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Aj just held that twisted slasher-smile "ah thank iff'n y'all fergot, it's best yall stay fergot... hell if ah wasn't lak this I woudl be unhappy about it too"


"I dont like the sound of that" said Spike




Dash stared after her, sighing and forcing ehr pain down, as she had always done, and following "I'm sorry, 'shy, but I cant do that" she said, walking upto the other pegasus and pulling her in tight "it doesnt matter, I suppose... who cares about the dumb jock, all it means is I'm an even better shield now because I'm metal isntead of meat" she forced a sad smile, rubbing flutters's back and gently stroking the yellow mare's wings "I promised I'd always be here for you, and even if I am... not happy... with how celestia did it, I will admit, at least I know I'll be able to keep that promise forever now" she kissed the top of fluttershy's head, smiling a little

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Twilight was most focused on the creepiness of what AJ just said about what happened to Tia. No, it was not possible, what did they did to her. "I-It can't be true." She said to herself. How could she had done such a vile thing to her mentor, how. No, all this must be a bad dream.

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Fluttershy continue to walk "who cares for the dumb jock you say i do i can because ..." she said then she started blushing then she went very quiet " i love you ((think about like how twilight first met twilight in ep 1 season 1 the second time she said her name where i was kinda hard to heard that how quiet she when)) "no i don't want you to be my shield, you have always protect me in this life and last and now since i am not weak anymore i want to protect you" said Fluttershy stomping a hoof against the ground, even so your no fun and not the friend i know if your not happy and that makes me sad to see you unhappy" said Fluttershy sadly

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Applejack shook her head "yer actin' lak she didn't deserve it! Look at us!" she sighed "It was raght after that big transfer, when we got the new bodies... we were smart enough and fast enough in them, we got our revenge... we got luna too, just to be sure" she smiled a sadistic smile


Spike gulped


((and jsut to be clear --- yes, all 7 of them were 2.0s, so they do deserve some slack for what they did))




Dash looked shocked and just helf fluttershy close "...all this time..." she said "...I always throught you were special, ever since I first met you back in flight camp... back when I was still real... but I always cared so much... maybe I was wrong, maybe you were never a sister, maybe you were something more..." she leaned forward,t hen stopped "...but... I dont know..." she said "...I've kept myself busy, I've not had time to think... I know your important to me fluttershy, I know I wouldn't have to think once much less twice about laying down my life to save you... but I dont know... us... I just dont know..." she sighed "I'm jsut a dumb jock so I'm not good with words... I'm sure twilight coudl explain this perfectly... stupid egghead..." she sighed "but.... thank you... for telling me... and I'll let you know when I figure it out..." she smiled, gently nuzzling fluttershy's head


((keep in mind also that 'romance' is technically not allowed in FFA... I would actually like to go a *tiny* bit further, but.... yeah...))

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"What, Luna to?!" Twilight said surprised by that, completely tarnished by their actions. No, she felt that that was too much, why also her? She didn't deserved it... did she? Twilight shook her head, getting rid of those ideas. "This can't be happening." She said as she gave a step back, looking down.

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((i am pretty sure we could do FFA Romance in this heck i am in one right now it slow down because of the the players hasn't been on for a while but it is still aloud as long as we don't go to far if you know what i mean)) As Rainbow talked Fluttershy continue to blush and when Rainbow stop so did she. after Rainbow finished talking Fluttershy turned to rainbow and place her forehead against Rainbow's ((i am sure you know what i mean by this)) "you may be a dumb jock to you but your my dumb jock" said Fluttershy playfully after she said that she stay like that for a moment but want this moment to last forever but she removed her forehead from Rainbow's "i would also not have to think about laying down my life for you as long as it means your safe, you mean and now are the world to me the only thing really always on my mind" said Fluttershy blushing now she is admitting her feeling to Rainbow and not getting them turn down

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@ storm: it comes from a series of threads, starting with this one in the OOC forum, ending with this one which states

A romantic thread may still be possible but should be limited to themes that would be appropriate for the show. G rated dates, a kiss on the cheek, hoof holding; anything far beyond that may be considered inappropriate. If you have ANY questions or concerns about the nature of your thread and if it is acceptable please ask a moderator. 

This is the only warning that will be provided, first offenses will result in a permanent and non-negotiable ban. 


Apparently ponies killing each other is OK but ponies loving each other is not... -_-


Trust me, I'd love to see some true love/romance going on (note I did not say smut, I honestly dislike spooge RPs and if it happens I tend to skip over it with a "-fades to black-" post once it's clear whats about to happen)


So... yeah... sorry... but not worth a ban for alla us... >.<



"Oh it happened, and trust me, it was good" she smirked viciously, though given the fact she had already admitted she woudl feel bad if she were normal, it was clear that her reactions were meerly due to her 2.0 body's deteriorated mental capacity...




Rainbow smiled "Just dont go _trying_ to sacrifice yourself, I can hold my own pretty well, especially from what AJ said now I ahve some really powerfull moves to throw out... if I can just remember them..." she snorted "...we probably should go back to the others, they might be worried. I know I woudl be if you dissapeared off like this"

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(Pony Logic! Kill everything and don't love anyone more than a few hugs and stuff! :D Seriously, what the hell. :l)


Twilight sat just where she was, astonished by all this. She shook her head, she could never be able to do this, but apparently she was no longer that Twilight, just a robot that acted like her... no, no, no, no! She covered her face with her hooves.

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((also i guess that means me, Prince, and Bluelight should be ban not that i want us to Prince your not one to talk did they kill the love between Lighting and Pastel or Ezio and frozen, our ponies in that RP did more then a kiss on the cheek of course i am talking about our RP Colorful love a Romantic RP a RP for Romance so Prince knows what i am talking about that RP is at about page 45 and still going strong so yea, we said they kissed and Prince snuggle with blue pony a couple times but as long as we go to far i don't see us getting ban or that RP getting locked. i also seen serval romantic type of RPs popping up now and then i am pretty sure we could do some romantic stuff as long as we don't go to far))

"of couse i won't go and get myself kill but if i had to protect you with my body i would, not like i am looking to do that would be dumb, your properly remember them in time also, why don't we just finish heading to the kitchen we are already heading there and we was planning to go there anyway" questioned Fluttershy

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((ironically I know a staffer (who I will not name) has gone MUCH MUCH MUCH further than just 'a few hugs' in RPs... but then said staffer *IS* a staffer, so...))

((and more than likely the only reason you got away with it is because the staff doesnt have time to read every single post of every single thread, so a few slip through the cracks...))


AJ cocked her head "...what's wrong?" she asked, sounding genuinly concerned, though also clearly oblivious to the fact she had caused this, she even placed her bare robotic hand on Twi's sholdier, no doubt an odd sensation between the cold steel and the warm lay flowing through it


Little did either of them know a rather pwoerful lay blaster was being aimed right at them at that moment...




Dash smiled "we better go back to the others, dont want them to have all the fun if another monster shows up, right?" she joked

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"Its... nothing..." Twilight replied to AJ, all this was so hard to process for her. She still had memories of her life in Ponyville and now this. She stood up and hugged Applejack. "I just want all this to end and we all go back home." She said, her voice clearly sad.

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((yea most likely ours could also slip through but we can start off slow, it would be impossible for them to keep up with all the RPs in all the areas that others make all the time)) "yea ok i should also probably get a better weapon then a broken pipe at some point" said Fluttershy as she turned around and walked back, mumbling to herself a little

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Dash smirked "I'll see if I can find you a lay pistol somewhere, and I'll even try to find some ammo for it!" she laughed as they headed back


AJ shook her head "now doncha start with that, ah c'n still smell a lie a mile away, whatever's wrong it sure ain't 'nothing'" she said, smiling, through it wa a very disconcerting smile given her state of dissrepair


"Hey, what's going on?" asked Dash "We were jus-"


It was at that moment the blast went off, hitting both dash and AJ, causing Dash's sholdier to spark as half the blast sank into it, and only a small ammount of the blast hit AJ, knocking her back... which was lucky since if she'd gotten hit ead-on it woudl have killed her


"Ah missed!" came the familair voice of boomer


From the dark came a glow and a huge purple fireballf blew into the room, along with another energy blast and a few suirken...


"Dagnabit!" exclaimed AJ


Dash was staggering back against hte wall, the hole in ehr sholdier bleeding profusely that black 'blood' as well as the red lay, but her sholdier was glowing red and mending at a fast rate... 


Spike peered into the darkness and fired off a fireball, causing a scream from boomer as her hat ignighted, causing her to throw it off ehr head, revealing...


"Applebloom?!" exclaimed spike in shock


AB frowned, now and adult mare but still easily recognizable... in her mind she was thinking 'ok now this is awkward...'

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"Sorry, is just that all this is too hard for me." Twilight said to AJ as she hugged her. "I want to go home." She cried, but then heard a shot.and she inmediately let AJ go. Next things she knows is that Rainbow was injured and AJ was pushed back. She heard a familiar voice then, and Spike throwing fire at the one that shot them.

She noticed the attacker, it was boomer, no wait, it was... Applebloom?! She... she was way older now and... she tried to shoot them. What was going on?! "Applebloom, what the hell are you doing here?!" She asked her as she stood up.

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"no a pistol won't work i prefer that pipe i use before so probably something like a sword" said fluttershy before they enter the room then all of a sudden a blast flew by her and his rainbow and aj it bearly hurt aj but did serious damage to rainbow and before she knew what was happening she grab another broken pipe like before and when to attack the attack but spike shot a fireball and lit her hat on fire when throw her hat down and was still lit up to see her she stopped her attack before it was to late before she hit her. and Fluttershy was surprise and shocked to see her, she looked around to try to fimd the words she wanted to use after Twilight finished "Why would you hurt Rainbow? questioned Fluttershy

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"Ah was aiming fer th' 2.0!" defended AB


The otehr two walk into view, 'Scratch' pulls back her mask and hood to reveal the familair orange furred Scootaloo, while Belle removes ehr had to reveal Sweeteibelle


"We've been here a long time" said Scootaloo "and we've been awake longer than any of you except the 2.0"


SB nods "we're actually using 4.2 models"


"_you_ are, I'm using a 4.1 because I dont like how the 4.2 rebalanced adrenalyn dumps to compensate for improved neural-net performance" defended Scootaloo


Dash thogh growled "How coudl you... she's your sister!"


AB frowned "That thar ain't mah sister, that thar's a 2.0"


AJ sighed hard, looking at the floor sadly, in a moment where her insanity had baded back, it was clear this was really upsetting for her to hear from her sister...

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"Applebloom!" Twilight said a bit angry at her, then walked to AJ's side. "You alright?" She asked her softly with a small smile to her as she helped her up, then went to help Rainbow. She saw her injury and her horn glowed, seeing if she could close it with magic, or atleast stop bleeding amd lossing lay, if not she would have to give her some lay so she could heal.

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After dash started talking fluttershy got over her shock and went to check to see if she was alright but didn't know what to do to help her a moment where dash needs help but fluttershy doesn't know how to help then twilight walked over she helped dash up and try to fix her with magic "do you need some LAY maybe dash i could give you some momentarily forgetting about the adult CMC after a moment flutter remember them and turned around while twilight helped dash "so what if she is 2.0 we are 3.0s and your a 4.1 and 4.2 we are all the same as robots or cyborgs, and what if your hunting her if she is a bit crazy does that mean your hunt me because i am a bit crazy to" as Fluttershy said that she quickly looked towards a table that yet like before of your's and CMC point of view nothing there but from Fluttershy's somepony was and to her that pony was being very load so she yelled Shut up to it

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AJ sighed "She'll be fine, she's got plenty of lay, healin' is mos'ly done with y'alls nanites so it uses minimal lay" she explained, though she clearly was still depressed by the declaration from AB just minutes ago


"She tried to kill us more than once!" defended scootaloo


"That's 'cuz y'all are trying ta kill me!" said AJ


"Y'all were tryin' ta' eat us!" said AB


"Cuz ah caint get no lay _and_ y'all was tryin' ta kill me!" said AJ


"Ok, clearly nopony's innocent here" said Spike "and maybe I'm the crazy one, but I think we'd all do better working //together// to survive instead of fighting each other"


"Ah ain't workin' with no 2.0!" said AB "'specially one that ain't mah big sis!"


AJ winced at that, another harsh verbal blow


Dash finally took her 'blood'-and-lay-soaked hand off ehr now healed sholdier and looked at the others "your all crazy incompetants!" she said "And from the looks of it none of you should be carrying guns, or firing horn-beams or throwing shuriken either!" she said "am I really the only one who knows proper safty here?!"


The CoJ all looked at the ground, knowing they'd been more than a little int he wrong and had gotten overzelous hunting AJ and coudl ahve killed the others...

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"Raimbow Dash is right." Twilight said as she steped back and turned to the three... CMC? Were they still that now that they were older?

"You need to.be more careful. You almost hit me also!" She said a but dissapointed amd angry. "Good thing is I moved away just in time."

She then stared to Applebloom. "And don't say that of your sister." She said as she walked to AJ'd side to make her feel better after what AB said to her.

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Fluttershy was glad that Rainbow was fine "i would also like us to work together to survival rather then fight but if you want to continue to try to kill Applejack, your have to fight all four of us and we have already killed something no sure what" said Fluttershy normal at the beginning then prepared herself by getting her weapon ready and pointing it towards them "so would you rather work with all of us or fight with all of us" said Fluttershy

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"y'all shouldn't have been in the way" said AB "...she should be tryin ta eat y'all too..."


AJ looked AB in the eye "I did, I was desperate, but they gave me a chance, they gave me lay, I dont want ta hurt any of y'all"


"LIES!" said AB as she stood, drawing her pistol and in one deft movement had it against AJ's withered head "YOUR LIEING!  YER JUST TRYING TO GET US TO TURN OUR BACKS!"


AJ looked at AB dead in the eyes "Fine. Iffn ah'm lieing then shoot me" she said "ah'd rather die than see you this torn up and distrought... y'all may not b'leve meh, but yer still mah sister, and ah still love you, Applebloom"


Spike and Dash both held their breath, waiting to see if AJ managed to get through to AB or if she was going to do the unthinkable and murder her sister in cold blood...

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"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Twilight said as ahe stomped her hoof and got between AJ and AB. She turned to Applebloom first. "She IS your sister. She did what she had to do to survive!" Then to AJ. "I undetstand why you did that, but that was not the best way to do it. Now, both if you, I want you to apologize, now!" She said, stompimg her hoof and closing her eyes.

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Fluttershy lower her weapon some to watch but still had it ready just in case "about you sweetie would you be able to kill your sister if she was a 2.0 like applejack what would you do if you was in her situation, same goes for you Scootaloo but with Rainbow since you are basicly sister's" said Fluttershy

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AB looked at Twiight "ah know what them 2.0s did to celestia... and luna..." she shivered "Ah'm sorry iff'n after that I find it hard ta trust a 2.0"


"She deserved every second of pain!" said AJ, a wicked grin


AB gripped ehr gun a little tigheter, though to be fair AJ was more than a little psychotic and that was quite a scary exclamation...


"Celestia?" asked Dash


"If you dont know, you dont _want_ to know" said Scootaloo "it... she shivered "I have nightmares about it..."


"oh come on, y'all dont remember ev'ry thin' ah did fer ya? ah raised you after..." she turned her head and growled... sadness and anger at the loss of their parents was not helping her psychotic state...


"I want my sister back, I want her mind at peace!" said AB, tears flowing down her face as her hand shook holding the gun, clearly fighting an internal battle, just inches away from either throwing the gun down, or putting a hole in AJ's head... "'taint murder... its mercy..." she said, her grip solidifying....


The other Crusaders backed away, clearly their bets were on AB plugging AJ now...


"You want to kill her?" asked Dash walking directly between them "You'll have to go through me" she said "Go ahead, if it's that important, kill us both"


AB's eyes were wide, while she had little reservation about killing AJ, she obviously didn't want to kill Dash...


Spike smiled "incarnation of loyalty right there" he said

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