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Twilight shook her head, but she had to admit something. "Fluttershy's medical skills made her the perfect candidate for this, at least with the better chances to survive." Twilight said as she stood up. "I don't like the idea at all, but..." She sighed. "She is our best option now." She said as she walked to Rainbow's side. "I'm sorry Rainbow. I wish there was another way, but I'm sure that she will come back with us." She said sadly, wishing there was another way yo solve this that they knew.

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Rainbow held her tight "you have to, you cant die without knowing" she smiled, no doubt mystifying the others, but fluttershy would know Dash meant 'knowing wheather I love you or not'


AJ sighed "It's not gonna be a good experiance fer any of us... y'all sure you want to do this? ah mean maybe we'll eventually bump into an advanced alien world an they'll save us!" AJ gave a pitiful grin


"that's a very bad version of a craaaaazy twilight idea" commented Spike


Dash sighed, but slowly let go of fluttershy, symbolically agreeing to let her go activate the backup core...

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Twilight sighed and looked at the terminal. "Only option is that if any of you know what kind of battery or what fits in the terminal that can pen it. The batteries didn't worked." She explained as she looked to it. "That's our only other option." She said as she started to think what would work, recalling all their journey to this point, There must be something...

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"yes i am sure have faith in me i am not unless" said fluttershy on the verge of tears "there is no other option spike if there was Twilight would have thought of it by now" looking towards twilight she was racking her brain for another option. "And Rainbow i feel i already know the answer but we can tell the others when i get back"said fluttershy also trying to mysterious

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AJ sighed "Alright, ah'll lead y'all to the command center, but ah dont lak this..." She stood and lead them down the halls, though things were looking more grim as they got closer, they woudl see things peering at them from the holes int he walls, automated defences trying, though failing, to come online and attack them... and they would hear more creatures comming towards them... but they were far enough ahead to reach teh door


"Y'all will have to open this yerself, ah caint since ah'm a 2.0" she explained, motioning to the massive reinforced door, which looked like it coudl survive an entire war without falling, however the flowing hoofmark ont he side to open it seemed fully functional. Clearly it had a direct line to the core so it could never run out of pwoer while the ship was still active...


Dash and spike both looked apprehensivly at Twilight, clearly AJ's warnings were starting to get to them...

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Twilight also felt not 100% sure about this, but at least they would be able to fight thing together than send somepony to a most likely death, Twilight nodded and placed her hoof on the terminal to open it, hoping for the best and that the defenses didn't fired against them at all.

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"Once we're inside, y'all have to go into the maintainence corridor then into the room marked 'Backup Core' an throw the switch" explained the southern mare.


The door seemed to hesitate but slowly opened, revealing a dimply lit room with multiple screen and glass walls that overloked something shrouded in dakrness, though from the position of the maintenence door, it clearly overlooked the power cores. Most screens were turned off and the largest one read "CRITICAL POWER LEVELS, ALL NON-VITAL SYSTEMS OFFLINE"


"I dont like this" said Spike


Dash nodded "you and me both"

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Twilight nodded and looked around the room. They had to find the maintainance room, there they would wait for her to finish. "Alright then." She said as she staryed looking for the room and for any dangers that might be in there.

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"non-vital means it isn't vital" said Spike, unhepfully


"it means systems that arent too 'portant, lak hot water or that awful music in them elevators" she said with a shudder


the maintenece corridor was very clearly labled and when fluttershy walked down it, she woudl soon find herself with a choice of two doors. one of them said "PRIMARY POWER CORE" and the other said "BACKUP POWER CORE" assuming she went into the door labled 'backup' she would see a large control pannel connected to some kind of large tank, but it was far too dark to see what was inside, there was a flashing red button marked "START"


If fluttershy pressed it, there would be a momentary humm, and then all present woudl be treated to hearing a scream of intenst pain and agony filling their heads, the image of luna's face conteorted by the torture she was enduring, filled their minds.... but it was gone quickly...


The lights began pwoering up, as they did the floor was visible, through the glass twilight and co would see a large are aiwht two tubes, inside one, suspended in some kind of liquid was Celestia... qires running into her head, no doubt keeping her in a coma, while a large device was attached to ehr horn, draining it of mana as fast as it was produced, while numerous tubes had been inserted into the alicorn's body, all of which were stained pink...


in the  second tube was luna in a similar state, though the tubes were empty, however glowing red liquid - what they had been calling lay- started flowing out of luna, and as it entered the system, a display near twilight would display "LAY LEVEL INCREASING AND STABALIZING"


AJ seemed completely unmoved, while Dash and Spike stared in absolute horror at the scene before them... unable to even comprehend at the moment what they had done...


meanwhile, Fluttershy would feel an overwhelming force of magic trying to force her to sleep, no doubt Luna, having a surge of power when she was first woken up to power the ship, and no doubt she would be more than flad to take her revenge on them in the dream realm if flutershy fell asleep...

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Twilight looked at Fluttershy and nodded. "That pretty much explain it." Twilight said to her after Applejack explained it to her. She looked down the corridor, hoping she was fine, then went back with her friends.

Once back, and after a moment, the lights came back. She then looked to a glass where light went up and noticed two tubes. She then felt horrorizied by what she saw. Her mentor... and her sister...

"NO. NO. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO... NO!" she screamed as she hit the glass with her hooves, like trying to break it and free them, she then .oticed that the lay levela were going up and lay came out of Luna. This wasnt happening. "No, no, no, no... no... no..." tears came from her eyes as she stoped hitting it. She then just looked down and staryed crying. Why, why did this had to happen.

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Fluttershy found the corror and when down it and came across two doors a primary and a backup power core but though different doors, she thought for a moment which was right then remember it was the backup one so she went into it, there was a tank of something but she didn't pay much mind to it she was looking for a power switch and she found it a big red button about the size of a hoof without any second thoughts she press it, then a bunch of scarying came from somewhere then a picture of luna being torture appear in her head she scream at this thought but it was gone as fast as it appear. Fluttershy hurry back to the others but went she got there she saw  Celestia and luna hook up to somekind of machine, there was somekind of display by Twilight that said LAY LEVEL INCREASING AND STABALIZING" after a moment fluttershy felt something she didn't know what but it was trying to pull her into dreamland, she try to fight it stumbling around trying to stay awake eyes half closed.

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((since you seem to be a little confused))


"I'm not seeing this... tell me I'm nto seeing this!" exclaimed Dash "Lay is... is..."


"Alicorn Blood" finished Spike in horror


"Yep, yep, ah thak we did preeeeety good punishin' them" said AJ with a smirk "An' since they caint die, they gotta liver f'ever with ev'ry drop o' blood being drained from their bodies an alla their magic being sucked out..." he snorted "too good for them ah say... we shoulda done worse..."


((and since you cheated, storm, fluttershy is fine. Luna hit flutters the instant flutters hit the button, because the command center is shielded (as I stated before) so luna was trying to knock fluttershy out before she escaped... since you 'accidentally' only addressed it after FS had left, you circumvented luna...))

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"NO! This is too much!" Twilight exclaimed. "I... I don't know (or remember) what they did, but..." more tears came from Twi's eyes. "... no pony deserves this." She said as she turned to see the alicorns again. They were using alicorn blood a- wait... alicorn blood?

Twilight started thinking. She eas technicaly an alicorn, so there was no need for her to transform into a machine since, well, alicorns don't age, or at least it looked like it. She then stood up and turned to Applejack. "AJ, lay is alicorn blood isn't it." She said, then remembered that Spike said that. "In that case, doesn't it means that I would create my own lay since I'm also one." She said as she flapped her wings a bit. That was odd for her now that she thought about it.

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Fluttershy couldn't believe what she was seeing either, she doesn't remember anything like doing anything that could cause this she remember quite alot but nothing like this. she just stood looking for some words but couldn't find any all she did was mumble to herself

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"They turned us into machines! They 'killed' us all at least once for this! Ain't that enough?" she asked with clearly twisted logic "and yeah, if you was still a live alicorn" said AJ as she walked over and gave a jerk and a slight twist to one of Twilight's hooves, causing the hoof to iris open and slide back behind the ankle, now wrist, to reveal a balled-up fist, which opened and flexed jsut like a normal hand. "they did it to ya too, twi" said AJ


Dash just looked over and fluttershy and hugged her tight, not in the right mind to speak, but needing somepony else to hold and knowing that no doubt fluttershy also needed the same...


((and fyi: yes, Twi (and all of them) can also reverse the joints in their hips and stand upright, suing their hands in an "Anthro" form, and all the hallways and doors are large enough to accomidate it, the ship was designed so that either form can be used, and if you missed it, that's how dash fires her gun, by slipping into 'anthro' mode and using her hands to work the gun while standing on her back legs, then going back to normal pony mode afterwards))

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(Oh, alright.)

Twilight looked at what came out of her hoof. It was a hand. Wait, a what?! She didn't knew exactly what was a hand, but she knew this was a hand. "Why..." she just stood there, looking at her hand. She then kind of understood how did it worked and turned it back to a hoof. Then back to a hand and back to a hoof yet again. She understood how to do it. It looked usefull, but all this was still strange.

Now that she was no longer an alicorn, just a machine that looked like one, she was starting to understand how hard it will be to survive if they didn't took care of it. She calmed down and looked to AJ. "I undertstand how you feel now, but still... I..." she looked down. "Lets get out of here. I don't want to see this place for now." She said as she started walking towards the exit.

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((yea i kinda got that, think you something said something like that before that is how fluttershy use her pipe in the earlir fight also sorry i mess up back there i really want to know the background of this but i miss understood the post :( i doubt you will put another way to get to something like that will you Ashton this is an amazing Rp i just want to know the background to it and as you said before Aj is not the most relieabo pony for this, she can only speak from her POV not the Princesses it is driving me a little nuts not being able to see or read the background to this world)) Fluttershy a bit suprize by the sudden hug she turn her head to look and saw it was Rainbow. She really needed this as sure as rainbow did and not wanting to spoil this moment she ignore the rest whats going on and just hug her back. She is glad her marefriend was here for her as she smile while they hugged

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((that OOC was actually aimed at Prince, not you storm))

((*sigh* I hate spoilers, both receiving them and giving them... but fine, don't worry, you _will_ get another opportunity to learn more about the back-story of the world and what happened from somepony who's not bat-trots-insane like AJ))


"Good!" said AJ with a happy grin "Glad to see you agree now. Ah'm just sorry we coudldn't 'ave done sumthin' even worse to them monsters, them kind dont deserve ta live, but ah suppose this is the best we c'n do, usin' them fer a power source f'ever, at least we know their sufferin' forever, right?" she nodded, smiling that slightly derranged smile.


"I think right now I'm more scared of Applejack than I am of whatever other monsters are on this ship" said Spike quietly to twilight


Rainbow's head moved towards flutters, but drew back, just sitting there and holding her tight, rainbow trying to remind herself over and over that fluttershy was a *sister* and _not_ a *mate*...


((yeah, sorry, still dont want to get banned, or things might be different, one of the things I do still hate about this site... apparently they cont realize there are about 100,000 different things between 'hoof holding' and 'full on spooge'))

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(The fun thing is that you don't reveal things about the rp. That is what keeps it interesting.)

Twilight just sighed after Applejack said all that about the princesses. "Honestly, having a life full of pain and not able to do something is one of the worst things that can happen to somepony." She said as she oppened the door to exit the place. "Just killing them would be a better fate for them." She finally added before stepping out of the room. She just stood there, waiting for her friends. She also heard what Spike said, but she didn't replied, she just wanted to go from there and completely forget it.

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((and telling me i or we get another chance to see/read it will stop me from feeling bad i mess up the RP a little but i do still feel bad about it :( from what you said that part sounded awesome also what is ** and _ _ in the way you use them also as i stated before we could bearly go against the gate of a romantic ship if thats what you feel like also this is how fluttershy sees them as.)) Fluttershy was happy standing there like that not caring about whats happening to the princesses or the other.She was enjoying her moment with her marefriend until she hear the door open and was a bit disappointed that the moment was over “come on rainbow we should go" said Fluttershy as she waited for Rainbow to take the lead so she can follow behind her

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((_ _, // //, and * * are ancient ASCII codes, I RPed for many years on forums that didn't support rich text (and read a lot of fanfics that used formats that didnt support it either) and that was the old way of saying _underline_, or //italics// or *bold* since we didnt have Underline Itallics or Bold back then))

((To be honestly, flutterdash is one of the few ships that makes sense to me, they start out almost like sisters and over time they realize their love is much more mature than that, other ships (like flutter-pie, or apple-dash) dont really make sense to me because there's no real foundation for love to grow, and if this were another site I would gladly be embracing it, but, sadly, the other site I had for this kind of thing has failed hard and is just a graveyard now))


"So yersaying we did th' right thang then?" asked AJ as she followed twilight out, clearly in her derrange mind thinking Twilight was in agreement that the alicorns were monsters that needed to be punished for their seemingly relativly minor offence...


Spike jsut followed


Dash sighed, squeezing fluttershy gently one more time before pushing herself up "yeah, I suppose your right, probably not a good palce to be doing that anyway... it's creepy and... just wrong... what we did to them..." she said, looking at the princesses "...some element of 'loyalty' I am... more like a worthless element of betrayal and back-stabbing" she said, with a sigh, hanging her head as she walked

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Twilight shook her head after AJ said that. "Now, I'm not saying that. Oerhaps they did deserved a punishment, but this was too much." She limited herself to say. Onve everypony and Spike were out, she started walking, leading them back to the kitchen's door to get Pinkie out of there.

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