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Hi everypony!


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My name's Amy. I play guitar and sing. I love to draw and write and listen to music. The music genres I like are (basics), rock, hard rock, metal, alternative. 


I found Canterlot.com by googling "mlp roleplay forums," because I decided I want to get into roleplay.


I became a pegasister after I went to a hospital (I'm better now :) ) and meeting someone who was a brony. We still hang out and talk and he's the one who really introduced me into MLP.


My favorite out of the mane 6 is Rainbow Dash.


I think that's all! Oh, and if you would like to talk, my Kik Messenger is andybands 

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HELLO. Sorry to hear that you were in a hospital, but good to see you're alive and well. If you have any music available on a soundcloud I'd love to check it out. I'm known as the "professional water escapist" around here. Shoot me a message, I love chatting! :smirk:

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Nice to meet you! I always wished I could play the guitar. I have one, just have no time to practice. Maybe it's a bit too late for me. Besides, I've got other projects.


Rainbow Dash is awesome. Any particular reason you like her so much?

The advice I would give is to do what you want, you know, as long as it isn't illegal or anything.


I love RD because she's determined and loyal (obviously) and athletic and 20% cooler.

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Well welcome to Canterlot! If you have any of your music recorded, I would love to hear some of it! :D

I hope you enjoy your time in Canterlot to the absolute fullest! ^.^

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