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Blood Harvest for Immortality(closed)


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[you can be the token of Luna's les, but come on, look at the stallion to mare ratio here, there are a whole whopping 3 stallions [four if you count Big Mac] and one is evil, so might have to loosen your les grasp there Kill]

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[well in all honesty, if it effects [of affects don't remember which is which] my characters ability to be in love/ get love/ you know what im getting at, then i'm leaving, I don't want to be part of an RP where I cannot have my character love who they want :/]

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[Look I'm trying to make a point, your forcing people to do what you want them to do, thats godmodding, a major no no in role playing, so sorry if i had to pull the leaving card but it gets me very irritated when people control my character]

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((ApplejackXAnypony ever = love. Also, come on. One more les couple won't hurt))

"Alright then, sugarcube." Applejack said, smiling. "I'll show ya to yer room."

"Well if you do, I'm joining too." Blood said. "We've always stuck it out together and I don't plan on doing it differently."

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[i can't read sarcasm in words without lols or XD or some sort of face so sorry :/]

Moonlite composed herself and smiled, "ok, thanks" she said as she followed behind he mare, eager to get an actual night of rest for once.

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Setting: Vamprieece

Black Star sat in his throne listening to a report from a scout, "Echo has been captured and detained, Shadow and Blood are in ponyville at a spa house." The scout reported. Black Star thought for a moment, "Echo will break out soon, but she wont come back, at least not intentionally. Get alpha team ready, tomorrow we head for ponyville, I know exactly where she'll go once shes out."

Back at Canterlot, Echo scales the high wall. Once over she looks down the mountain at ponyville, "Since Black Star thinks Im dead, he wont suspect a thing. Shadows gonna love this." She whispers to herself.

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Killjoy and Luna made it back to Canterlot and entered Luna's chambers. "Red...willst thou slumber here tonight?" she asked sweetly.

Killjoy froze and thought for a second "what if Celes-"

Luna cut her off "My Sister already knows about our...Affairs, she does not judge us for our hearts and agrees to keep it a pointless secret." she said in a stern voice slightly annoyed by the secrecy of it all.

Killjoy sighed because Luna did not understand, If word got out that Killjoy and Luna were lovers...ponies would think that Luna only picked Killjoy to be Captain because of this and and they might question Luna's authority if the night Princess chose favorites."Very well." she said taking her armor off and setting it on a stand close by. Her and Luna got in the bed together.

Luna turned on her side to face Killjoy "lets make this every night. ok?" her voice was soft and sweet, enough to make Red's heart feel warm.

Killjoy looked at Luna and nodded, what is the worst that can happen? They got really close to each other and kissed before closing their eye to sleep.

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Applejack led Moonlite to the guest room and quickly made the bed up for here. "Now if ya need anything, ah'm right down the hall, sugarcube." she said smiling.

Blood left the room and went to his room. He lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

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Shadow went back down stairs, he sat a table chatting with the twins about their business and everyday life. The Nightwatch pony had came back introducing himself as Cobalt, in just that night Shadow already knew he had good friends he could count on.

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