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hero pony looking for love (rp)


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"I think I'll be going also. I need to find someone to carry me home. I cant fly and Flash cant either." Venus said heading for the door.

((would you all mind looking at some pictures that I just posted in the gallery? They're cute and I wanted to tell some friends about them))

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Flux nodded at Flashdash's request, putting her magic around him, but pausing as Venus said she needed to go too. Flux smiled slightly, picking up Venus again and bringing her over to the two of them.

"See ya after I'm done with this!" Flux said to Slash, giving him a wave before disappearing in a flash of light. After they appeared on the ground, Flux put a hoof to her chin and hummed.

"Ponyville is... That way!" She said to Flashdash as she released him. "Don't worry, I'll get Venus home." With that, she disappeared again, going pretty far towards the pegasi's house.

When she got there, She teleported up to the house itself and walked in before setting Venus down. "There we go. I'll be seeing you then!" Flux said before teleporting again, reappearing on the ground and merrily bouncing her way back to Slash's house.

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When Flux made it back to Slash's house, she didn't slow down in the slightest as she began bouncing her way up the tree by going from branch to branch, humming to herself all the way. She finished her little song just as she entered the house with a little spinning flourish, a large grin on her face.

"Oh Slashy! I'm baaaaack!" She proclaimed, the same wide smile on her face.

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Venis just sat on the floor where Flux had placed. Strange. It didnt seem the unicorn had used a cloud walking spell to bring her up here. She thought on this and assumed that she had quickly cast the spell when they were teleporting. When she got a friendly greeting from Flash she returned it and went into the kitchen to make dinner.

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Flux smiled at the kiss, closing her eyes and giving a happy hum before throwing her forelegs around his neck and hugging him. She kissed him on the lips for a moment before breaking it and smiling at him.

"Missed you too." She said to him.

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Flux's smile vanished at Slash's words, and she simply blinked a couple times before opening her mouth. She wasn't sure what to do, as she was getting equally good reasons for both telling the truth and lying.

"Yeah, I bumped into one. Quite literally, actually. Don't worry, I teleported before they could do anything." Flux said, looking into his eyes as she spoke.

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Slash frowned as his ears twitched, "are you sure you're not hurt? I can hear it in your voice" he said with a worried look oh his face. Then it hit him, what if the Flux infront of him is a changeling and the real one was captured?

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Venus eyes widened at the kiss. She broke it off and smiled at him. She was blushing deeply and realized that Kite was staring at them. "Later. Not in front of the kid." Venus said to Flashdash then took Kite into the living room and began to play with him

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Flux smiled as Slash accepted her words, dropping the subject of changelings. Her smile faded again as he asked to go to her place.

"I... well, I don't have a house. I traveled around too much for it to really make sense to have one." Flux explained, looking a little embarrassed.

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