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Isn't that the image we all like to see at a place like this ^^


Hi, I've heard about this place for a while now but I finally got around to dive in and check this place out.


So, how's it hanging here, fellow ponies? Being a Changeling won't be a problem, will it? XP

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Welcome!  I think Changelings are allowed in both FFA and CC, just not WoE.  I have a Changeling OC too, so I'd love to rp with your character sometime :)

Thank you.


There's just the problem of Melanoma just being nothing more than a "ponysona" at the moment. I've got nothing for a full-fledged character profile so I think an RP via PM would be the best that can be done, given everything.

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Welcome to Canterlot! You've actually got one of my favourite changeling pictures as your avatar, so I certainly don't mind seeing another changeling around. You're welcome to roleplay changelings here in the Canterlot Chronicles section, where we have several changelings already, as well as in Free for All, if the thread starter is okay with it.


Hope to see you in the roleplays soon!

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I have changeling friends, so another can't hurt~

Definitely doesn't give you a bad rap in my books xP

Anyways, please do enjoy your stay here in Canterlot to the absolute fullest! ^.^

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