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Equestria Divided


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hehe~ alright he said with a beaming smile and quickly stampers up to her bed and gets cozy under the covers and peeks out his head under the covers with a huge grin beaming at her* hehe come on~!

(haha no not at all like that i meant, all innocent like, like a mother and child lol nothing dirty implied)

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Nocturne risked re-rolling his eyes, to see Crystal leave. He let out the breath he'd been holding. He had to admit, Flame knew what she was doing. It had taken Flaming for a fool, now they just had to wait. He did feel sorry for Xeni, because he'd probably have to do his chores because he was 'sick', but he wanted to leave, and if Xeni didn't want to that's fine, he can rot for all Nocturne cared. One way or another, he was blowing this place.


Thunder quickly followed Queen through the door. He knew she probably disliked him the most, mostly becasue despite his best efforts, he was usually late, and Jenser was just better at almost anything then him.


Midnight smiled at Jora, before hearing a knocking at the door. The happiness vanished from her face instantly, it was her mum.

"Jora, just, stay in here, she should only be around for a few minutes"

She closed the door, and prepared herself for the meeting with her mum.

*10 minutes later*

There had been some yelling, but due to the door, Jora wouldn't have been able to hear what was being said. Midnight eventually opened the door, limping. She had a bandage around her left forleg, and her mane had shifted, hiding her left eye completely from sight.

"H-hey Jora, you can come out, she's gone.

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The Queen trotted away from her mansion, her slaves trotting equally behind the fancy mare. She trotted to Canterlot, which was nearby. She trotted down the streets, full of mares, some of them with their own slaves. She eventually made it to the law offices of Canterlot. She turned to her slaves. "Now, you two will remain quiet and sit here without moving until I come out." She commanded calmly, taking a moment to glare at Thunder. "Got that?" She asked, the question mostly directed to Thunder, as she knew he was the least behaved of the two.

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Thunder nodded his head several times, normally he would have spoken, but he'd annoyed her enough times today. And she'd ordered them 'to remain quiet' and he knew he'd live to regret ignoring that order.

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*he pops out and hurry's over to midnights side* i- i heard shouting an- *notices first off the bat that there is a bandage around one of her forleg's and gasps* when, how did your mom do this to you...*he gets under her hurt forleg and carries her over to the bed and tries to sit her down as gently as possible and starts to cry a tiny bit* h-how bad is it...i-i knew i should have been there.. *he very gently licks her forleg trying to make it feel better* k-k-kisses are s-suppose to-make the pain go away... right mom....i-i m-mean mistress m-midnight.. *he choked out the words between cries*

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The Queen backed away when Thunder nodded. She had no fear in leaving the two slaves, and felt nothing for making them afraid of her. She turned, and trotted through the door, as she began to get to work.

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Midnight shakes her head "I-i'm fine Jora, don't worry about me" she said, resting on the bed. It had been the worse beating of her life. Normally her mum only used her hooves because she was too 'relaxed with that slave of yours', but this time it had been worse. When Midnight said Jora was unavailable because he was collecting food, her mum snapped. She used the knife to gash Midnight's face, leaving a really bad cut from her forehead to her cheek. It had been a miracle her eye hadn't been damaged in any form.

"J-just call me Midnight Jora, this mistress stuff reminds me too much of..her." she patted Jora on the back, despite the pain she was in, she hated seeing Jora cry. It hurt more then her physical wounds.

"Don't cry Jora, i'm fine, see? B-besides, my leg will heal" she said, shifitng her head so he couldn't see the left side of her face, she knew he'd probably have a breakdown if he saw the cut, and didn't want that.

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Nocturne was waiting for Flame, he was better at night anyway, his eyes were aparted to it from birth. Part of being a batpony he guessed.

"Yeah, i'm ready" he replies, looking for Xeni "Last chance Xeni, i'm leaving, and if you wanna come, i'll help you"

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*he dries his tears* okay...if your really okay then that makes me happy, and i'll do extra extra super good with everything, i'll make you breakfast in bed, bring you lunch in bed and your dinner to, and-and i'll clean and fix the whole house all by myself! without you telling me anything okay~ okay..*he started to cry again*

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Midnight laughed slightly, it was nice of Jora to try do everything for her, but she couldn't let him do that. It was too much.

"J-jora, don't worry, ok? Nothing is going to change, i'll be able to look after myself, i'll just be a little slower then normal. Don't go out your way to do anything, besides, it's late and i'm tired. And please, don't cry.." she rolled onto the bed, making sure he couldn't see the left side of her face. She honestly was out of energy, she was tired because she hadn't had that much sleep the previous night, and mixed with todays beating, she felt drained.

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*he dries his tears again* well that's okay i guess just don't push yourself to hard *he gently nuzzles her and quietly sings her another lullaby for her to drift off to sleep to* good night *he stays awake 15 mins later then normal and thinks to himself* "she looks very peaceful like this" *and kisses her cheek, cozies up next to her and fast-ly drifts off to sleep himself*

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Nocturne turned to flame, shaking his head "Lets just go, we can come back for him later" He flared out his wings, giving them a few flaps to check they were still working "Come on, i'm out" Nocturne took off, very slowly because he didn't get to use his wings that much, but it felt amazing to finally take flight.

"Were are we going?"

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Thunder spotted Janser's, spotting of the toys, and shook his head. He didn't speak, but he loosened his suit a little, meaning he could get more air each breath. He hoped Janser wouldn't go for the toys, they'd both be punished if he did.

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