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Hey! The name's NephoxVenom!


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About Myself: You want to know about little ole' me? Alright, let's see here...

I'm very easy to get along with and happen to be quite nice. A defining feature of mine is my honesty. I try my hardest to never tell a lie, as I believe that a person always deserves the truth. Of course, there's always that one situation that you either have to lie or say nothing. I prefer not saying anything in situations such as those. Hm, I'm rambling now.

I'll mainly be RPing action-packed things such as crossovers or other things like that. Mostly, it'll be Fallout: Equestria, but I'm open to other kinds of roleplays.

Hope to see you on the roleplay forums!

How I found Canterlot.com: I was searching for a place to roleplay. I see this and... well, you know the rest.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: A few friends of mine kept ranting on and on about how they loved My Little Pony. That was their decision and I respected that. As time went on, and my friends talked about the show, I decided to go watch this "My Little Pony"

Needless to say, I'm here... and I'm a brony. I'm not a hardcore enough of a brony to buy any merchandise, though. I don't invest my entire life into the fandom or anything, but I certainly spend a lot of time in it. I got into roleplaying in early 2012. Since then, I've been an avid roleplayer.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
Figured an introduction was in order. Gotta' start somewhere, and this seemed like the best place to do it.

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oops... got a little overboard there! ^_^;

Anyway, welcome! Its awesome you like crossover RP's! :D

As a token, please accept my welcome giftto you pal! :)

*gives nutella with bow on top*

I hope you'll have an awesome time here! :3

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oops... got a little overboard there! ^_^;

Anyway, welcome! Its awesome you like crossover RP's! :D

As a token, please accept my welcome giftto you pal! :)

*gives nutella with bow on top*

I hope you'll have an awesome time here! :3

Thanks, friend! :D

Wait... nutella? You... *Tears of joy*

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Its okay... just let it out... XD

*Breaks down, crying with joy like that one scene where Dobby in Harry Potter was asked to sit down by a wizard.*

*Digs into the Nutella*


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Welcome to Canterlot! Hope to see you in da roleplays!

Psst...Fanny...your Nutella will never beat my Nutella pizza :razz:


That pizza sounds awesome... *sniff* and meeting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will totally be awesome! DX

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Welcome to Canterlot! Hope to see you in da roleplays!

Psst...Fanny...your Nutella will never beat my Nutella pizza :razz:

Hope to see you there, too! And thanks for the welcome! :D

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