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I'm waking up (and feel it in my bones....that deffinatly can't be good...)


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About Myself: Eh, I live in New York City (seems general enough), I enjoy debating about very very trivial things that would make your local nerds stare at me with a weird look, and...well I'm not very good at answering general all purpose questions....

How I found Canterlot.com: I found it through a friend, TheCreeper3

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I somehow didn't notice the show until season 2, but through internet stuff I grew curious upon discovery and watched a few episodes and liked it

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle
Hello there people of this website I have just stumbeled upon, I am The Dark Gods, (or just TDG for ease). I'm kind of a huge nerd, and I even consider myself somewhat of a half competent debator on things. And while I can tell you atleast 5 space empires that can crush the UNSC under their boots with the utmost of ease off the top of my head (The Federation, The Imperium, The galactic Empire, The Borg, and the Grineer), or why upwards of 95% of all zombie related fiction is complete bogus, alas I cannot give a good introduction about myself....yay for social awkwardness!

You may or may not be seing me often here, mostly just intend on just using this to hang with a old friend in RPs, if I branch off into other threads or make friends with you via hanging out with my friend, well that's great too!

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Welcome, my friend. I hope you have fun, God knows I'm enjoying things here. Having to learn all the new rules and such...

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Welcome! We're glad to have you here. Rest assured, you aren't the only one of massively nerdy persuasion, and if you were to start a discussion thread about just about anything you feel passionate about, there are many of us that would feel inclined to participate.

Hope you like it here!

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Well it's good to know that everyone here is so warm and welcoming.

Also I seem to be having trouble with some interface things, most likely due to things on my end due to my crummy computer but if my profile seems rather....simple and noobish, blame that and not me being lazy.

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Hello there! Welcome to Canterlot TDG! Hope you will enjoy yourself and you get active in the RP section. I also happen to agree with you about '95% of zombie related fiction' being complete bogus. :D

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