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Blood Harvest for Immortality(closed)


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Moonlite looked up, "Let's just say me and the spotlight have a mutual agreement to stay away from eachother" she said with a warm smile, "I prefer to do things and give the credit to someone else, knowing I did it is good enough for me"

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Killjoy and Luna froze as their faces turned bright red, Killjoy slowly turned her head looking at Shadow "you...Slimy little Perverted creature!" she yelled launching herself out of the tub before spin kicking Shadow out the door. She then pounced on Shadow "looking in on poor mares." she threw Shadow up against a wall "what did you see Shadow?" said throwing him back into the room and shutting the door. "you saw nothing! you understand?" she start punching him rapidly "you saw nothing...PERV!"

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Shadow caught the next punch, her hoof was like hitting an unbreakable wall, he spit blood onto the floor, "Lotus sent me to get the cleaning supplies, she said it was okay to go in and get it. I swear I wasnt peeking Killjoy, Im not like that." His voice was sincere and honest.

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Moonlite looked at her plate, it was one thing to tell the grown mare Applejack, but Applebloom. She sighed, "I am over 1000 years old, actyally 1027 to be exact," she began, "I was born long ago in Canterlot to a bat pony couple, though I hate to admit it, I forget there names," she closed her eyes, "My father was a Lunar guard and my mother was a Celestial guard, so obviously it was a calling for me to be a guard," she said, "but I suffered from a rare disease that made it so my eyes were damaged in the sunlight, making it so I slept in the day and stayed out at night," she looked up once more, "When I was 18 I tried to join the Lunar guard but the damage was done, I was leagely blind, so I was denied. From there something told me to join a farm, I'm not sure why, but I did. Still on of the best choices I have made, the hard work and labor made me strong and tough, worked on a farm with a mare owner," she paused and thought, "Applepie or something of those sorts, anyway I digress, I worked there for 7 years before the night I saw the battle. The night Luna turned against Celestia, though once I saw her fall and went to help her, she told me it was Celestia who betrayed me. With the desease I had, I had a natural dislike of the sun, though not Celestia, so I was easily swayed to join her. I fought with her for 2 gruelling years, her army against the Celestial army. But before she was defeated she gave ive of her best soldiers a gift, one of them was me. This gift let us live forever, never to age, and also we had enhanced senses, strength, and speed. This countered the fact that I was blind by this point, but it came at a cost, once a month I must feed on pony blood to survive, though I swear on my life I have never hurt the mare I have fed on." she said and turned away, "I take what I need and leave, sure she might be weak in the morning, but she will always recover, plus she has all those animals in her home to keep her company."

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"No no Applebloom, I..I'm suprised your not all upset," she said, "I figured after that you all would hate me," she said, "Hey Applejack, do you know the butter colored mare who lives in that cottage near the edge of Ponyville?" she asked, "I..I think it would be nice to stop by to make sure she is ok, I mean she always seems to recover fine, but I feel, if I'm to live here in Ponyville, I should come clean and tell her," she sighed, "even if she will eternally hate me"

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Killjoy glared at Shadow "even so...you will NEVER speak of what you saw, ever...say one word...and I will make sure the your death is in every way you fear." her voice shook with anger but yet a slight hint of fear of somepony finding out.

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Killjoy growled "It matters not to you...just remember to keep your mouth shut.I will make you entire life a living hell in 10 seconds!" she said throwing Shadow back out of the room "creature..." she then slammed the door.

Luna sighed "thou knoweth thou do not need to handle things so violently."

Killjoy smirked "it's worked so far...besides, the only love I need is yours Princess" she said getting back into the tub

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Moonlite sighed, "I am not sure, saddly I do not know the name of the mare I feed off of," she said with a sigh, "Maybe you can introduce me to this miss Fluttershy tommorow, and if this mare is your friend I will stop feeding off her, I'm sure I can find some other pony," she said in a sincere tone.

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"Well, we'll go talk to her tomorrow. Ah understand y'all need to feed, but ya gotta watch who yer feeding off of." Applejack said.

Blood was taking a stack of dirty towels to be washed when he saw Shadow. "Geez, what happened to you?"

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Blood shrugged and brought the pile of towels he was carrying to the washing machine. He took them out after a few minutes and folded them and put them away. "Towels are done, now what?" he said to Aloe who was nearby.

After dinner Applejack walked out to the barn to find Moonlite inside. "What are ya doin' out here, sugarcube?" she asked.

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"Well this is where I'll be staying," she said, "That and I needed some alone time, odd enough since I've lived alone for my 1000 years," she said as she hopped down from the hay loft she was on, "It's just, I'm worried, it seems like Luna is trying to get me into part of pony society, but..I just don't belong" she sighed, "I'm a freak of a monster, and with my blood need I'm no better then a changling"

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"Hun, you aren't a monster, and ah don't know who's done told ya otherwise, but ya do belong. We've loved havin' ya around today." Applejack said, putting a hoof on Moonlite's shoulder.

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