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to what degree is broken English accepted on RP context?

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Formerly I was considering to try RP, eventually scratched the idea because at the time I was (and now too) struggling with English, realized that didn't want to ruin someone's experience sounding like a character from "Animal Soccer World". Now the RP bug is nibbling my hide again. And before I ask (permission one must say) be brutally honest.


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English is a sticky mistress, especially in the role playing world because we tend to use a lot of words to describe actions to get a better picture that we normally wouldn't use in real life. My general rule of thumb is that if there are a few grammar mistakes then it is fine because even native english speakers have a hard time with all of the rules. However single sentence replies or text speech is not okay. I usually am for at least four to five sentences per post.

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Yeah, your English skills don't seem that bad. It wouldn't be that difficult for me to read through what you would write if it was like your previous posts here. Like sleeps said though, it would be better to include as much as you felt you could without going overboard.

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Something that bothers me is how some people structure their sentences. I see some people use periods and commas in the wrong place in a sentence, or they don't use them at all. The use of quotation marks is also important since it would be difficult to know when their character is talking and when they have stopped talking. I have most of the basics down, i just need to improve on my vocabulary and use more descriptive words.

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