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The night would last forever- or until a proper number of candies were delivered to her. Either way, Nightmare Moon was pleased.


The other Princesses were helpless this night against her, with Princess Sparkle chained up alongside the Princess of the Night. Her castle had been altered to fit the stylings of this evening, with the regalia of Nightmare Moon adorning the walls and the Lunar Guard taking a more sinister turn of appearance, standing at guard at every entrance and near the throne. The New Lunar Empire it was called, and its flag stood behind the towering Princess who cut an impressive figure in the small slips of moonlight that lay across he throne room from the slits in the walls not yet covered up. Besides her- Twilight, chained up, looking rather sad. Such a terrible night!


In truth, it was all for a great deal of fun. Nightmare Night needed a Nightmare Moon after all and this year the citizens of Ponyville could satisfy Nightmare Moon's cravings and send her back from whence she came with a great deal of candy and other treats. Games and merriment were spread across the castle and the surrounding town. Ponies could come to the throne room and toss their candy into what looked like a bottomless bag. It would weigh the candy throughout the night and when the proper weight was reached, Nightmare Moon would be satisfied and Luna would return. Until then, the Throne room was bathed in moonlight and her guards kept a close watch on all as they entered, with rows of tables set up with a royal feast prepared for her most loyal of servants (or those who needed a break and a bit to eat, though she was liable to play around with them some).


Luna had been hesitant to portray the Nightmare this year but here she was doing it all the same for the ponies she loved. The regalia and the hullabaloo was a bit much for her but once she got into it, she got into it. After all, they wanted a show, no? "Foolish Ponyville citizens, you think this will sate my hunger?!" she said, levitating some BLOOD RED WINE (spooky) up for the gathered to see before throwing out of the window. (into a net, with all other undesirable food products for the evening even if they didn't need to know that). "Feh," she snorted, "Nightmare Moon demands your sweetest sweets! Now go! Go before I decide that I'd rather eat YOU! Mwahahhahahahaha!"



1- All candy collected throughout Nightmare Night activities can be placed in the Bottomless Bag! This will be done automatically.
2- When it is heavy enough, you have freed Twilight and sent Nightmare Moon away!
3- You can stay and talk and eat and be merry but be careful, because the Nightmare is there!


A list of activities that allow you to collect candy:


1- Apple Bobbing
2- Dunk Tank
3- Balloon Pop
4- Apple Family Maze


As he watched ‘Nightmare Moon’ kick off the evening’s festivities in a suitably bombastic manner, Shining Armor had to restrain himself from applauding.  Nightmare Night had always been a favorite holiday of his, after all, and to have Princess Luna here acting as a master of ceremonies was just amazing.  Part of the applause, too, would have been for his LSBFF, Twilight Sparkle, who made it all possible; both by rescuing Luna initially, and by planning the event this year!


As for Shining himself… well, as those who knew him best would admit, the Captain of the Guard and Prince Consort of the Crystal Empire was also a bit of a dork.  Not enough of one to regularly engage in cosplay, but enough to take full advantage of an official holiday that included it in celebrations!  He and Cadence had decided on themed costumes this year, based on their respective O&O characters.  The Alicorn Princess of Love was dressed as a Bard, currently judging the costume contest.  Shining Armor was dressed as the noble Paladin, Destrier!  He’d thought at first of including little Flurry Heart in the ensemble as well, possibly as a rogue, or perhaps a sorceress.  It didn’t take much to convince him, however, that until she was old enough to eat candy, she probably wouldn’t enjoy the holiday as much as a trip to her Grandparent’s house, where she was currently staying.


Naturally, wearing an outfit of silver plate and bright white cloth with gold symbols of the sun stitched in it in the very court of the New Lunar Empire was asking for trouble, even if you were just here to raid the feast table.  But, Destrier the brave would not quail before Nightmare Moon’s threats or evil laugh!  He would stand up to her courageously, and demand the return of his sister…

After a bit of dinner first.  Don’t fight on an empty stomach.  If she called him out now, he would rise to the challenge!  And perhaps before then he might find a noble companion or two sitting at the tables with him.  Unless they were all lunar quislings, like that traitor in the Dunk Tank...

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The young blacksmith was never one for celebrations and holidays as "frivolous" as Nightmare Night, but she was always one to attend a banquet if one was held.  Of course, one couldn't attend such a gettogether without an appropriate costume, and knowing this mare's diehard nature...she went all out.  She decided that she might as well try for a costume that would go with her chair so, after rigging up a hollow log that she could raise up to move out of other ponies' way, she decked herself in a rather impressive-looking faux royal guard uniform (one used for more formal situations), that almost made her look like she was riding on top of a massive cannon about to head into battle.


"...bout time I finished this costume.  Where's the grub?"  She said with a chuckle, pulling the log up to rest on her shoulder.  "Ugh...I just wish more places were made wheelchair friendly."  Sword noticed quite a few ponies in costume at the castle, smiling in awe as she recognized a few of the armor pieces and weapons on some of the ponies costumes.  "Glad to see my skills are getting some use."


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Posted (edited)

Image result for princess luna banner


The Princess of the Night became more accustomed to her role for the night as time went by. Though it still made her heart tinge with regret, she had for the most part moved on. It was almost fun to be in the role of her once alter ego and she began to plan what she could do with the role. 


More and more ponies began to pour in for the feast. She couldn't blame them. The food was delicious and there were bountiful amounts of everything! Though she was required to take candy for the participants in the festivities of the night, Luna found herself rather hungry for other foods at the moment. She left her place of honor and swooped down among her beloved ponies.


"Where is there food enough to quell my mighty appetite?" She grinned darkly, showing the fake fangs she had secured over her front teeth earlier that night. She certainly did look sinister! "I desire sustenance!"


She spotted Shining Armor and decided to test some more acting out on him!


"So a noble paladin has come to challenge Nightmare Moon has he?" She glanced a the pony dressed in battle armor nearby. "Have you both come to take on the most fierce of foes?" 

Edited by RainbowFoxxy
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As Shining- no, Destrier watched another attendee approach, he was impressed.  One had to admire courage and determination in all it's forms, and anypony who wasn't going to let their wheelchair get in the way of a good time had both, as far as he was concerned.  "Hail, fellow guardian of righteousness!"  He greeted the young blacksmith in-character.  "You are a forger of fine weapons?  That is good to hear.  It is to be hoped that we shall not need use of your handiwork this Night, but one cannot help but feel safer with a good sword or spear with one."


That last one was only partially in-character; after all, the last major Nightmare Night Celebration in Ponyville had been an occasion of invasion.  Of course, a repeat was extremely unlikely.  This whole set-up allowed a plausible reason for heavier guard presence, not to mention all the Princesses and Elements of Harmony.  Anything more serious than pranks would be ridiculous to consider.  Of course, with Discord also about, pranks on a grand scale would probably be going on before the night was out.


Speaking of the Night, it's Princess approached!  Apparently, she had the same idea as him; holidays were not meant to be faced without food!  He relished the chance to exercise more of his amateur acting skills; his old O&O group had witnessed more than it's fair share of hammy thespians, and Shining Armor could go hoof-to-hoof with them any day of the week!  "Dark Empress, I have come to demand the release of my sister, the fair Princess Twilight Sparkle!  For the sake of my noble mission, I will face any challenge, and laugh in the face of foes twice as fierce as you, ha!"

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