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So... how's life, everyone?


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About Myself: Well, I am a human who happens to live on Earth, in the general vicinity of a landmass... But seriously, though, I'm just a student in Singapore who likes MLP and... not much else, really.

How I found Canterlot.com: A good friend of mine recommended Canterlot to me for roleplaying. I'm looking at you, Shadowbolt0.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Once upon a time, a friend of mine wanted me to help him edit a MLP fanfic, so he sent me the link to Griffon the Brush-Off and asked me to watch. I distinctly recall that the words running through my head: 'How did he manage to get mixed up in something so girly?'

Of course, here I am three years later, a more devoted brony than he was (he left the fandom a while back, unfortunately.) Still, I'm proud to be here.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
I'm not quite sure what to write here. Possibly because this feels like a Misc. section that should have something in it but I'm not quite sure what because it didn't specify.

Okay, that's one thing, I guess. I'm a stickler for guidelines.

I'm also a terrible conversationalist. My best method of starting a conversation (in a suitably awkward way) is "So, how's life?" which I'm sure you're all already familiar with. It's just a small part of my terrible social skills. I suppose it says something that I have more close friends I've never met in person that those I have. And I can still count all of them on two hands. Here's to hoping I can break the record here in Canterlot!

That's about all I can think of for now. So... wonderful weather we're having, isn't it?

Oh look, my second awkward conversation starter. I'm making progress!

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Hello and welcome to Canterlot! :D My weather hasn't been very lovely. Thunderstorms everywhere. It's a good thing I love rain. X3 I'm about as awkward as you can get in real life so I can totally relate to what you said about social skills. XP

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