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Magnus Durum [Ready]


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Name: Magnus Durum 


Sex: Male


Age: Stallion 


Species: Unicorn


Eye Color: Sky blue


Character Color: A blueish slate gray that transitions to a pale blue partway down his legs. 


Mane/Tail: Both the mane and tail are a dark red in color. The mane is basically just left to hang naturally, giving a bit of a messy look as parts hang in front of his face. His tail is really just a bun held together with some fairly dark blue bands. As far as facial hair goes, he just has a 5-o’clock shadow of the same dark red hair. 


Physique: Magnus’ physique is one of a well-toned stallion. One trained to fight, a mix of strength and speed. He is also slightly taller than average, all in all rather handsome. 


Residence: The outskirts of Canterlot


Occupation: Noble, traveling sword-fighter 


Cutie Mark: A bright yellow star with several smaller stars around it. This represents his skill in light magic. 


The day he earned his mark was during a trip with his family. They were out on the ocean on a boat trip when everything started going wrong. Problem after problem arose that left them dead in the water, and none of their light sources were functional. Focusing his power into his horn, he created enough bright flashes to call for help, signaling through Morse code. Eventually help arrived, and by then his flank was already adorned with the mark. 


Unique Traits: He has skill with the blade, mixing it with various other tools. His fighting style is not what one would call honorable, as he mixes his swordplay with gut punches, kicking up dirt, basically anything he can do to get ahead and stay there. He is also skilled with manipulating light through his magic, allowing him to become invisible, create illusionary clones, create bright flashes, and so forth. Combining this magic with his skills, and he becomes quite the formidable opponent. 


History: Magnus’ early childhood was marked with many fairly happy years. He was born the second child of a wealthy Kastroti family, with his older sister set to take control of the house next. He didn’t mind that, and spent his time playing with his sister when they weren’t learning. 


Everything changed after the boat trip though. While creating his bright flashes to attract help, he had inadvertently blinded his father. He did not know how to control it yet, but his family were not interested in his excuses. They waited until they felt he was old enough to fend for himself, and then kicked him out onto the street.


He almost died there, and likely would have if he hadn’t found a gang of thieves to join. They truly taught him to survive, and many times taught him not to trust anyone too deeply as they threw him under the bus to avoid punishment. As such, he had multiple stints in jail, and there was no love lost when he figured he had learned all he could from them and turned them all in. 


With that chapter behind him, he took to wandering, surviving on what he could steal or win in fights. He eventually found himself near Canterlot, where he won a minor noble’s estate in a duel and etched himself out a new noble title. From then on, he basically continued as normal, though he added in more diplomatic tricks as he amassed more power and wealth. 


Personality: He places no stock in friendship anymore. No real stock anyways. He understands the value of having allies, and he’s willing to act friendly to get them if need be. Most of the time though, he remains rather reserved, not displaying that much emotion. Anger or annoyance are probably the ones most likely to make it through his almost arrogant facade. In the end, he has emotions like any other pony, but he is loathe to show them. 


Summary: A noble that turned into a brigand and then back into a mixture of the two, he is looking out for number one by any means necessary. 

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