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Hallo, everynyun!


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Hello! I am terrible an introductions.

I'm DusK, or ItStartsAtDusK. I've been a brony for a little over a year, ever since October 2012, when I was forced to watch this little girls' show by my fiance and a friend. It didn't take me long to get hooked. I've come to this site in search of a good community to discuss the show and the fandom with.

Hm, a little bit about me, I guess? I'm most known on the Internet by my work on OverClocked ReMix, a community dedicated to appreciation of video game music as an art form through interpretive arrangements. I've been a member of that community since 2009, saw my first ReMix posted last summer, and recently finished wrapping up direction and contribution to a Gunstar Heroes album. I've also contributed to several other albums, including the Sonic CD album that's releasing today. I've gotten a bit of official recognition as well; I'm on the fan mix disc including in the official Street Fighter 25th anniversary collector's set, and I've gotten props (and even a request) from the current composers for Guild Wars 2 for my work on a metal cover EP of music from Super Adventure Box.

I'm also known by a few for my metal (and other aggressive styles of rock) covers of MLP:FiM's songs. My most popular one is actually the very first one I did,

, but I've done nine covers so far and most of them are better than that one.

I also do a bit of original music on the side, mainly for From The Forest Itself, a chiptune/metalcore fusion project that I'd like to turn into a live show-capable band someday.

Outside of music, I do a lot of gaming, and I have a very wide variety of gaming tastes. I'm also a computer science student, though right now I'm on a semester-long break to focus on my upcoming wedding, and I have considered quitting college altogether to focus on my passion in music.

Anyway, enough rambling. Here's hoping I meet some new friends here, because friendship is magic, and I could always use some more magic. :)

Edited by DusK
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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

So, you're a Computer Science major? Fantastic! I hold a degree in CS myself, but I got it so long ago my Intro to Computers class taught us programming in BASIC! Back then, DOS (not Windows) was the main Op system for PCs. I am constantly amazed at how computers have progressed over the decades!

Lots of avid gamers on this website too!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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