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Night's Gale (Intrest check)

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After defeating Discord, Canterlot was witnessing a very slow recovery. Luna thought that expanding the kingdom and founding a new pony colony elsewhere would put a solution to the problem, favoring the ponies that struggled the most. Celestia declined the proposal of her sister believing that such a great lack of harmony could shatter the kingdom forever. Being denied and in the shadow of night Luna decided to lead those ponies whom wished for a new life to a world of her own. She called it, Night's Gale.

Any intrest?

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Ah thank you...*checks out the other RP* I admit that the backstory is similar, perhaps inspired by the same youtube video. (Here's the link:


Here's a bit on the setting:

On an isle to the east of Equestria is a dormant Volcano and the home of Night's Gale. The walls of the volcano are lined with paths and tunnels that travel to homes and buildings along the volcano's walls. At the base is a crop of brick buildings gathered around the town hall which is a blue color with a golden moon at the tip of the tallest spire. Outside the volcano, at the only entrance/exit to the volcano is a large expanse of orchards of many different fruits. To the northeast, and covering a great deal of the Isle, are fields of wheat, and various types of vegetables. At the southwest corner is a small port with a ferry that travels once a day to the main land.

Night's Gale was found by Princess Luna and before she became Nightmare Moon, was run and protected by her as well. Along a five mile radius outside the Isle is a spell that protects the island from accidental discovery. The volcano has a similar spell placed upon it to protect it from her sisters eyes.

The ponies of Night's Gale see Luna as their princess, not Celestia. While they recognize Celestia as the ruler of the "sun ponies" (aka Equestria). Because most of them feel as if Celestia betrayed Luna, they don't much care for the sun bringing princess. They're days are the opposite of Equestria. They wake at dusk and retire at dawn, favoring their princesses night.

Because they don't see Celestia as their princess they celebrate some different holidays:

Summer Sun Celebration= Moon Festival

Nightmare Night= Luna's Day

Basically, any sun celebrating holiday or anything dealing with Nightmare Moon is changed to celebrate the night and Princess Luna. The RP Takes place after Season 1 Episode 2

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I am sorry bur duh it takes place after season1 ep 2 that doesn't really nail down the time frame of it

I believe the colony has been established for quite a while, before Luna's banishment. She means that the current time is after the return of Luna.

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I believe the colony has been established for quite a while, before Luna's banishment. She means that the current time is after the return of Luna.

Yes, that is what I meant. My appologies.

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I would be game as well, my question, can I play Nightshade, basically a lone Pegasus who went exploring and found remnants of Nightmare Moons armor and it was absorbed into her [at least the power was] making her look like NMM. due to this she cannot live in Equestria and maybe she finds the colony, receiving a mixed reaction.

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I would be game as well, my question, can I play Nightshade, basically a lone Pegasus who went exploring and found remnants of Nightmare Moons armor and it was absorbed into her [at least the power was] making her look like NMM. due to this she cannot live in Equestria and maybe she finds the colony, receiving a mixed reaction.

Hmmm...I don't know. It depends on her other stats.

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