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Roleplay Type: WoE Cast

Name:  First Base 
Sex: Male
Age: Young Stallion
Species: Earth Pony
Eye colour: Dark Teal
Coat: Orange
Mane/Tail: Dark Teal
Physique: Average athletic
Residence: Ponyville
Occupation: Student at the School of Friendship
Cutie Mark: A baseball bat and a baseball

Unique Traits: First Base is gifted with good hoof-eye coordination, especially when it pertains to playing sports. First Base has become infatuated with a new sport new to ponies in which you hit a ball with a stick and run around bases to score points. He is really good at starting new projects. He has good ideas and knows how to execute them. Because of how forward thinking he is, he is often one step ahead of others in conversation. As he grew up, his talent has allowed him to have confidence to talk to others, more than average ponies. He is socially attractive.


History: First Base grew up in Ponyville and was classmates with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. He was often a follower in the class, echoing the majority rule in the circle of friends. He got his cutie mark one day when teasing a friend. They were playing a friendly game of keep-away. When the ball was thrown towards him, he picked up a tree branch and hit the ball far into the other direction. The friend attempting to get the ball was so playfully furious that he started chasing after him. First Base ran as fast as he could and without looking tripped over a sandbag. His leg was hurt but when he inspected his sprain, he noticed his cutie mark had appeared.


When he finished foal academy, his parents decided he should attend the School of Friendship. There, he would attempt to excel at sports and apply himself for the hoofball teams and other athletic activities. He does not have a fillyfriend, but feels he could get one at any time because of his confidence.



Character Personality: First Base is an excellent pony to meet on first impression. He is quick to please and has an infectious attitude. He motivates others when he is trying to help them to succeed. When given a task, even one that is non-sport related, he has a knack for getting a good start on what needs to be done. However, he has a hard time finishing things. Where he lacks mostly is long-term motivation and discipline. He can concentrate on a single task for only so long before he loses productivity, loses interest, and attempts to jump start another new venture to his musing. His fleeting attitude in the end game of certain tasks can sometimes be off-putting to others trying to finish what he started. He is very firm in his initial decisions, but can sometimes be fickle in his future contemplation. He has horrible follow-through and is sometimes hard to rely on for projects that last longer than a few days.

Character Summary: First Base is a young stallion trying to learn about friendship as he continues to age in the town he was born in. He is easy to make friends with, but is not very good at keeping those friends. He is average intelligence but makes up for his basic mentality with strong determination and motivation that can infect others around him. He can gallop a quick 40 meter dash, but has never completed a running of the leaves. He is attractive for his age, but does not often hold a deep, meaningful conversation very well.



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2197170.png Full grown stallion

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