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Crystal Faire 2015 Feedback


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I suggest next event everyone just wears sombreros and eats chimicherrychangas

Make the chimichangas out of strawberries, and Icy would never leave this event, XD.

It's specifically that the focus was on the pain and suffering.

If I really wanted to highlight focus on pain and suffering, I would have wrote descriptions of electrical burns in all their graphic glory. I didn't do that... so that's that. In the interests of disclosure, I have never watched Taken so I can't comment on that scene you were describing. Needless to say, I intended for that Sombra scene to be relatively tame fantasy violence (heck, four caribou NPCs got cut down by a sword right before my first reply in the thread), and it probably would have been perceived that way if not for other dark acts throughout the event. As it was, I didn't even know my scene was objectionable or heard as such from anyone until the Event was all wrapped up. Maybe if people spoke out earlier through PMs or status updates, I would definitely have thought twice before that second instance of Sombra's. But nobody did so.


... <.< >.> <.< and then the rebels who want to call them cherrychimichangas start a revolution by surprise! (Joking! Joking!).

And you are right In that without the rest your description probably would have slid past much less observed or commented on.


... <.< >.> <.< and then the rebels who want to call them cherrychimichangas start a revolution by surprise! (Joking! Joking!).

And you are right In that without the rest your description probably would have slid past much less observed or commented on.

Then it leads to Equestria's biggest, fruitiest food fight ever!!! Lol.


What sort of changes are we looking at making? Are we looking at how to change CC so that it's not leaning towards this sort of thing? Are we looking at how to change events so that they won't run into this sort of problem? Are we looking at just how to change how we present things so that it doesn't surprise anypony or catch them unawares? Exactly how far are the staff willing to change these issues?

In my view, a lot of the reason we have CC in the first place is to allow this sort of stuff. I don't really see that the section itself needs to be changed. That it allows this sort of content, to me is a selling point which sets it apart from WoE.

We are definitely looking to change events so that there will be less problems. Most of the problems that really need to be sorted out pertain to communication, we feel, but the violence problem we are taking seriously too, and we plan to use more oversight. With more eyes on post content before it is posted, it's less likely to push past the limits of what is appropriate.

And yes, I'd definitely say as said before that, even if it might spoil the surprise, giving a content warning at the beginning of a thread is the least we can do, especially if we plan on pushing any boundaries or doing anything like this.

I'd say we view running these events as a learning process. We always have really. Some stuff is going to work better than others. What we can do is look at what happened, what worked, what didn't work and just try and make adjustments and make the next event better.

Ultimately though, even though we're taking the comments of the people who really loved this event just as seriously as those who are more critical, this will probably be the last action-oriented event we run for a while. That should be the most immediate change we inact.


We did that for Grand Galloping Gala 2013. The result was that the CC section of the event got virtually no attention while everything happened in the WoE section, and not for lack of trying--I personally tried to get a CC themed thread started during that event and it went virtually ignored. Granted, this was early in the existence of CC as a section, but sectioning it off I think still does have the effect of dividing the attention of both the staff and the players. I think we want to avoid making it look like a big part of the forum is an afterthought to our event planning.

It gets a little trickier with the casts, but it's better, I think, to be inclusive with events and not section things off or block CC players from participating; events are supposed to be special occasions after all. Having them cater to the widest portion of the forum we can is to me the best approach.


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