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Blood Harvest for Immortality(closed)


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Applejack growled and bucked Echo in the face before punching her repeated in the face.

Blood slashed Black with his sword and beat him in the face with the hilt.

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Echo caught her hoof and twisted it to the point of breaking, then launched a rapid fire of punches to her face, Echo then elbowed AJ to the floor causing her to bounce back up, Echo pivoted on one leg and spun around and sound kicked AJ sending her through the wall.

Black Star summoned an electric circle underneath Blood, two more appeared above him in a stack, "Three layered magic circle, Black Electric Surge." Black Star chanted the words and Black lightning came down like a column, shocking Blood with massive amounts of electricity.

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Nightmare Moon slammed into Echo, slamming her into the wall causing it to crumble, "Come now, your fight is with me, not the other mare!" she spat, more Nightmare moon took over, cold and merciless

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Applejack slowly got up and growled, glaring at Echo. "Ah will break ya.....ya bucking monster...."

Blood convulsed from the electricity, gritting his teeth trying to fight through the pain. He quickly hurled his sword at Black, hitting him in the horn with the hilt disrupting the spell. He flew over and kicked Black in the face, grabbing his blade again.

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Echo grinned as she grabbed Nightmares hoof, she threw her against the wall then hurled her into AJ. "You may try."

Black Star recovered and zapped Blood sending him crashing across the floor. "Welp."

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Killjoy came down on Black from the hole in the ceiling. She landing on black with great force as she drove her knee onto him.

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"Ow, that hurt a little, my turn sweetheart." Echo grinned, she opened her mouth and screamed but the sound was so powerful it was silent, the world around them turned silent. Echo blasted Nightmare sending her across the room crashing over the floor and through the wall.

Black Star fell with the weight then twisted letting Killjoy hit the ground, Black Star blasted her away with an electrical blast.

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Blood watched the beam of lightning headed for Killjoy, and quickly opened his wings and darted to her, knocking her away and taking the electrical blast. It tore through his body and Blood fell to the ground unconscious.

((That was my best attempt at forgiveness for calling Killjoy a wh0re.))

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Killjoy got up and ran to grab Blood "what...can't handle a little lightning?" She fommented with a smirk as she drug him away from the battle.

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"If it means anything.....I'm sorry...for everything." Blood mumbled as he slipped in and out of consciousness. The lightning was especially harmful to him since he wasnt fully healed from the last battle yet.

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Killjoy ran over and grabbed Shadow and drug him to where Blood is "this is beyond our control...we must leave!" she yelled.

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Black Star had been gathering magic energy and was preparing to unleash it, a magical circle was beneath him that would act as an impassible wall around him. "You can try to run."

Echo gritted her teeth in pain and released Nightmare, she back up from her.

Shadow stirred awake but didnt let on that he was conscious of the world around him.

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Applejack rushed over to Blood and tried to wake him up.

The Oracle was nearby, observing the battle, waiting for the perfect moment to make his grand entrance.

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Killjoy grabbed both Shadow and Blood and start dragging them to the exit. "we gotta get out of here...lets go." she called out to AJ

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"Do not fear.....Black Star is a whelp. He cannot harm you." The Oracle's voice said in everybody's mind. He teleported into the room and stood between Black Star and the group. "Now is when you die, Black Star."

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Echo grinned as she got into her stance.

Black Star ignored the Oracles appearance by slashing him away, "Black Magic, Abyss Break Cannon." He fired the blast of black energy Killjoy and the brothers, but at last second Shadow sprung up spin kicking Killjoy and Blood to the sides and then folded his wings in front of him as he took the direct hit.

Something snapped within Echo, "SHADOW!" She ran as her body returned to normal.

Shadow was blasted out of the castle, the blast tore a hole through the walls and sent Shadow out. Echo sprinted and dived out the castle. Outside Shadow fell backwards, Echo was in a dive attempting to catch up with him, Shadow opened his eyes and tears swelled up as the same with Echo. The two embraced as she caught up, they held eachother tightly as they fell.

"Well that was unexpected, I'd be surprised if he survived that, and now Im down another Nightmare this is ridiculous." Black Star quarreled with himself.

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Nightmare blinked, "No," she said and suddenly dissapeared, appearing outside she flew towards them and grabbed Shadow, knowing he had a close hold on the mare. Though she couldn't hold them it slowed the decent drastically so there were no injuries upon landing. Nightmare moon looked at them with no emotion, "You two can handle yourselves?" she asked them somewht coldly, clearly more Nightmare Moon then Moonlite

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The Oracle had faded out before Black slashed him. He reappeared behind Black and fired electricity from his horn, tearing through his body. Blood had regained consciousness and looked out of the hole where Shadow and Echo had jumped. Applejack looked also. "Well ah'll be....their love was stronger than his magic."

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