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Greetings and Salutations


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I heard about this place not too long ago from a friend so I decided to join.

Might as well say some things about myself.


While my usual go-to name is David, I've been having friends call me Dash for a while, so either is fine. (Since I usually don't like telling people my real name.)

I love playing video games, but only usually watch TV when new episodes of my favorite shows air.

If it isn't obvious already, I love ponies.  :)

I play TF2 nearly every day. I swear I don't have a problem.  :razz:

And last but not least, since my birthday's coming up pretty soon, I'll be putting LP's off of hiatus, and get back to actually having a channel.


I think that's about it.

I hope to make a lot of new friends here   :smirk:


Oh, and my favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.  :20:

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Happy early birthday, David Dashie Quartez! I hope you have a wonderful one filled with ate and friendship! :D

I'm glad you popped into this here pony-forum place! I find it quite a lot of fun, and I do hope you can say the same~ :)

Anyways, please do enjoy your stay here in Canterlot to the absolute fullest! ^.^

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I'm holding back all urges to say something.


It would be... not good to do so. For obvious reasons.


So excuse me while I temporary become a robot...


Hello and Welcome to this forum. I do hope you'll be able to enjoy your time on here.







P.S.: If you wish you have a legitimate conversation with me about... things... I suggest using the Private Messaging system.

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