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you could look thought them all but here is the ones i am talking about

1) Each post made is at minimum 1 full paragraph long (6 sentences), but preferably at least 2-3 paragraphs long

2) You demonstrate collaborative Roleplay responses (giving opportunity to respond to other players)

3) You show proper consideration to other players (not controlling their characters in your responses without consent, and following the theme and plot of the RP)

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These are what I'd call general RP rules lol... Well maybe except for the paragraphe one. To each his own pace, is what I say (although effort is always appreciated.)

The second rule, well RPs wouldn't be RPs without that. It's made to be played with more than one person. Thing is, not only must one person give the opportunity, but everyone has. Sure, the host of the story can have his ideas and will make the story advance, but the others should try to use what the storyteller is giving them to advance. Sometimes it can be just the environment that is described if it's done. Each character has its own personality and story, after all. They react differently to what is described. It's always fun to try and use different words to describe what your character is doing/feeling. Because your character doesn't just do... He thinks, he feels, he reacts to everything that is around him.

But if you want to be able to do that, it's when paragraphes and the number of sentences is important! The more there is in one post, the more the other person will be able to do something out of it. If your and the other person's characters are peacefully walking and talking to each other,then your character is not just following the other one. He's listening (could even be ignoring!), he's reacting to the words and expressions of the other (even if just a little), he can be thinking at the same time too! The sight around them can distract him for a second or even just make him go towards something or bring something else in their topic! A peaceful walk can be described even if in a picture, all you'd see would be a pony walking in a pretty surrounding.

Third rule, not controlling the other persons' characters without their consent. Yes and it should always be followed. It's... logic lol.

Aaaand yes... grammar is also an important part of this, as RDD said. I don't think I need to explain this XD

Anyway! Although you want to follow those rules, it would be good to begin somewhere, no? And we don't need something epic and dramatic either (Pretty much is kind of my thing to make drama stories :D)

How about we try this out with a 'slice of life' type of roleplay? Y'know, characters being casual living the everyday life they have. Moments here and there of happiness or even some sadness... silliness too!

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I'm writting the intro post. I'm making this one a simple RP, really. Nothing huge, just something to chill with. Besides it's in FFA, so although we want to applicate the CC rules, we can still take it easy. Like Storm said, see it as practice! I'm here to help if anything, anyway!

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