground between himself and Aloe. "I'd be more'n happy to go through all of them with ya, but I don't know that out here in the middle of the streets would be the prime place ta do so." He laughs quietly, much more at ease now that the topic had shifted to something he was comfortable with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Vinyl Scratch was a night mare - everypony knew this, she was one of Equestrias more noted fans of the nightlife and esteemed club DJ who wore many hats in the business...but the Vinyl Scratch strolling the night streets tonight was a mare in a more calm, contemplative mood...she had no shows for a couple nights, and this was a chance for the mare to get out and socialise a little with others, something that she rarely had the chance to do when it came to her most favourite time of the day, the evenings and beyond.

Normally she'd have sauntered into another one of the clubs nearby to jam out with the ponies on the dance floor, or maybe even gotten a few drinks and chilled out with friends...but every once in a while, the mare had a hankering to just make her way through the streets of canterlot - the sounds and hubbub of the city were always like a soothing, fuelling influence on her. Of course, she wore her hair in a ponytail and was currently not wearing the shades that most ponies would know her with...and for good measure, she was wearing a saddlebag over her cutie mark just to avoid too much attention - but it was never to avoid it, it was merely to keep things quiet and generally natural whilst she took her walks amongst the ponies and other critters of the city at night.

For the time being, of course, Vinyl had not really thought about where she was headed...and had no idea of just who or what may lay ahead in her encounters during tonights little wander!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aloe nodded to the black unicorn stallion as it appears Casanova and Loche Wind were in thought about something at the moment. "Indeed, but where else would be a good place to go? It's quite a walk back to the train station, and even then, it wouldn't be the best place. I suppose I could find a hotel here, but I didn't really bring the bits for one as I had not intended an overnight stay. With that in mind, I am curious to find out more about your goods. I may not be using them to your preferred method, but I assure you that there are many that I could benefit from otherwise." she sighed. She peered around locating an inn not too far behind them. "How about we head over there. If anything else we can speak in the lobby and I can catch the night train home so that we can open tomorrow, although it won't serve us much good considering we can't run one of the main services of our spa," she stated again with another sigh.

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