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Hello every pony...


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Um hello every pony, I'm Music rose. I like to listion to a lot of music and watch mlp, as well as mlp reviewers on YouTube. I'm also a big anime and video game nerd. I found this site when looking for a place to talk to fellow bronys as there aren't any around my area. I also a little shy and not the best at communicating with other people, so doing thing like this make me a little nervise. I was first introduced to mlp from a podcast I was listing to where in found out that one of the people I watch play games on YouTube was a brony. After that I saw ponys popping up all over the internet, so I decided to give it a try. The first two times I tryed watching it I had to stop less then 10min. Into the episode, however some months later I tryed again and very quickly found myself enjoying it and oficaly becoming a brony during the parasprite episode. My favourite characters are Derpy,Luna,Discord,and pinkie.

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Hello and Welcome to this forum. Please enjoy your stay on here. Keep up with the show if you can. Enjoy RPing with everyone!!



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"Hopefully you enjoy this establishment. And... Hopefully Italy... Behaves himself."

"Who you talking to, Germany?"

"The new member. Don't worry about it."

"Ooo~ will they give me pasta~?"

"Ughh... You just had a huge bowl of pasta this morning..."

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