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So...I've seen a few of these on the forum, but they're all dead.  Being me, I sought to revive the topic: LET'S SHARE LEAGUE USERNAMES AND BECOME FRIENDS!!!  (Mine is same as here: Lyipheoryia)


I'm a new player to League of Legends, but am by no means new to rpgs (I played FATE, Torchlight, Spirit Animals).  


I'll share, but you can't add me. I'm in a different region, PH, and IP addresses from here are blocked in any other region, for some reason. Rito pls.

My IGN's RG Pyro, and yes, I have a team. Mostly people from my school and cadet center, which is fun! Always nice to play with a few friends...

I've played support and jungle since forever, and I absolutely suck at playing ADC. I'm known to be a pretty scary Blitzcrank though. :3


My true main is Shaco. Top, mid, jungle, support... Just not ADC.

I'm an evil person. x3


Just as Arcus, region.

DeathSpartan03, in LAN. (I really loved the localitation though)

I hadnt played in moths though, and uninstaled it, but I am planning to bring it.back someday :3

I can play any role but jungle. I reguarly suck, and can only manage to do it with Rengar correcrlty :3


Ahri mid (all time main)

Darius/Jace top

Thresh/Leo/Sona/Blits supp.

Cait/Jinx/ashe adc

Rengar/kha (sp? X3) jng.


Ahh, League.  I used to play a lot, but eventually my gaming group found an alternative (Heroes of the Storm) which I'm much happier with.  After a while, I came to the conclusion that League's mechanics unintentionally encourage blame.  Though it's not a problem exclusive to league, several MOBAs have that issue as far as I can tell.

I love talking about it though, I find it a fascinating game from a design perspective.


Fair warning, having played both Torchlight and League, isometric RPGs and MOBAs really only have surface elements in common, and in my experience require completely different mindsets.


I used to play mostly mages and marksmen, though I started dabbling in the jungle toward the end.  Our group wasn't very good at accounting for it, so I wanted to learn.


Ahh, League.  I used to play a lot, but eventually my gaming group found an alternative (Heroes of the Storm) which I'm much happier with.  After a while, I came to the conclusion that League's mechanics unintentionally encourage blame.  Though it's not a problem exclusive to league, several MOBAs have that issue as far as I can tell.

I love talking about it though, I find it a fascinating game from a design perspective.


Fair warning, having played both Torchlight and League, isometric RPGs and MOBAs really only have surface elements in common, and in my experience require completely different mindsets.


I used to play mostly mages and marksmen, though I started dabbling in the jungle toward the end.  Our group wasn't very good at accounting for it, so I wanted to learn.

Wow!  Someone else who's played Torchlight!  It's been mightly hard to find another.  


Like I said, I'm not yet lvl 30, so no ranked games for me.  I prefer characters with both a primary and a secondary role, preferably including mage and fighter/marksman/assassin.  I haven't gotten a hold of playing tank or support yet, so that's still something to learn for.   I can jungle, but I haven't tried that for a whole game yet-so...yeah.  


It seems that League is past it's prime peak, which was maybe a few years ago (When all my friends played it and news was all about it).  Too bad I joined so late... 


It seems that League is past it's prime peak, which was maybe a few years ago (When all my friends played it and news was all about it).  Too bad I joined so late... 


Well, it's still definitely popular here. Even at 5 AM, which is the time for me right now, queue takes less than 10 seconds. xD


League's still very popular here, too - and I play quite often on the North American server. There's just one problem with it for me!


...I'm not very good.


I've been mired in Bronze for the past four seasons - some will say "Such is life for a support main" - some will just say that I'm just not good enough. :smug:


I'll gladly share my username with those who ask, just PM me if you'd like to know. As mentioned, I'm a support main (Sona, Leona and Lulu stand as my Top 3 right now) - though I've been known to bring Kayle to mid and top and the occasional Malphite if I'm shoved top. Also, Anivia is <3 , I just haven't been able to play her worth a flying feather these days. (Zed... why)


That's about it for the time being - hoping to play with a few of you in the future. :)


League's still very popular here, too - and I play quite often on the North American server. There's just one problem with it for me!


...I'm not very good.


I've been mired in Bronze for the past four seasons - some will say "Such is life for a support main" - some will just say that I'm just not good enough. :smug:


I'll gladly share my username with those who ask, just PM me if you'd like to know. As mentioned, I'm a support main (Sona, Leona and Lulu stand as my Top 3 right now) - though I've been known to bring Kayle to mid and top and the occasional Malphite if I'm shoved top. Also, Anivia is <3 , I just haven't been able to play her worth a flying feather these days. (Zed... why)


That's about it for the time being - hoping to play with a few of you in the future. :)


Ah, there's a simple reason why us support mains have a hard time ranking with certain supports. It's because in today's meta, it's always, always supposed to be Blitzcrank or Thresh support. If you pick anybody else, your team complains. In my experience, anyway. And of course, in ranked, squishies like Sona and Lulu get absolutely wrecked by tanky supports, and assassin junglers. 


... Which, sadly, is also the meta. 


Also, rush Zhonya's as Anivia when facing Zed. Bring teleport.  ;)


I am Gold 4 last I checked x3

I started in s4 in silver and managed to reach gold at the end of it. Still, hadnt played that much since then, just a few times in s5.

And I hate this new meta!

I miss the old one T.T


I managed to reach Platinum III in season 4, by just spamming the crap out of my Shaco jungle in ranked.


Nobody ever expects the Shaco...


But... Ranked resets, oh well.


Wow, Platinum 3? Geez, that's the realm of dreams here. :Luna:


I'm mostly stumbled and fumbled my way through Ranked. Thought I was ready in Season 3... ended up starting my placements 2-2 - only to lose the next six to reach a high of Bronze 2. Skipped Season 4, only to try again last season, and League just thought "Hey, did you like going 2-8 through placements? Do it again." Bronze 4, high of Bronze 3.


This season, I finally went 5-5! Was hoping to place okay, and then...


Bronze Five. :smug:


The ride's starting. Let's see how this year turns out.


And Zhonya's on Anivia vs. the Zed? Sounds promising. I'll have to look into it next time out. Thanks, Arcus. :)


Wow!  Someone else who's played Torchlight!  It's been mightly hard to find another.  


Like I said, I'm not yet lvl 30, so no ranked games for me.  I prefer characters with both a primary and a secondary role, preferably including mage and fighter/marksman/assassin.  I haven't gotten a hold of playing tank or support yet, so that's still something to learn for.   I can jungle, but I haven't tried that for a whole game yet-so...yeah.  


It seems that League is past it's prime peak, which was maybe a few years ago (When all my friends played it and news was all about it).  Too bad I joined so late... 

Torchlight hit this really weird balance for me.  It took just enough attention that I enjoyed playing it, while just little enough that I could be watching something else while playing without struggling or feeling like I was missing some of the experience.  The first Torchlight was the only Diablo-esque game I've ever finished.


Support was something I never really got into, myself.  I was generally frustrated by it, being essentially being forced into a position of weakness compared to 80% of the players in a given match.  Though I could have fun with it in some really aggressive lane combos.  I was pretty good at supporting my team I think, somewhat regardless of role, it's just the build considerations for support I couldn't stand.


When I left, League seemed to be going strong and showed no obvious signs of stopping.  The novelty might be wearing off a bit, and there are enough MOBAs out there now that the audience might be fragmenting somewhat, but I don't see League fading out of existence anytime soon.


The new Patch 6.2 would stop loading at the 33% mark, so I uninstalled League and am re-downloading it.

The bad part in that: It's making my Internet uber slow.  Canterlot here is super laggy.  So is every other tab.  :/


The new Patch 6.2 would stop loading at the 33% mark, so I uninstalled League and am re-downloading it.

The bad part in that: It's making my Internet uber slow.  Canterlot here is super laggy.  So is every other tab.  :/

Have fun getting one-shot by fed Jhins in 6.2, Lyi. x3


League is no longer working on my PC.  Huh.  I shall try to reinstall it.  This is sad...


Edit:  I do not think League works on my comp anymore :(.  This is very sad indeed, it was a good game for the few days that I played it...


League is no longer working on my PC.  Huh.  I shall try to reinstall it.  This is sad...


Edit:  I do not think League works on my comp anymore :(.  This is very sad indeed, it was a good game for the few days that I played it...


I don't think it's your computer's fault.

League of Legends is known to make bugs. Lots of bugs.

Connection bugs, server bugs, store bugs, champion bugs, item bugs, you name it.

If you stuck around this game for as long as I have, you'd know that this is one of those many times when Riot made another problem. I'd wait until they fix this, if I were you.



The dish looks great and tastes great at first, but the terrible aftertaste quickly overwhelms the dish.


Rito, this dish tastes terrible.

It is terribly good, isn't it?

No, it is terrible. Bad.

You mean bad ass, right?

Rito, plz.

*Sighs* Fine, I'll fix the spaghetti. It's not like you're paying for it, really.

Touche. In that case, get me a pint of Graggy Ice as well, please! Plus, I have four other table guests here that don't look well. They look... rather toxic, actually.



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