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Roads, Tempest has seen plenty of them in her life and walked far too many alone in her youth. Yet here she was walking a road she took many years ago to a town she last saw as a runaway in passing. She did not remember ponyville with much clarity do to how long it has been and her age at the time but what few things she did remember were hardly the same. The town has changed a lot in that time… Some more tall and ugly than others but Twilight's dreadful taste in homes was not her place to judge… But if she lived here she may have to plant a tree or two to cover that eyesore up. But regardless of that atrocity she needed to rest. Maybe not in the form of laying around but more mentally. Being alone left her… Alone with her thoughts and after a few days of that she concluded that was NOT a good idea for her at the moment with the turmoil raging inside of her. How will others feel if they knew the truth? Yes in many ways she was lied to and lead astray… But in other ways she did much of it willingly and even enjoyed it. Reflecting on this was troubling as her time alone gave her plenty of time to dig deep into herself and what she was learning was only making it more… unpleasant. She enjoyed, no, she loved the power she had.


With a sigh she pushed her dark thoughts away as best she can and looked to the town she was passing… around. She did not feel ready to just walk in to it, it was far too close to Canterlot. They all must have known what she did and will ask to many things she does not wish to be asked about yet as deep down she did not know how to answer them. Guiding her eyes to the countryside she saw the clear layout of a farm. She remembered that farm, she stole apples from it way back when… Apples… That one with the hat, Applejack was it? She said something about living in ponyville. Was this her farm? Maybe it can giver her the shelter she needed and offer some work as well. Farmers were ever in need of an extra pair of hooves after all and many were not tro shy to take on passing ponies for short bost to pony power. So maybe this Applejack will help. She was a friend of Twilights and seeing as Twilight insisted that she and her were friends… Well, friend of a friend helps a friend? That was how that saying worked… maybe. Whatever it may be She made her way to the farm with the midday sun glittering on the black steel of her armor and undersuit. She has… been hesitant to remove it. She can’t explain why but she felt very vulnerable for now and it supplied her some feeling of familiarity, comfort… Pride.


Approaching the gate that marking the entryway to the farm she stopped and looked over the home and farmland before her… Forgotten memories glimmer before her like broken glass on the floor. Hiding, rain, stealing an apple to eat before pushing on. She flicked her ears and closed her eyes as remembered her life as a filly. So young and alone, what if she just… stayed here? Maybe they’d have adopted her? It was pointless to think about yet it lasted longer than she wanted it to. With a frustrated snort of anger she opens her eyes and walked past the gate and into the farm itself. “HELLO!? Eanypony around!?” She yelled out, hoping they were not busy and she was not being to bothersome.

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Apple bucking was a great respite from motherhood, not that she needed or really wanted a respite from that. Loved every moment of it! But there was a calmness to the fields, to her work, that she could rarely find equaled in any other activity. The sweet smell of sweat intermingling with the dancing fragrance of apple-tinted fields and orchards that stretched across the horizon. The layers of light gently playing with the cool darkness as the leaves allowed. The sounds of birds and squirrels and other critters scurrying. The feel of a nice buck, the chills up the spine, the comforting sound of apples hitting the basket. A thousand and one small comforts piled themselves as snuggly as apples into a cart, and she pulled it all with a pep in her step. It was hard to not want to spend all day doing it-


-especially when the sun was so inviting and the weather so dang perfect. As happened after every adventure, she was working to make up time. And that meant slightly longer days, clearer weather, and a cleared schedule. Heh- sort of funny to think about, wasn't it? Saving Equestria had become so common for her and her friends that a certain post-adventure routine had settled in. Of course that didn't change how scary it had been, and was, every time. Applejack never lost faith that they'd win though. She was Equestrian through and through. Healing and Kindness. Strength and Honesty. Loyalty and Bravery. Beauty and Generosity. Hope and Laughter. Magic- well, Sorcery, at least. She believed in all of these things and knew that no matter how dark the clouds, how dreary it was, that in the end the light and virtue of friendship would win out.


So this was less work and more of a reward for mother and heroine alike. She had always loved her job. Other ponies may complain about what they did but this was more than a job or even what she was meant to do. The peace, the factors involved, she couldn't help but think this would have been a fun hobby! Her basket was now full. The tree was a bit difficult in giving it to her on account of there being fewer apples. She would have moved on to a more bountiful tree but today was a day for completionism. She trotted gainfully to hitch the cart up and grab another, tasting the air and feeling her muscles joyfully bounce along to the rhythm of her work. She loved her work, she loved her family, she loved little Zap, she loved Rainbow, she loved her friends, and she loved the peace and quiet of Sweet Apple Acres. This day was perfect!

“HELLO!? Anypony around!?”

Applejack's ears perked up and she momentarily felt her heart leap in a mix of fear and adrenaline. Tempest Shadow was...well, complicated, dangerous, powerful all in equal measure. She was also friendless and seeking to be better. Maybe a few years ago she would have been worried. After all, she was just an Earth Pony! She couldn't really fight somepony with such powerful magic. Well, maybe she could. But it wouldn't be all that effective. Besides, she wasn't any different from Starlight Glimmer. Villain looking for redemption? Well, Equestria was more than a little forgiving. And while you could leave Equestria, Equestria never really left an Equestrian. If she wanted to become a better pony and make up for misdeeds, Applejack would make sure Tempest didn't face any obstacles from Applejack. She had learned her lesson in that regard already.

Applejack trotted with much greater haste, bounding into Tempest's field of view with her cart bouncing in tow shortly after she had tried to get anypony's attention. “Howdy there, Tempest!” Applejack said as she came to a stop nearby. The cart continued for a second, coming to stop against her rear. The motion caused a single apple to fall and bounce towards Applejack. Without looking she used her tail to catch it. “Want an apple?” She asked all friendly like, tossing the apple high in the air towards Tempest.

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Now there were few more proud of his sister than Big Mac himself. While some ponies did share claim to that pride t’weren't nothing like the pride of family and knowing your blood was out there doing the world something good. He was rightly worried of the sorts a trouble she got into, seeing the sorts a villain she handled on occasion. Discord, while as tame as a bear in a sanctuary still ain’t something to shake a stick at. Still a might dangerous if’n left to his own devices, mind you. Now her latest adventures kept her home with nothing more dangerous than a toddling half-pint colt, courtesy to the union of his mothers Dash and AJ. While a good couple he felt they were awfully busy on their own to raise him without the help of the Apples, but that coulda just been tradition talking and the worry of an older brother and first time Uncle. Now today there was nothing to fret about. AJ was home having herself a little break from both adventuring and mothering doing a bit of field work. He was sure she was glad to be in the orchards again. He knows he was thankful for the help. As eager as Apple Bloom was to take up her sister’s responsibilities she was still pint-sized herself and the workload was just not healthy for a youth to take on. They should be off playing.


So should he, to be honest. After a whole afternoon pulling the plow he was about ready to hurl it in the lake and take a nap! That wouldn’t be at all responsible, but seems the screws on the joints were getting loose and as such it made it a challenge to pull straight without a constant sort of wobble. Pulling from the straps he freed himself. The whole field was plowed. Weeds had been  taken care of and any old roots that had tried out were plucked up. Now that he had a moment free from the irritation of the plow he took notice of the silence… The signature cracks of AJ’s hooves meeting the side of a tree were nowhere in the air.


“Huh…” That was quite queer indeed.


Picking his plow up he would carry it back to the barn, taking care not to slam the doors on the way out. Hiois strength was known to occasionally be the cause of the needing of repairs. Turning heel the stallion made his way out toward the orchard. Filled baskets, but no Applejack in sight. His ears perked up at the sound of a none-too-distant Applejack. Well now. Pushing ahead he would soon cross around an apple tree to spot the orange coat of his sister as well as the visage of another beauty.


“Errr…” Where had that thought come from? Golly  though she was different looking. Not that different was bad, but she definitely didn’t seem like she was from town. “Err… howdy!” Big Mac finally spoke up, whittling away the attempt or two to find familiarity in her. Something about her was a bit -- well, spooky if he was honest. That out fit looked kinda like a sailor’s, but a naval sort. But it was pretty dark for one.


Not something you wore at a farm, that was for sure!

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Tempest was relieved to see Applejack pulling up in top view, that confirmed this was her farm, but judging from the cart full of apples AJ was pulling along she showed up when AJ was working. At least the farm pony did not seem bothered about this interruption of work. “Hello Applejack, sorry to show up with you working.” She says back as AJ tossed an apple her way. For most unicorns all they’d have to do is think about grabbing it with magic, than bam, eat the floating appel. Tempest never had it that easy. With a leap into the air she grabs the apple in her muzzle with a backflip then lands on her hooves. With a wet crunch she takes a bite, sitting down to hold the apple between her front hooves. “Thank you, was getting rather hungry… I hate to do this but I came here wanting to ask a favor. May I crash here for a day or two? I can stay out of the way, heck I can sleep outside even. But if you will allow it i’d like to work as well. Just for the stay and make a few bits to help me on road. Need to buy food and water after all.”


As she explained herself, she saw a rather large male make his way over from the apple trees… Tempest was a tall pony and few are close to standing eye to eye with her but that hunk of pony? Well he may even be taller than her and was built like a bull!. "hello. You work here?” She asked him as she spoted the apples on his flank. “Are you related? If AJ has not told you, names Tempest… Just call me that.” She says looking the stallion up and down before pulling her gaze back to Applejack to avoid staring too long at what very well may be the mares brother.

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Applejack felt bad the moment she realized that maybe Tempests' broken horn prevented her from simply grabbing the apple mid-flight. Felt awfully ignorant of her to tell the truth, but she didn't have much experience with unicorns with that sort of disability. It wasn't completely unheard of but you never really had any follow-up and it was mostly used as one of those examples of a non-fatal but horrifying injury that could scar you...emotionally, more than physically. For Pegasi it was the loss of the wings. For Earth Ponies? It was hard to say if they had anything quite so similar. Meant she couldn't fully relate, but could at least try to empathize with it. Which meant that about halfway past the toss of the apple, Applejack felt like a fool, a tool, and a pretty lousy potential friend for the damaged unicorn.

But then Tempest did a feat of acrobatic physicality that made Applejack remember that she wasn't just a unicorn who was damaged, she was a pony of freakish talent. All that sadness and anger had festered over the years- and who had she become? One of the most intimidating ponies she had ever seen. It was kind of outrageous to think that not too long ago Applejack had believed that unicorns were likely the least physically threatening of the pony types. After seeing Tempest? Well, she had seen Earth Ponies kick boulders and Pegasi break the sound barrier, but she was sure as the sun that nopony could compete with what Tempest could do. She landed, eating the apple, yet the act was enough to make Applejack momentarily remember just how absurdly dangerous and powerful this mare was, and how little it could take for anything to spiral beyond her control.

Which meant she was a little slow to respond. She didn't have anyplace to go? Huh...Applejack had sort of figured that Tempest was gonna shack up at the castle with Twilight and Glimmer. Another reformed villain and the Princess of Friendship would make excellent roommates for somepony looking to reform and redeem. But if she had come to Applejack, that meant it was on Applejack to set the path and she wasn't going to start that by passing the buck off on somepony else. Where could she stay? Frankly, Applejack wouldn't put words to it, but she was worried about keeping Tempest in the house. It wasn't that she didn't trust that the mare wasn't trying to get herself squared away all right and proper but she seemed to have a temper. Didn't want where she lived and slept to become cinders and sadness if she had an...incident of some kind.

But she'd make it work somehow, because this mare deserved the chance to prove herself, no matter what reservations Applejack may personally harbor. She trusted Twilight's judgment. More importantly, she believed in the values that made Equestria what it was. “Well, Ah'm sure we can find a place ta help yerself bed down for a few nights. Ain't like we're lackin' tha space, an' Ah could always do with some extra hooves. Still battlin' some of them post-pregnancy energy blues, so it seems workable ta me! Come on-” She said, waving Tempest to follow when her brother arrived.

Applejack didn't see Tempest's stare, but she did hear the question. “Yep! This here's Big Mac, mah big brother. He ain't much of a talker but let me tell you somethin', he has a bigger heart than he does buckin' legs- and he can buck even better than Ah can!” She said, only partially lying. He was the stronger one but nopony, bar none, had better precision than her!

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No one could ever say that Big MacIntosh was inconsiderate. Why heck he was sure t’weren’t many who even called him by his full name! Thought that aside it seemed Applejack was just fine, already greeted their guest and what not. The pony looked to be an Ear-- no a Unicorn? Gosh seems her horns gotten chipped off. Maybe she was some sort a soldier like he first thought. Even a wicked scar along her face showed she faced some sort of hardship, though nothing of the sort that he was thinking. Without a view on her cutie mark and naught but some sorta insignia to go on he could only think of her as some sort of knight. Though he wondered what kingdom. Course Mac knew the Crystal Empire had its own sorts, but Applejack was friends with the Princess of Friendship herself. There was no short guessing that she likely met her fair share of dignitaries and emissaries. His sister sure was cultured! A lucky Apple to have experienced as much as she did! Though he could say he was friend with the princesses too, having spent a good day with the Princess of the Moon and having regular game days with the Friendship Princesses’ baby dragon and a demi-god that’s done friends with their local Sanctuary manager Fluttershy!


He knew plenty himself, but s’to be expected in a town like Ponyville. He’d admit there were days he missed more quieter times before it got all haywire, but he supposed it was much to ask given a lot of good things came out of these changes!


He took noticed the dark, purple mare turned her gaze from him almost with a nervous fizzle. He realized he had too-long stared at her and likely gave her a sort of self-conscious feeling abouts. He did sometimes forget he was a big fella and didn’t much make smaller company too comfortable. It took time for some newer folk to really approach him. He was a workhorse after all, but he wasn’t all business! He nodded furiously when Applejack said he was gentle, and sure as hay, no other he could figure as big as he that sweet. Though Steve Magnet was an exception even if’n he wasn’t a pony. Nice fella, always wanting to do his mane up something nice, but Big Mac never did feel he’d look all that well with a spiffy top!


“Eeyup!” He’d agree with his sister before stepping closer. Seems the mare hadn’t a place to go. They could always use the extra hooves and during this time of year it wasn’t any more true with a new mum like AJ with her hooves fuller than usual! “Uh-huh.” He nodded, admitting that he was indeed a great tree bucker! He didn’t think there was much left to do right now though -- he finished the fields and by the looks of it AJ has cleared out most the orchard on this field. “Uh…” His stomach grumbled as if to ring the lunch bell before Granny herself! He blushed and chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “..sorry.” That was a bit rude of his belly, but it couldn't tell a lie and a big fella like him could always eat twice his weight in apples after a good workday!

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Tempest munched on the apple as she awaited AJ’s answer and to her relief, it was good. She we allowed to stay and work it seems, at least for now. Done with her apple she slings it over her shoulder and gets up to follow AJ as she explains the big red pony was in fact her brother. She looked back at him as the big hunk of stallion starts to walk along with them, she hated to say it but AJ had one… Handsome brother. Ponies taller than her were very rare and one that looked like he is stronger as well? Well that never happened. But there he was, doing both. She’d have to see just how strong he was later. “So, Big Mac? Well you are big. Maybe we can do some sparring later?” She asked with a smirk as she looked up at the large male before pulling her gaze back to AJ, speeding up her trot to stay alongside the farming mare. “And thank you for allowing me to stay. I know it can’t be easy to take me in on such a short call out of the blue… Most of all considering what I did not even a week ago.”


She looked around the farmland as they walked to wherever AJ was leading them. It was a nice spot of the land they had, close to town but just removed enough to give the same open feel as liveing out nowhere. She found it relaxing and maybe something to think about later in life. Someday she is going to have to settle down and maybe a small farm was what she needed? Hard work to vent on with some peace and calm air as needed? Maybe. But now was not the time to think about such a change in life as she had many more paths to look down first. Looking back to AJ something was itching at the back of Tempests mind as if she overlooked something. ‘post-pregnancy energy blues’. It rolled around in her mind for a moment as her brain seemed confused as to what was spoken. Than it clicked as Tempest stopped walking, froze in a stride. “She… Is a mother.” She spoke in a soft whisper aimed at only herself as she slowly blinked. She truly did not know how to even respond to this development and started moving again as her eyes moved to the grass and dirt they walked over. This news was more troubling than it needed to be. Maybe it was the fear of hurting a foal? A mother? Something about that made her uneasy and pulled her back to her foal years. Her family, her friends. How horrible it all ended and how it made her… HER. No foal deserves that fate. But for AJ to be so welcoming means no ill must have happened to the young one but Tempest was sure AJ must be worried. Tempest was dangerous, just a few days ago she was hunting them down and tookover canterlot. Now she is on the same farm as AJ's family and foal.


“If you wish I am fine sleeping in the barn or a shed. All i need is somewhere dry. I do not wish to intrude on your home. It must be plenty full already with the young one and family about.” She offered, hoping it help make things more easy on AJ. As much as Tempest missed her bed on board her airship she spent more of life sleeping on dirt so the change back to sleeping on whatever looked soft was hardly difficult. So if AJ needed that space Tempest can give it. So long as she got to sleep and work to buy what she needed to make it to the next town she was fine with whatever AJ gave her.

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She wasn't going to interfere much in Tempest's flirtation with Big Mac. Oh, she saw it. Applejack may have been born in a barn but she wasn't born yesterday and she knew a certain hunger when she saw it. She didn't know what to make of the mare just yet, but she did know her brother and knew that his current relationship with that filly from Starlight's old village was on solid ground. If she had any real concern that Big Mac would entertain such flirtations she'd step in. Tempest was welcome on the farm...even into her home, but she was still worried. That worry wasn't going to morph into anything else anytime soon. Still, Applejack was happy to have her here if only to ensure that Tempests' first real contact with day-to-day Equestrian life was as forthright and pleasant as possible. “Well, Ah'm happy ta play tha host, Tempest. Yeah this is a bit short notice but we can do it, and Ah know y'all need tha help. You've had a hard life, become a mare as hard as hide, but Ah have faith that yer gonna turn out as right as rain, sugarcube.”

She believed that, she really did, but her concerns were still there. But she had many concerns before. Starlight. Discord. Changelings. Even Twilight at one time, for a brief moment, raised an alarm. She could admit to always look at the new with a more critical eye. She could say that history had proven her wrong time and time again and she'd be right, but hard to push against the worries of hearth and home. She didn't catch all of Tempests' tone, but she did catch the word mother. And for that, Applejack was ready ad willing to detail because talking about Zap Apple was one of her three favorite activities. “Yep! Ah gave birth ta tha best little pegasus ever, Zap Apple. Such an adorable little pile of mischievous energy! Ah wonder if Rainbow Dash'll be in- probably not, Ah heard she was tryin' ta get a handle on some late weather 'fore flyin' off ta tha Wonderbolts,” she sighed, “busy mare.”

They approached the house. Applejack trotted forward, swinging the door open and started up with a bit of a trot. “Alright, come with me upstairs. Gonna get you settled, then we can do a bit of a tour and discuss what yer gonna be doin', alright?” She said. The home was warm and homely and all together inviting, handsome in the way a well-used and trodden family house was but without the creaks and splinters so common to others. The Apples maintained their home well. They found their way to Granny's room, which was as clean as could be- Granny took pretty decent care of it, and Applejack made sure to give it a nice, deep wash when she was away. You respected your elders better by making sure you treated them right rather than do all the non-cleaning and washing they requested instead.

“It ain't much, but it'll do. Granny Smith is gone for a bit- when she returns we'll get you someplace else ta rest. Could always get tha barn set back up,” she said, remembering that aside from the poisonous spiders the barn had been a mighty good place to rest when they were redoing the house a while back. “Could always instead-” she began before a small cry from another room caught her attention. Her features softened and she started to immediately trot away. “Oh, that's tha little stinker. Ah'll be right back!”

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Mac himself did indeed have a sweetheart. It went as well as any relationship could, at least he thought so. It wasn't as if he had any experience otherwise, but did hope his efforts and tenacity sure showed him capable! It was an awful long distance to travel to be sure, but one would never hear Mac complain as he took his apples right on over for her to bake something nice! Despite his shyness Mac was a bit of an unbeknownst mare killer. Many found the stallion a charming sort who could very well make cutting a deck of cards look good. He never did try to be that sort of pony who fiddled around with a filly’s heart. As an older brother he was rather comely when it came to caring for mares! He had two sisters, a granny and irreplaceable cousins and aunts! T'weren't no way in hay he'd do wrong by a mare. He always felt it a might dishonest and arrogant to show off your money and looks over good old-fashioned hard work and perseverance to show somepony else you were reliable!


As he had his thoughts it seemed Applejack was up and ready to test that little theory by excusing herself to tend to little Zappy! “Huh?!” Mac was thrown for a loop at the sudden departure of his younger sister.


He let those compliments about tree bucking get to his head and he was caught in the spinner! Now he was all his lonesome with the maroon mare! Not that he had and reservations about her as his knowledge of her former intentions may or may not have been shared with him. After a while descriptions of baddies often became so common telling them apart was right a job on its own. He furrowed his brows before he cleared his throat. Turning to face the mare he was able to focus on her proper. Seems her horn was mangled something fierce. But, more over, that armor she wore looked really heavy. She must have been strong.

“Soldier?” He wondered, ears swiveling forward before he turned to start walking toward the kitchen, stopping only to make sure the mare was following. “Uuhh...sorry.” he didn't realize maybe it wasn't something she wanted to share. It was one's personal job after all, but one could not blame Mac for the curiosity. "Hungry?" Of course Mac was. He'd spent the whole morning in the field and only had three snack breaks! He always built himself up an appetite.

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Tempest looked around the room that belonged to a ‘Granny Smith’. She felt unsure about using someone's bedroom with them not around but so long as she leaves it looking as good as she was given it no harm will come. she hopes. “Thank you.” She says looking around. So AJ was a mom and her foal… Rainbow Dash? Saying her name when speaking about the foal implies they were doing this together. She’s seen two mares do that before with one or both taking up being a mother with the help of a doctor or sometimes a trusted friend. But it made here thankfully nothing bad came to Dash or AJ, raising a foal alone is never easy. 


She looked to AJ to hear what she was about to say when the mother had to bail to deal with the foal. “It’s fine.” She says back to AJ as the mare leaves. Looking to Big Mac she studys him. He seemed to not know what to do with her and he did not respond to her asking of sparring… She did not blame him. She was… Something. And now she was left alone for him to deal with. His brain must be doing back flips. “I can go for some food, been doing a lot of walking and not much eating. That apple is all i had today.” She responded to him as she walked closer and looked up at him. She was not much shorter than him. “Well, lead the way, but I do want to spare with you at least one time before I leave. Not every day I meet a pony bigger than me... And maybe even stonger. We will see. Don't worry, I will not lay you out to hard."

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Mac was quite a big fellow when in compare to his fellow Ponyvillians. He knows there was a rodeo pony or two that were a might bigger than he, but there was no short reason why Big, was part of his name. Size alone wouldn’ta been enough to justify it why all he did had to be done in such a way! His feats of strength and his big ol heart were show enough that he earned that name for keeps! Plodding to the kitchen the fellow had to take care around corners and appliances, shifting himself with the care of a bull in a china shop. And mind ya those fellers could come about quite clumsily especially when they let out a forceful sneeze! It seemed a practiced touch but, moreover, seemed a pleasant regard that such a fellow could be so attentive to his surroundings. He opened the cooler, a nice burst of chilled air cooled his face. He let out a sigh and fiddled about inside with a hoof, that honeysuckle colored tail flicking as he considered the grand possibilities of a big lunch!


“Hmm.” He regarded the idea of just having an apple for lunch. As delicious as they were, s’only good for a snack, in his professional opinion. To have a real meal you needed all the fixings! “S’no good.” He affirmed before peeking out of the fridge and, in arm, was a tower of food items that was not only the fixings, but than some!


Setting it down on the table he piled up a pair of sandwiches for them with some apple butter ice cream and a good helping of cubed, chilled apples that would certainly help Mac cool down after such a hot work day! The sandwich was piled nice and high, making sure everything fit just right between the two slices of bread on either end. He dove into the meal and made quick work of the tower, munching it down to a one story after just a bite or two. He could really put food away! He looked at her, considering the words she mentioned. She had mentioned sparring earlier but he reckoned she meant his sister. She was always a scrapper, liking those athletic sorta things. He didn’t consider himself much else asides a farmer. His hobbies seemed to lean away from more physical activities. Twas not to say the workpony wasn’t fit for such activities, but he sure wasn’t keen on hitting a mare.


“Uhhh…” He wasn’t too bothered by taking a hit or two. He’s injured himself enough farming to really build up a resistance to most things, sometimes straining himself for not realizing his limitations. “Ah don’t know…” He was pretty unsure. If the mare was a soldier she was pretty tough so he didn’t need to be too worried she’d hurt herself. “...dun seem right ta--” He looked over her form, clearly indicating that -- he didn’t find it right to wrassle a mare. The difference in size was pretty outstanding most times.


He was also fully aware of his strength and did his best not to cause too much worrisome problems. Keeping out of roughhousing avoided more of the major forms of property damage they used to cause as a pair back in their youth. No he couldn’t just -- wrassle a mare. Granny would sure have his hide if’n she done found out he was being so ungentlepony like! He hoped AJ was down soon. It was hard enough even tell her no, given such a simple request, but in the same -- gosh the implications!

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Tempest let out a soft chuckle as she sits down at the table, he really was a pony of few words and softer than fresh bread. It was cute in a way, he will make a mare happy someday to have someone…. Somepony as sweet as him. “It is fine if you do not want to. But don’t fear hurting me, I have played with far bigger than you and broke their teeth against tables… Walls… the floor.” She says with a soft smile as if the memories of doing such was pleasant to her. “But I will not push it.” she waved a hoof in dismissal and looked at the big sandwich.


She leans her head side to side as she studyed the sandwich, it was a heck of a meal. Looking up at Big Mac inhaling his food she shrugged and followed him in turn. Well she can’t take as big a bite as him, she was not beaten by the large meal as she starts cutting it down to size bite by bite like a starving dog that got some food tossed to it with no care to being messy. She was not a refined mare nor did she care if she looked messy when eating. She was hungry and if somepony had a problem with that she will break their jaw for speaking up about it.

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Applejack found her little fella in his crib-bed, doing one of the many tasks foals did best: Crying and wanting attention. She gave it to him. “Aww, is mah little colt needin' momma?” She cooed. Her nose twitched and her face grew a grin. “Somepony needs a change,” she gave him an eskimo kiss and picked him up, taking him to a changing station and getting the work done. She enjoyed looking after him. Apple ponies were well known for their great love of family but that would never be clearer than witnessing the bond between mother and child. In relatively short order he stopped crying, started giggling, and started mouthing off as well. He was just starting to enter the age where potty training was needing to start, but she had been a bit busy- gonna start it soon. “All done!” she said triumphantly, echoed back by Zap Apple. He was clean and prepared, his little wings flapping windlessly and joyfully as she put him on the ground.

She considered going down...no, no, he needed to eat.

“Is somepony hungry?” She asked rhetorically, looking around for options. She kept some food fit for a growing colt up here, and she decided that now was the time he needed to eat. She set him up and he didn't complain because by all rights he was a voracious Apple. She knew what she was doing. She was stalling for time. She was happy Tempest was here, happy she had found a place to recenter herself. But while Big Mac had only seen little of the events in the capital, Applejack had been in the thick of it for some time. She was rightfully terrified of what the mare was capable of and even if she wanted to just jump with excitement at the prospect of being the stepping stone to reformation, she had familial concerns that weighed down her more idealistic self. Of course that didn't matter. As he ate she realized that she would eventually have to head back down there and he would have to come with her.

“I'm sure Tempest is fine,” Applejack said lowly to nopony in particular, Zap too busy finishing his applesauce to care. She cleaned him up pretty quickly, smiling when she was done. “Well, yer lookin' as cute as a button! It's time for ya to meet a new friend. Remember ta be nice,” she said excitedly. Zap responded with a wag of the tail and a flap of the wings, repeating random words to Applejack's encouragement. She led him out of the room and made a quick detour, picking up some documents on the way. A few minutes later four big hooves and the excited flapping of tiny wings announced their entrance downstairs and quickly into the kitchen. Applejack had some documents in her saddlebag and Zap was on her back, jumping up and hovering falling down, jumping up, hovering, and falling down all the same with a giggle.

“Enjoyin' a nice meal?”

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  • 2 weeks later...


He laid out that snack pretty quick. Big Mac t'weren't called big for nothing! It didn't help that each bit squirreled away between those bread slices were homemade and deeeelish! Why he couldn't remember the last time they had some left over cucumbers or stale pickles! It just didn't happen on the Applefarm! Freshly delivered, just baked, never leftover goodness! Well, unless ya count Monday lunches which were leftovers from Sunday Dinners. But there was no shaking a stick at Granny’s leftover surprise. Mac loved having Monday lunch! All and all he felt like it would fill him up good, but all his fantasizing about lunches and dinner put him.in quite the pickle when Tempest gave a proud assertion of her valiant stamina in hoof to hoof combat. It left Mac gulping for air, not wanting to be caught mid bite were there something to say!


He couldn't help the grimace that came with the details of her exploits, which sent fellows through all manner of furniture with their faces. He pulled up a hoof the touched to his shapely jaw. Tough as he was he would almost feel the pain of their loss! She was at least polite and offered not to twist his hoof over picking. She was guest and seemed eager, but it really wasn't the place to do such things. He thought of something that may please her and give her a bit of a challenge without sending a pony’s teeth flying. Mac nodded, resting his hooves on the tabletop.


“Hog tyin’” he'd suggest.


It was a silly game when they was younger, but one that gave good practice with wrangling those squealers to get them out of their pens for cleaning. Strong as all hay and wiggly at best: getting a hog toes up while caked in mud was harder than taming a stampeding herd a cows! His ears perked up at the familiar sounds. The first was of AJ’s steps. Being a big brother he's known her steps since she was big enough to buck a tree, but the new energetic flappings could only be that a his little nephew! The new uncle seemed to beam with cheer seeing the little guy and offered him a bite of his cucumber!


“Eeyup!” He answered before looking to Tempest. “You know...“ Mac started. It did seem a lot to explain now that he took pause to think, so it was better to get to the point. “Hog tyin’ game,” he pointed to the mare. “Practice.” If she was indeed going to stay on the farm a bit, no harm in her getting practice now and it would put down a bit of that energy to fight into growing to something more productive.


He looked to Tempest with wide smile, bit proud of his nephew it seemed!

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Tempest was about done with her food as AJ walked in, she heard the mare approaching long before she spoke up. The flapping of small wings as well… She was ever alert and can’t help it sometimes. Years of being alone made one have ears on a swivel and picking out every tiny detail around you. “Yes thank you.” She says between bites as she thinks about what big red offered her. ‘Hog tyin’ as he put it. His way of speaking was humoring, short and blunt but with a flair all to himself. She swallowed her last bite and finly looked at the foal in the room. She did not know what to do or how to act to the small… Thing. “Hi.” Was all she can say to the thing before looking back to Big Mac. “I have never tied up a hog before, but it can’t be that hard. Had to chase down much smarter pray before and more well armed.” She gets up from the table and picks the dish up, walking to the sink she places it in it before looking back at the three of them.


“Well, may as well get myself working around here to help repay this act of kindness. Where are the hogs? How many do you need tied up?” She asked flatly with a small grin. Running down some pigs may be some fun and a nice outlet for her energy. “And what other work do you wish me to do before the sun is down? I can work in the dark if needed.” She added, overselling it maybe but she wanted to be useful for her stay and staying busy was good.

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As the two powerfully built ponies spoke, Applejack made her way in fast and found a place for her to seat. She wanted to get off of her hooves for a small second and get down to brass tacks, something she was sure that Tempest could appreciate.


“Well, sit down a spell and we'll get ta that,” Applejack said as she took a seat, placing Zap on the table. He hovered over to his uncle, pawing at him and trying to crawl around the massive red stallion, desiring greatly to chew on his golden mane while saying 'yup, yup, eyep, yup'. That would provide Applejack enough time to discuss business with Tempest. The guest had cleaned up after herself whih was good enough by Applejack's estimation. She reckoned it was more of a impulse after being in your own for so long, though having an army at your beck and call afterwards seemed like it might sap a bit of that. No matter. Applejack was just happy to be able to help her and hopefully be there to keep an eye on the mare and ensure she doesn't experience any slide back towards the well of cruelty she had drank from for so long. It was important that Tempest not feel like she was alone on her journey towards redemption, and while Applejack was by no means arrogant enough to believe she was the best option, she was the one here and now. Tempest would get the best Applejack had to offer.


“So, Ah've been thinkin' a bit about what y'all be doin' here. Truth be told sugarcube Ah'm sure you could do anythin ya set yer mind to. But Ah wanna ease you in. So first we'll round up them hogs a bit and we'll show you how its done. After that we need to do some sortin' and then we'll clean the batch and make some applesauce and jam and such. That should take tha majority of tha day, an' then we'll have some dinner," Applejack said as she went to go pull out a small map of the farm and wave Tempest over. "We'll spend tha majority of tha day near the north fields an' silo after tha hogtyin' is finished. Since we don't wanna hurt them piggies we'll show ya how ta hogtie all proper like," she nodded. Hopefully Tempest could get her aggression out without causing harm to the little piglets and such. A mare known for not involving herself with half-measures would hopefully learn the good and honest virtues of restraint and managing your power.

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There was always a method to the madness, as they would say. The Apple’s peculiar activities may have seemed odd and out of place, but with each job came a completed task that allowed their farm to run smoothly! Even in the worst circumstances, like a bad crop or a collapsed barn, you could be sure an Apple had a backup plan for their backup plan. It really did set a course for being able to do so much at once. While, as a whole, the Apple Family was gigantic: each one did work independently to another, together. It really paved the way for big harvests and varied products that filled Equestria with the love and care they put into them!


He looked to the mare as she ate. She sure could put a lot away. He wondered how good she would be at the eating contests at the carnival. While he often hated the kind of pied they had, being an unbiased fan of apple himself, he could see her standing side to side in contest with Princess Luna. He remembered that. It was one of the few times he had free time. Even now, filling up his belly, he couldn't help but wonder what Granny was gunna make for dinner.


Mac was sure that snack hit the spot! To call it a full on lunch did his typical luncheons shame! He shifted his weight, ears swiveling towards the stairs as he heard the familiar hoofbeats of his littler sister. Far from the littlest, but when it came to Big Mac, most of his kin were a lot smaller. And by the sound of it the smallest of his kin was tail after his mum.


“Well howdy!” He chuckled with little Zappy. “Eeyup.” He affirmed the little one’s ecstatic advancements.


The cheerful uncle would lavish his nephew with attention and feed him some of the apple butter ice cream he had while AJ talked to Tempest the stallion pondered a few things of his own. His sister sure was trying to keep the mare busy. He wondered if it was on account a her misconduct in the past. Sure she had lent some similar corralling to Discord, along with her friends, but he wondered if a mare like that could be corralled. It was probably best to burn her out afore trying.


“Well now,” the older sibling started. “She ain't an Apple.” Which he was right for saying. Sure she was a tough mare with that there troublemaking group, but did she have the finesse to do the jobs needed?


One knew it was right frustrating not being able to hold back a kick where instead of shaking a tree you uprooted it! “Practice?” He suggested something lighter instead of taking her about the whole day.

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Tempest did not want to sit down some more, she wanted to do something, anything and stay busy. But talking will have to do for fow so she sits back down with the clatter of her plated armor, glancing at the foal as it mutters and makers sounds as she reminded herself she was like that onces. “Ah yes, restraint.” She says in reply to Apple Jack's comment about not hurting the pigs. “I shall try my best to be gentle. If I feel a growing need to slam something against a table a few times I shall ask to be released on appels.” She says with a cold chuckle as if she made a joke, but her tone made it rather unclear if she was. “That is how one makes applesauce and jam is it?” She added pondering on it a moment. “You just smash them in to a jar. I have never done something like that so forgive me not knowing. You may need too show me when we get there.”


Looking at Big Mac as he spoke a few words. She arched an eyebrow as if trying to decode it before just asking. “I do believe you can stand too add a few more words. Practice in what? Pigs? Applesauce? Jam? Or are you picking up my offer to do some sparring with me?” She asked.

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Applejack knew this mare needed activity more than most. Heck, her every physical action was dominated by a crackling energy that she was sure could be channeled into work. Heck, that was why starting with something that required finesse to start with was so important. Tiring ponies out seemed all nice and good until you ran into ponies like Rainbow and Tempest who were made to move and be little more than sparking bits of energy in the dark. What you needed to do was find ways for them to learn how to restrain themselves not when there was nothing really to restrain, but when it mattered. And with two Apples there to help her out, Tempest would learn how to do it real quick. She was a quick learner. Applejack was banking on it.

“Ah think tha pigs are a fine way ta start,” she said nodding, which was the international Apple sign of a stubborn mare stuck in place. Then Tempest said how she thought applesauce was made. Applejack was courteous enough not to laugh even if she had every reason to. “There's a bit more to it than that, Tempest. Don't worry- bah the end of tha day yer gonna know more about applesauce than most unicorns will learn in their whole lifetimes!” Applejack said with a wide smile. Educating ponies was always a great goal after all and she wasn't gonna say no to helping spread good Apple lore. “Same with Jams and proper sorting techniques. Why, yer gonna have a blast, Ah guarantee it,” she finished, full of gusto and belief in her mission. Especially since it would take most of the day and hopefully get whatever energy she needed out of herself finished before she went to bed. Didn't want a nightmare to throw her for a loop and the barn for a spin.

Meanwhile, Zap had climbed on top of Big Mac's head and was looking around, occasionally gnawing on the yoke.

“Everypony ready?”

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Big Mac couldn’t help but roll his eyes, at how AJ all but disregarded his worries. Leave her to charge headfirst once she had an idea in her head. He held Zappy in his forehooves and shook his head. “Noope.” He tickled the little guy by rubbing his muzzle against his belly. He sure had a tough mama to deal with!  At least Dashie balanced that part out!


He smiled at Tempest, her honest attempt to decipher his speech was… well no fault a hers. What weren't none used to how he spoke. A pony of few words he was and she was probably used to a bunch a hullabaloo in the ranks she had been in! “Ehehe, no…” he affirmed her confusing string of words to be pure nonsense and no where near where he tried to converse. Alas… in due time.


He helped his nephew finish off the bowl of apple butter ice cream and moved to put the dishes in the sink, Tempest’s including. He had set little Zap atop his head to nest there in his mane while he tucked it all away. Granny didn’t help raise no slob! He made sure to clean every dis after use and wipe down the table. Letting Zap help out, least as much as a wee foal could, about the bubbles and bapping them with the spoons! You had to instill good work ethic in them young, even if it was fun and games! He turned around and gave a nod to his sister. All set to go.


“Well, let’s go.” He offered. He would move to pass Zap back to AJ if the foal would go with ease.


The older stallion would lead them out. It was easy enough getting down to where they needed, though still quite a walk for ponies unused to the up and downing paths of the farm’s hills. Between the Orchards and the barn there was plenty of land to support trees for not only Ponyville, but much of Equestria! He didn’t talk much on the sights, leaving that to AJ. He had his mind on other things, mostly concerning Tempest. She was said to have been with those no gooders that had caused trouble in Equestria last, though he hadn’t any personal experience with her. He woulda figured she was a pony at the wrong place at the wrong time, sorta deal, but AJ seemed to have a much different experience with her. He had a curiosity that would need to be sate soon enough! They didn’t always have had-luck ponies to help rehabilitate, but when Ponyville did it seemed always the worse of the worse, not passing offense to Discord and Trixie, but twas truer an’ true!

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Tempest had mixed feelings about all of this, well it was going to be a good outlet and way to distract herself from the many things going around in her head she can only be so enthusiastic about learning more about applesauce than most unicorns will learn in their whole lifetimes. It may just maybe, be more boring than learning how legstics work. To add to the matter was Big Reds rather useless reply to what she asked. This got an eyeroll out of Tempest as she gets up to join them for the walk to the pigs. “Honestly if spoke less I’d believe you were mute or deaf.” She says too Mac, it was not much of a rude tone more of her just being frustrated by how silent he was. But pushing on she looked too AJ. “So, here is a story Mis AJ. This is not my first time here. When I was Filly passed there this farm. Even ate an apple or two, was homeless at the time so hope you don’t frown on it.” She says with soft grin.

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Applejack could see Tempests' frustrations start to mount. She was a mare who was beholden to them after all. A lifetime of solitude and control, of isolation and power, meant she didn't have much of an appetite for the waiting game that dominated preparations for most activities that didn't allow you to simply blow something up. “Yer gonna have ta pardon Big Mac. He ain't much of a talker. Tends ta let his work speak for himself, one of tha hardest an' strongest there is in all of Equestria,” she complimented her brother. As she did so, she knew she was being a little unkind to him today. It was for his own good. He didn't know Tempest, didn't know how far she had come or how hard she could go. A sparring session for her could put him out of commission for weeks even if she wasn't trying to do anything untoward. And if she found him too annoying...well, she preferred him to be safe.

Zap Apple continued to crawl around before burying himself in his uncle's mane, chewing on the hairs before drooling into the scalp and just generally curling up in it. It was mighty large, a good blanket and such for the little foal. Speaking of making messes as little foals, Tempest admitted she had stolen apples from the farm as a filly. Probably soon after she had first fled civilization. Applejack gave a sly grin and leaned in, her tone taking in a faux serious tone. “Well then missy, that there is a mighty serious crime yer admittin' to here. Hopefully tha judge'll go easy on ya, what with all tha good, honest work yer about to put in,” she winked, turned about face, and started trotting out the door while beckoning the others to follow.

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Mac was right used to ponies finding it strange he didn't talk much, mostly outsiders any how. The whole of Ponyville didn't much feel loss at his quiet. He used to be pretty talkative in his youth, downright bossy! As an older brother he thought himself the cat's pajamas and a right bright Apple. While he was his more persnickety intentions could get in one's nerves. Words didn't often get through to his younger sister once she was of age, questioning his authority and all, mostly on account he could be so old fashioned that playing it safe til the cows came home.


Nope, not AJ.


Why she would be down at the river wrangling them ladies up with all their gossip and dilly dallying. He matured himself and found that fewer words worked best in not only his sister, but the ponies around him. Action seemed a far better tool than words. Words, well they changed. Sometimes you'd even say the wrong things and lack the words to really fix them up! At least if ya made a mistake you always had the mind to try again! That aside he could pity Tempest's frustrations, but he couldn't help it. He didn't have much to say on the matter that would help it. It would be better for her to experience it rather than him go on some long what now over it.


AJ was right on the nose with that observation. On both counts!


Mac couldn't help but chuckle feeling little Zap gum at his mane and bed down as if he were a hay cart! But his mane sure was as thick as hay and well it sure was softer than that! He did really good keeping himself nice. He moved along with the group making sure all was well and good,keeping alongside the mares and keeping an eye on Zap who made himself comfortable after his little snack. He looked to Tempest, ears swiveling forward.

“Well, you did no good, what made.ta turn over?” Since she seemed miffed by his silence… being in the spotlight wasn't much easy. “If ya pardon.” As to not seem impolite but the silence was better filled by a pony sharing about themselves than seeming a big head and talking about all the things he could do! Seemed much too prideful a thing to do.

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Tempest did wish that big red hunk of pony talked more, he seems like he’d be a lot of fun. AJ didn't even need to say he was strong, he looked it! But being so soft spoken was bothersome and off puting, she found just speaking her mind worked best in life. If you don’t that means you hide things and he must be hiding a hole lot of things in his head. She moved to follow AJ and red out the door. “Well, glad to pay off my past sins.” She says with a soft smile, knowing AJ was just playing around as they walked along outside.


As they did Mac felt the need to speak up and ask something she’d rather he did not. She chews it over in her head, than speaks. “I was betrayed. I gave him everything he wanted and more. I was his flawless commandeer and pride of his army. I WAS what made it so much more than it was… It was deadly before me, after me it was unstoppable. And he tossed it all way. In truth I saw it coming, I just did not want to see it in my desperation.” She says in a cold tone, stating it all as fact without much feelings on it. “And now I am here, acting more in kindness as a  favor of what AJ’s friend did for me. I am alive do to her and for that I am thankful and so I pass that on to her friends. If not for her and them i’d be dead or some new garden decor for the sisters.”

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