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Introduction of yet another fan


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I had some free time today due to being sick, so I decided to check out the first episode of MLP:FIM. Afterwards, I downloaded the whole season and watched it while stuffed up in my room. Before long, I had watched every episode.

I was blown away at the quality and enjoyability of a show that seems to reach out for a demographic I was not part of. I'm sure Lauren Faust had no intention of the young male adult developing an interest, but from what I've gathered she's nonetheless proud of her work.

Brethren, today I have officially become a Brony.

As for other non-pony qualities, I am a recent highschool graduate, still working to get my metaphorical cutie mark. I am yet to find what I hope to do in life, though I do have some hobbies.

I am a graphic designer of 3 years using Paint.NET, mostly making avatars, signatures, and banners for fellow forum users. I am also currently investing time into learning HTML and working on my first website. Also, I am an origami enthusiast of 11 years, folding in many topics, but favoring geometrical origami. And I once wrote a satirical review for a mediocre video game and was met with good reception, which, I did enjoy writing, but it took up a lot of my time and I'm not sure if I can devote another 6 hours to another measly 1000 words.

As for media, I don't watch much television or many movies, but I do enjoy the occasional sci-fi, such as Star Trek, Doctor Who, or whatever they show on SyFy these days. I have musical interests encompassing many genres in the indie domain, though saying I enjoy "indie" music would be like saying I saying I enjoy blue ponies because they are not red.

I'm glad to become a part of a community of fellow meus-brevis-equinologists(latin help pls).

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Heya! Your story sounds pretty similar to many of us, never intended to become fans but decided to watch an episode on the web or wherever because we heard about it or friends told us, and the next thing we knew, we watched the whole thing. :shock:

Welcome to the community, lots to do here wither you are into RP or just like to chat about the show or anything else with your fellow fans. Check out the Getting Started section for all the basic FAQs. Also fives posts are needed to post outside the welcome section (to prevent bots).

Again, welcome! :)

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Thank you, everypony. I first heard about MLP back a few months ago when some people on a chat were going on about it. Since then, I hadn't got around to watching it till now. I found out about your site yesterday while I was on a rampage to find out all that I could about MLP:FIM, through wikis and fan sites, and your forum came up at one point.

I don't play any instruments btw.

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Hi-dee-hi! Welcome to the herd. I've been looking into indie music myself, but I'm not sure what exactly to look into. Could I ask of you about your favorite bands?

Considering there are the same genres with the indie tag as there are genres without, I'll give you some of my favorite albums.

Zonoscope - Cut Copy, A feel of the 80's without the implying overplayed rock music. This electronica album displays great transition, and should be played start to finish to get the best effect. Suggested track:

The Suburbs - Arcade Fire, Rock at it's finest, reminiscent of their debut album with feeling and sound, but older. Displaying orchestral sound and effort, this album is a must. Suggested track: We Used To Wait

Tourist History - Two Door Cinema Club, A promising debut of pop, but not much in the likes of variety. These songs are better when thrown into a shuffle list, or hear one at a time in moderation. Suggested track:

Clinging To A Scheme - The Radio Dept., An amazing, mellow pop/shoegaze experience. Highlights of the album are easily understood on first play. Suggested track:

So Many Nights - The Cat Empire Wikipedia lists their genres as Rock, Ska, Jazz, Latin, Reggae, and Alternative Rock. Possibly their best album that displays elements of said areas from their transition from first album to latest. Suggested track: Til The Ocean Takes Us Home

My primary interests are vaguely noticable, but I have many other favorites.

So I was lurking on a pony forum, listening to my iPod, Murder from Jekyll and Hyde happened to be playing when I clicked on this thread. I laughed when your Scootaloo avatar happened to be singing along. heh

Good, good, the plan is coming together nicely.

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