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DJ PON-3's Event R2 (Flux / Kalime)


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Vinyl trotted back up into the DJ booth with a mischievous grin on her muzzle. The first round of speed dating was about to come to and end...and the second about to begin! It seemed that everyone had enjoyed their first round, she knew she had! But, there were more ponies to meet and who knew who she would end up dancing with at the rave later. Though she had originally thrown this event as a way of earning extra bits, throwing herself into the mix had ended up being fun so far. She stepped up, placing her muzzle in from of the mic.


"Alright fillies and gentlecolts! Time to back away before things get too hot and heavy!" She winked at a coffee brown mare and a griffon that seemed to have had fun on the first round. "Everyone on one side of the tables move two spaces right, all you on the other side two spaces left! You've got five minutes, make em' count!" Her unicorn magic caused the clock nearby to reset to five minutes. "Ready go!"


The DJ adjusted the music so that the speed daters wouldn't have to deal with awkward silences but also wouldn't have to yell to be heard. Time for some more fun!


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Flux hummed to herself as she moved her way over to her new seat. That had been fun. She had been right about this event. At the very least, it would leave her with new friends and a good time at the dance party thing at the end. The disguised changeling took her seat and waited for her new partner to talk to. From the looks of things, that would be the female diamond dog. 


She smiled widely at that, thinking that this would be an interesting time. She hoped that she would find someone interesting enough to be more than a friend, but she would be perfectly happy if she walked away with nothing more than a slew of new friends.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Kalime's Dad had been on her case about a Mate, so to sooth him she had gone to this dating thing! This did not help as this was not what he had meant in the slightest (having meant another diamond dog but ehh) Kalime happily walked over to the table and practically beamed at the sight of the pony sitting there "Hello Pony!" She called out before sitting down, taking one of the slender hooves and shook it, a large smile on her face "My name is Kalime! Is so nice to meet you for the dating thingy! What you do? Kalime is miner near Ponyville town place! Kalime love ponies, love everything about ponies...Ooh OH here!" She fidgeted in her pocket, taking out a large chunk of smooth shiny amethyst.

"Here for Pony! New friend gets a pretty rock!" And she put it on the table.


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Flux waved happily at the dog as she greeted her before sitting down, shaking her hoof with a paw. Well, this one was friendly! That was great! Flux waited patiently for her turn to speak as she smiled widely at Kalime. She gave a little ooh-ing noise as Kalime took out the amethyst and gave it to her. She picked up the rock in her magic, looking at it with a wide smile.


"Thanks, Kally! I love it! My name's Flux!" The disguised changeling said happily as she looked back at the dog. "I do a lot of stuff! I take odd jobs when I can find them while traveling around! I wish I had something to give to you, but I guess I can do that later." She then paused for a bit, trying to think of what to say next as she idly tapped her chin with her hoof.


"Ah! I know! What kind of stuff do you do for fun, Kally?" She asked suddenly, looking back at the dog expectantly.

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Flux very pretty pony!" She offered, tail wagging as her friend seemed ot like her pretty rock! Tilting her head to the side like a curious puppy she listened to her talk of traveling and odd jobs, but she grinned and waved a hand "No need to give Kalime anything! Friendship good enough!" Before the other asked what she was into  and she clapped her paws together at that.

"Kalime likes to mine! She likes to dig and travel and explore and see pretty ponies! And Kalime REALLY love making friends with ponies and learning about pony things! Like why Ponies eat grass, or why their houses not under ground!"

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Flux smiled broadly as Kalime called her pretty, giggling softly from the compliment. She listened intently as the dog spoke about what she liked to do, which seemed to consist of mining and basically what she liked to do. Cool! They have common interests! She giggled again at the questions about pony things.


"Ponies eat grass because meat isn't very tasty for us... Plants taste better. And we don't live underground because we don't want to! We like to be in the sun more!" She chirped happily, giggling some more. "And by the way, you look great too, Kally!" She added, smiling widely at the diamond dog.


Kalime was really fun to be around! She was definitely going under the 'would definitely date' column! Flux looked to the gift again, smiling at it before stowing the gem away and looking back to Kalime.


"It was great meeting you, Kally! I hope we get to see each other later!" Flux said cheerfully to the dog, still smiling widely.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Kalime's tail wagged, knowing her time was up but was pretty glad that she  got to meet the pony! "Was great meeting you Fluxxy! Kalime can't wait to see again!" She reached over the table, and gave the Pony a tight hug, nuzzling her head against hers, before waving,and moving to head over to another table, practically gitterly with excitement! Maybe she'll really make friends with a pony today! She was so excited she could explode!

So excited she could explode TWICE!

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