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The Princess of Friendship, at your service.

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"...Stop looking at the map! You wont ever find the 'kingdom' of friendship!"

...*sigh* anyway... yeah, this is one of those generic "Who wants to make an RP with my character?" threads. I'm not a fan of these but I keep getting told that it's expected for the higher-tier characters, so... yeah... here we go. Anyone interested? I'm up for nearly anything (Providing it doesn't break site ratings...) Anyone? Anypony? *listens to crickets chirping*

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I'm bad about diving into the plot with only a passing courtesy at the buildup (and often the plot starts multiplying like rabbits once it starts... I had a fanfic years ago (two actually) that started out as what woudl be like 20 pages... I was only about halfway through when they reached two HUNDRED pages (no joke, I actually had them in word and checked, 200 pages each and only about halfway finished because the plot began expanding)

I suppose I could design a plot with more of a stretch in the buildup... make clues smaller and more spread about before it leads them off on whatever adventure they go on... it's just not something I do often so it would be tricky, at best... though I'm willing to give it a try *tiny fluttershy smile*

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The key is to have an outline, a generic one if need be, and rely on telling the story of the characters involved. Imagine this as a one or two part episode if the show was far more action/adventure than it is and was rated TV Y7 instead of Y.

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