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DJ-PON-3's Dating Event (Flying Brick/Flux)


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"Ok Joe, you ready to get this party rockin'?" Vinyl called over to her friend as the cream colored unicorn put the finishing touches on his section of the place. Donuts and coffee, his regular. However they were not being used in the regular setting. DJ-PON3 had done her part to turn Pony Joe's Cafe into a sweet scene. Low lighting, neon accents, and sick beats pervaded the place. Giving it a feel of the rave that was to come on the following evening. Even Joe had dressed to the event. He was wearing a black shirt and even had a set of old school ear phones around his neck. He certainly looked the part!


Vinyl had been looking for a way to earn a few extra bits and this was what she had come up with. A night of speed dating, followed by a rave with potentially a new date! She would let the participants get to know each other tonight and then who knew what would happening on the following evening at the Electric Mane! It was such a fun idea that even she would be getting involved in the dating scene!


"Let's get this party started!" 


The white unicorn opened the door to the line that had been forming outside. It looked like the participants were ready for some fun! Once everypony was inside Vinyl took her place in her makeshift DJ box.


"All right all right all right! Let's get this party rockin'! Take your seats, say hi and make nice everypony! You've got three minutes!"


With that, Vinyl turned the tunes down a touch, set the clock for three minutes, and went to find her seat for the first round!



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Well, this looked like it would be fun! Flux had been bouncing in place in the line forming outside the door, giving a happy squeak as they were all let inside. She was disguised as her usual purple unicorn form, bouncing around the room until she found her seat. She smiled and hummed to herself, looking around until the mare that seemed to be running the event said to get started with some introductions. Well duh, who would want to date somepony they'd never even met or heard of?


With that in mind, the disguised changeling turned her gaze to the mare sitting across from her, smiling widely as she gave a friendly wave. Just like how she herself was all differing shades of purple, or at least this disguise was, this mare seemed to be all differing shades of brick... Wait, was brick a color? Hmm... Oh well, that didn't matter!


"Hiya! I'm Flux! I like doing all sorts of stuff! What's your name?" She asked, still smiling widely at the earth pony across from her. 

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If you lived hoof to mouth, small luxuries meant the world to you, and if there was any other way that an itinerant street performer could live, then Flying Brick would be glad to hear it. Still, the bits thrown by the Canterlot pedestrians paid for another day of eating, and a night of dancing, so who was one mere bol'shoy to complain?


Not that she'd been to a rave before; but dancing was dancing, da?  But this, what was this?  Dating?  Or was this how one just found their dance partner for a rave?  The brick-colored mare shrugged as she trotted up to the table.  Whatever, it didn't have to take long.  She looked across to the bubbly unicorn across from her, cocking an eyebrow at her energy.  "Well, is good to be meeting you.  I am Flying Brick, and I... well, I am what you may call professional tansor, if you include acrobatics as part of dance in Equestria."

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Flux beamed at the mare as she introduced herself as Flying Brick. She gave a happy little gasp as Flying mentioned she was an acrobat or dancer of sorts. Really? That sounded fun! Nevermind that she tended to do something similar all the time, she wanted to see a professional do tricks and stuff. She was practically bouncing in her chair as she began speaking again.


"Really? A dancer? That sounds fun! I bet you can do all sorts of cool moves!" Flux said excitedly, smiling widely at the other mare. "I've done all sorts of odd jobs around Equestria, but I don't think I've had the opportunity to be an acrobat or a dancer. Right now, I mainly do lab assisting for a friend of mine. He's fun, and he smells like coffee!"

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Flying Brick let out a short but loud chuckle as Flux described her work.  Stalliongrad mares were not inclined to do things quietly, particularly when they hailed from Kuznitza.  "Eh, your work probably pays better.  But then, you are not working alone!  Should have run to join circus while they were town, but too late for me now."  She shrugged.  "And so we dance, not knowing what tomorrow brings."


Professional only meant that you did it for money rather than fun, which made events like this all the more precious.  For the dancing, at any rate.  As for the date... well, the mare had to confess that while she had no objection, there wasn't much interest being sparked.  Not where her preferences were, to be honest.  Still, the unicorn looked to be a fun sort to share the dance floor with for a night, and that's all she asked for right now!

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Flux giggled a bit more as Flying continued, saying she wished she had joined the circus when she had the chance. Now that sounded like a fun job! She paused after the last sentence, tilting her head a bit before giggling again. 


She liked this mare. Then again, the disguised changeling liked most everyone she meets. Flying Brick would make a great friend, but she was unsure about being her date. Flux was going to chalk her up under the maybe column.

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As Flying Brick considered what to say next, the bell rung.  "Ah, that is, as you say, time up?  Well, it is always good to see somepony wishing to have a little fun on the night.  I will see you on the floor, Flux!"  It hadn't been an unpleasant conversation, all things considered; just the sort of thing that would happen anyway in a place like this, speed-dating or no.  You meet, smile, exchange names and some banter, before melting back into the crowd, no regrets.  Not this time, anyway.

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