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[Kelpie] FryLoch [Final]


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[colour=#3366cc]Name: FryLoch - Just goes by Loch most of the time.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Sex: Male[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Age: Stallion[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Species: Kelpie/Water Horse[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Pelt colour: Powder Blue - #B0E0E6[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Dark Sea Green - #8DBC8F[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Mane - Mid-length dreadlocks that seem more like tentacles then hair as they hang wherever they fall. A few hang over his eyes, which he holds back with a bandanna when cooking.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Tail - Shark tail built for speed. Freshwater reed band wrapped around lower part.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Eye colour: Yellow Green - #9ACD32[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Cutie Mark: A fish in a frying pan.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Physique: Lean, flexible and athletic with long legs. His form is due to him being a strong and regular swimmer.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Has a scar across his muzzle from an accident in the kitchen when he was only a colt and a bite mark from a crocodile on his tail just behind his dorsal fin.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Origin: Great Nimbusgait Lakes; North-East shore of the smallest lake.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Roleplay Type: Mane RP[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Occupation: Chef/Fisher-pony[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Motivation: His motivation is to become a renowned chef in Equestria and so he practices his cooking whenever he can.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Likes: Cooking, fishing, swimming, reading, singing, dancing, night, the moon - as it controls the water.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Dislikes: Ponies/Creatures who disrespect and waste food, others getting hurt, others/himself hurting females and children.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Character Summary:[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Unlike the Kelpies of legend, FryLoch does not try to lure others into the water to eat them. He is Omnivorous - eats both meat and plants - but prefers fish as living next to a lake, and being a strong swimmer, they are plentiful and easy to catch.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Loch was born to an Earth Pony mother and a Kelpie father on the North-East shore of the smallest of three lakes, known as the Great Nimbusgait Lakes. He was taught from a young age that in order to be treated nice he must treat others how he wants to be treated. Because of this he is a gentle-stallion who will help anyone in need if they ask.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]His foal-hood was spent learning how the water and certain types of water creatures behaved off of his father and learning to cook from his mother. Both fishing and cooking what he caught were exciting for the young Loch and not soon after making his first solitary fish delicacy - Fried and Seasoned Salmon - for his parents did he get his Cutie Mark.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]While practicing his skills one day, he slipped and ended up getting a large gash across his muzzle from a knife he had been carrying to cut up the freshly caught fish he and his father had caught earlier that day. Thankfully it wasn't too bad, but he was told that maybe going back into the kitchen wasn't a good idea while he was healing - a bandage around his nose definitely made it difficult to taste test everything he was making. It didn't stop him though and the next morning his mother found him making them all some breakfast.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]The only other scar he has was from a time he was fishing by himself and a crocodile - usually found further up the rivers that ran from the lakes - grabbed a hold of his tail. He managed to fight it off, shoving a hoof down it's throat to get it to let go.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]His Nimbusgait accent - Scottish IRL - isn't as strong as his parent's, mostly coming out when he is angry which is rather rare. The only time you will see this Kelpie enraged is when somepony disrespects his cooking/food or mares and foals.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Not one to over fish or hurt fish populations, he follows certain species depending on their migration and breeding patterns.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]He sometimes travels to other towns and cities as a traveling chef and to sell the fish that he catches - mostly to griffons and other meat eating creatures.[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]He gets around out of water by using a type of wheelchair-like device that wraps around his hips to keep his tail up and not dragging on the ground.[/colour]


[colour=#3366cc]Essence - Mother - Earth Pony - Chef/Herb Specialist[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Tidal - Father - Kelpie - Fisher-pony/Captain[/colour]

[colour=#3366cc]Picture/Ref Sheet:[/colour]


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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)

This pony or Kelpie rather is ADORABLE and admirable!

I love hims to bits<3 also he might like my pony Crystal Glow(Although she doesn't like fisherponies she does enjoy a good chef with great values)

You're right I believe this is the first kelpie submitted so congratulations!

I don't think there could possibly be anything added to this application it's wonderful. :heart:


I'm also loving the dreads this is the second dread headed pony I've seen and I'm loving it! -also has dreads so she appreciates other well groomed dreads-

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- Added a little more to his summary.

- Ready to be assessed.


@BlindJester - :lol:

I'm glad you like him!


Well, maybe one time they should meet then? He could travel to Hoofington sometime.

And he never over fishes or does anything to hurt the environment or well being of each fish species. He only takes what he needs and enough to make a living.

Thank you. ^^

That's good to know. This is probably one of the fastest apps I've done for any Rp board.


Hehe... I thought for a pony who spends most of his time in or around water that dreads would work since they look like reeds and Kelpies in old legends sometimes had river weeds and such tangled in their manes and tales.

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Okay, here's the lowdown on this app.

I love Fryloch and the way he appears and the way this app is written. On that merit alone, I would happily have it accepted and used for board roleplay. The only problem is that we have established Kelpies as the meat-eating opposites of Hippocamps; meaning that they should have fishy-type tails like their hippocamp cousins, and just happen to eat meat instead of vegetation. However, lore and mythology is somewhat vague on whether or not kelpies can change from four-legged to aquatic forms (If so, we would have to re-think our approach to them) so we actually can't say one way or another which one is 'correct'. Kudalyn is our resident authority on the sea-going folk, so it's mostly up to her at this venture to decide how we're going to approach it. We've been discussing it and trying to figure out how to work these in. As sea ponies (Or aquatic ponies in general!) haven't been properly established in G4 at the moment, we're somewhat winging it.

I appreciate your patience! If you were willing to transform Fryloch into a fishy-tailed type kelpie, that would make this whole thing completely said and done. However, if being four-legged is important to the character, we may need to make some changes to him in order to approve him for roleplay. As-is, he's a bit of a rule-breaker as we've established it, so we'll need to smooth some things out (Either with the character, or with the rules, or both) in order to accept him as currently presented. I'll see if I can nudge Kudalyn to look into this and decide what she'd like to see and then we'll make a final decision. Stay posted! I do apologize for the delay!

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I have no idea where I get all this patience from considering I'm the only one that I know of in the house with any of it at all. XD

As for the transforming him into a fish-tailed Kelpie, that wouldn't bother me at all. The only reason I gave him all four legs in the first place was because of his mother being an Earth Pony.

I'll play with his design while this application is continued to be looked over and take your time.

And thank you for liking him. ^^

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I actually came up with a design not long after I posted that comment and uploaded the drawing I did on dA not long ago.

Here he is.

His tail is that of a shark's, but I didn't base it off of a real shark, I just copied their design with the tail about how sharks that chase fast prey have a larger bottom tail fin, etc.

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I actually came up with a design not long after I posted that comment and uploaded the drawing I did on dA not long ago.

Here he is.

His tail is that of a shark's, but I didn't base it off of a real shark, I just copied their design with the tail about how sharks that chase fast prey have a larger bottom tail fin, etc.

Thank you for working on this! I think that redesign will be fine, just be sure to update this app when you're done with it and I think he'll be good to go. :P

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I LOVE this app, although looking at the comments, it seems like it's been moved back to the "pending" section, which makes me very sadface. I was looking forward to RPing with a chef, I may need to come up with one myself. PLEASE show some activity with this, Frys' just too good of an OC to get removed :(

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EDIT : Changed the picture - his ref-sheet - and some of his info regarding that he now has a shark tail and how he moves around on land.


I'm sorry I haven't been on. ;A;

I didn't forget about this place, but I never really though about finishing the picture for the time I was away because I was so caught up in another fandom.

I'll always and forever be a fan of MLP, but I really only got as into it as I did because it was helping me cope with the hiatus that Doctor Who was on before the second half of series 6 came back.

It's on hiatus once again so I'll probably be more active then I was now. ^^

I hope I'm forgiven for my absence.

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