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Bullying: Your experiences with it and how it has effected you


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So, this is where you can dsicuss your experiences with bullying and how it has effected you, but be respectful of course.

As for me, it is a long story, I have Asperger Syndrome, but wasn't diagnosed with it until just before I turned 18 (8 years ago), until then all I knew was that I had some neurological proble, that comes into the experiences..

For me, it started when I was about 9 years old and in 3rd grade, I would get teased and flip out (swear, chase them, get into fights) , and I know the flipping out was why I constantly got teased and bullied, but it was not something I could help and sadly, this is something that followed me all the way through to my final year of school, no matter how many times I changed school.

Due to the constant being bullied, picked on, teased and beaten up at school, and to my not knowing about transgenderism and fearing to ask my parents about it whe I was 14, I became clinically depresed to the point of self harm at the age of 14, and had been on anti-depressants for 12 years on and off (only got completely off of them late this december/early january).

Now I was finally diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome a month or two before my 18th (so november/december) and when I was going to start my final year. You would think finally being diagnosed would make things better, well you are wrong, as was I. Sure it helped a lot with my family life, I am now close to everyone in my family instead of just my older sister and my mum, but my schooling became worse. The bullying was at it's worst and so was my depression and anxiety, I had never once missed a day of school except for if I was sick or away with family until I was in my final year. I constantly either slept in, or completely skipped out on school, or just played the original sonic the hedgehog games or went on the internet in the year 11/12 room.

This whole bullying experience eventually ended up with me failing my final year, losing what little self esteem and confidence I had with myself and losing all motivation to do anything with my life...

Sadly however, the bullying also followed me online, even to this day...

So, that is my experience and how it effected me, tell us yours, but remember to be respectful

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Bullying i only really ever had in middle school i got beat up pushed in front of a bus and called names and sweared at it was only for one year luckily

You were pushed in front of a bus?! *hugs brother tightly and snuggle hugs you*
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Well, I've learned to just laugh at the jokes that are against me, but only one thing really bothers me. Because I am 97% German, and I was born in America, people like calling me a Nazi. It really ticks me off, because it is offending me, and my family. But it has died off a little. That's pretty much bullying for me, even though it doesn't really slow me down, or anything.

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While my bullying never reached a physical level, it sure did leave a lasting impact on me as a person. My bullying started in 6th grade, when I moved from one middle school to another. Because I had poor vision, I needed to sit in the front row. The Cheerleaders' row. The very first day, hunkered down before classes started while reading a book (don't ask, I really don't recall which one), I was approached by one of the girls. She said I had to move as that was HER seat. I pointed out that I had gotten there first, that there were plenty of other seats and that I wasn't going to move. Oh boy. Big mistake. She and her friends decided that from that day forward, I was public enemy #1. When they would see me, they would call me either fat, ugly or stupid. I tried not to let the name calling get to me, but it did. I stopped eating for days on end, just to 'trim the fat'. I never wore make-up and I made my mind up to never wear it without it being absolutely necessary. As for the stupid remarks, I would usually go hide in the library and read to prove them wrong. I started self-harming by 7th grade, not real cutting--just pricking my fingers on occasion to feel SOMETHING other than depression. My family never knew, I never spoke up. By the time I was a Junior in HS, I had a figure most women would kill for and I still thought I was fat. I had football players asking me out--I turned them down because I was too ugly for them. I lost numerous chess matches because I was too absorbed in my books to care about actually playing the game past a few moves. I just didn't care how I was perceived. When I moved to a new HS my Senior year, I started to cut. I was lonely, depressed and had serious thoughts of committing suicide.

To this day, I still think I'm too fat--I haven't lost my baby fat yet--and I'm way too ugly, despite what my husband keeps saying. I hate myself, because no matter what I see in the mirror, all I see is a woman with too many flaws and not enough good to understand how any person in the world would call me pretty.

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Well, I wasn't bullied. It's true that I'm that type of person who is a great victim for bulling but I'm also the swordsman (in my country it's normal as for example rugbby in another countries.)

Well if someone tried to bully me I protected myself.

But I have a friend who was bullied for years. In that time I was his only friend. I wanted to help him but he didn't want...

And than one day he tried to kill himself...

I know I felt so bad...

I had the feeling that I failed. That it's my fault. And what's the worst when he returned ti school it all started again.

I was stressed too for him.

Luckily one of that guys who bulled him was kicked from the school and that my friend totally changed himself.

He was weak and quiet. Now he's strong man. I can say that now it's me who looks weaker. :)

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Well im not one of thw "populars" in my grade, so every once in awhile its me who gets picked on. I used to hang out with the pops, but then they started calling me milkshake...... gosh that got on my nerves.... then, they started shutting my out, so i finally had enough and left...... and now one of the "heads" is trying to win back my friend, so whenever they are talking i dont get to see my friend and it gets really annoying!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sixth grade to Junior year of high school was the hardest time for me because I always ended up with the same people in my class, and it was always this group of guys that'd bully me. All because I answered a question wrong in science class in the sixth grade. They never let me forget it and made fun of me because of it, making me afraid to even speak or act in school for fear of being wrong. This has instilled a need for perfection in me, when answering a question I need to be 200% sure of the answer or else I feel unsure of myself and won't answer. My confidence is fragile and if I make a mistake I won't let myself forget it.

During the end of my junior year into senior the guys became a little more mature and stopped bullying me, and we even had a sort of friendship even if it was uneasy. Now I'm in college and I have a lot more friends and I'm opening up more as my fear is slowly diminishing, but I still remain quiet for the most part during class. Other than that I wasn't really bullied for anything I liked, I do have autism but no one really knew, though I feel that fed my need for being perfect to try and forget my mistakes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been bullied my entire life, starting at kindergarten (age 5).

Started getting depressed around ages 14/15 had one consistent bully from that time all the way even past high school graduation. Felt that my true inner-happiness died around the age of 15 and I've never really gotten it back

My grades in school also started slipping, I went from honor roll to being average/D-grade student

Now I struggle with trying to remain positive, it is a struggle. But I try my hardest. I tend to have mental break downs here and there and just become overly emotional at times afterwards I'm like "why did I feel that way?"

Even if I'm falling apart I still act as a pillar for others, to keep them up and going through their struggles~

A person's fire can be dulled, and the sparks of your heart can die from bullying

.......actually I find myself to this day, still being bullied. The other month I caught myself thinking "why am I still being bullied... I'm too old for this... this is following me my entire life".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I'm still in school, and I used to be bullied for being obsessed with music, piano, etc. They would constantly make fun of me, and one day, a guy started a fight with me. That ended badly for him. I rugby tackled him, which broke his collarbone. I didn't hear the crack, and then I twisted his arm to the ground. That day, I was just sadistic. I got suspended for it, but my parents were very supportive. After that day, if I glare at someone, that's all it takes to get them to shut up. I also got the nickname 'Bloodnut'.

Don't take this as the best advice, but one act of backbone and bravery can go a long way, if you can live with one week's consequence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Attempted bullying occurred once in elementary school and once in middle school. I can't really say that my particular way of dealing with it (enough violence to stop their physical bullying) is right, but I totally feel the idea behind it was.

It's true' bullies really are cowards. They only pick fights they feel they can win. Show them that they're the losers and they usually don't want to deal with it.

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Well I can't really say I've been actually "bullied" but it's probably been attempted on me. Over the years I just learned to ignore insults and either casually brush it off or make a joke out of it. Of course, I'm not popular either. I often find myself alone in school. I have friends, but I don't have an exact group of them. So I kind of go from group to group. And when I can't find a group...I'm alone. I think it's because I can't really connect with the other kids. I mean, I don't play Minecraft, I'm not a fan of anime, and I'm not obsessed with the famous youtubers. I like cartoons...and that's about it. I don't really mind it though, I still have friends (technically you could say I have a lot...but I only have two or three close ones) and I have pretty good grades since I'm not obsessed with anything besides ponies and other cartoons. Not to mention all you fabulous people on the internet ;)

My brother on the other hand...I worry about him a lot. He's 17 (I'm 14) and autistic. I don't know exactly what happens with him at school, but he's probably more alone than me. I do know he has a couple of friends, but you know... At least he's better now than he was younger. When he was in 4th grade (I think it was 4th, not exactly sure) he came off the bus with blue marks on his neck, meaning someone tried to choke him. (But that's when both of us started taking martial arts, and we got our black belts a few years ago...even though I forget all the moves and stuff XD) Its way better now though. I just worry about him going into the real world...I mean, he's going to college in two years. And he's not the type of sibling that you hate all the time. I sometimes consider him a friend more than a brother :)

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I was a target of bullying for most of my schooling (about 6th grade on up through graduation from High School), but... for me, the effect it had on me was more positive than negative in the end, from a certain point of view. When it got really bad, from around 8th grade thru 11th, it compounded on the numerous issues I had (and still have) in my home life. I was always on edge, always snapping at people and even getting physical when I was pushed too far (my only two write-ups in my schooling were for throwing a chair at someone and flipping over a desk onto someone, and came from these three years). It really messed with my self-esteem and my view on the future.

As I went into my senior year, though, something just seemed... different. I'd been through a great deal during my 2012-2013 school year, and not just because of the bullying: my personal life and family life took a nosedive into the seventh circle of hell right at the same time the bullying got really bad: constant teasing, stolen items, rumors, and even physical violence on one or two occasions. All of it taken together really put me in a dark place in my life, and I can state with absolute confidence that if I hadn't had friends on the internet who stood by me and helped me work through it all, I would not be sitting here typing this today.

Despite their help, though, I entered my senior year with a... jaded outlook on life. I was just tired, through and through of everything. Nothing that my would-be bullies did could get a rise out of me, and ironically that led to them putting much less effort into trying to do so. By the same token, though, I grew distant from whatever friends at school I did have and pretty much just floated through the year in my own private bubble. My attendance was terrible, my grades moreso, but I somehow managed to get through my classes with at least passing marks and graduate in June. I've grown accustomed to ignoring the comments and opinions of others unless I'm certain they aren't trying to mess with me in some way. I've also become something of a self-admitted A-hole since I don't give a lot of people the time of day, but I've been trying to work on that now that I'm on my way to university and don't need to keep up such an airtight guard anymore. I've never had as much of one on the internet as in real life, so being around welcoming faces here has definitely helped.

If you're wondering where the positive is, that ability to control precisely what affects me and what doesn't is it. I've become extremely good at controlling my emotions, a huge step up from my middle school days where I'd explode like a volcano at the slightest provocation. Nowadays, you could punch me square in the face and I'd just walk away, circumstances permitting, simply because anyone who'd be such a jerk-off isn't worth my time in my eyes.

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