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Gallop-a-trot gallop-a-trot!


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About Myself: I love dancing Japanese sweet Lolita fashion and I liven canada. I love candy coated chocolate

How I found Canterlot.com: Google I was searching for MLP communities

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Needed something to help me on hard days. MLP is perfect for a blue day!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity
I'm very excited about joining this community! I really like the over all look of this community. I have not role played in a while but have been meaning to get back into it with so much free time. I was always a bit shy with general anime forums and role play. I love how organized this place looks. I might not b very active now but this is because I am just, taking time to get used to the different areas and reading rules.

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

So, you're from Canada! Canada's great! I've visited there a few times and I am fascinated with the CFL.

Glad you're taking the time to explore and learn the rules as such.

If I can be of any assistance, let me know!

Hope you enjoy your stay here!


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