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The things we do for love... and land (ATTN: Steel, Dusty)

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Was that a fair assumption?  Jizara frowned at the implication, but Blueblood had to quietly agree.  During his brief tenure as Archancellor of the School of Friendship in Ponyville, he'd had a chance to see Diamond Tiara's interactions with her peers, as well as Spoiled Rich's tenure as mayor.  Frankly, it was obvious to any who saw the two that they were on divergent life paths.  Lineage, more than motherhood, had been Spoiled Rich's ambition, but only Jizara would fill it.


But it was hard to blame the mare, at the end of the day.  Blue knew full well that the soul and body could be mismatched in identity, and it was just as well that this could be reconciled.  Maybe after the divorce, Filthy could find a true loving companion to serve as a stepmother, thus making five happy creatures total, rather than three miserable ones.  One had to hope.


Standing now on the threshold of this change, Jizara took a deep breath, looking aside at her reflection for the last time as a pony in the wall of crystal.  That was a face that would never be seen again.  "Well, if you could give me some of my youth back in the transformation, I'd appreciate it.  Niilaavin appreciates my maturity, but I'd like to have a lither, more energetic body to enjoy that with.  Not to mention some more years."  A not unexpected final request, all things considered.  With so many impossible things being done before dinner, what was one more?

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“I… Never teleported before, and heard it is no less easy on others the first time.” Niilaavin says back, if nothing else than to cover for his own reenactment to being teleported. He still felt rather queasy but swallowed it down. “A first time for everyone, after all.” He added and followed her into the mine. North Wind just grunted some, doing her best to wipe her muzzle clean and look presentable again before dashing after them to stay behind her master. He looked around the mine, getting low, almost on his belly, to follow the mare without fuss. His eyes danced around the place, looking at the working ponies… Then waved a pay next to a few. “Ah, no wonder they are not reacting. They can’t see us can they? Or are we even truly here? I’d notice something… Large as myself, cloaked or not.” He hummed in thought before moving deeper with the pink mare. 


He was putting together where they must be, seeing as she did not feel like telling him. “Are we at… Or well, now in the Crystal Caverns?” He asked, lowering his muzzle down to watch the filly work for a moment. Then he flicked his ears when asked what mark he may give Jizara. That was… Not easy to answer, he felt. He did not think of it at all in fact until now. They wanted him to do that? By the bells, Jizara wanted him too didn't she. He glazed down at a paw and popped one claw staring at it a moment. He’d… Need to practice inking fur on a pony. He’d hate to make a mess of her fur. He looked over at Cadance. “Something… Related to the moon I think. A crescent… Yes, that will fit. A time of change, the end of one and the start of another. I think it's thematic for her to leave her old life and join mine.” He chuckled softly, almost sober thinking about that. 


“I can’t believe it sometimes. I don’t know what she can see in me. I can offer her so little, yet she looks at me…” He cuffed, shaking his head. “I feel so much shame speaking of this, yet you are the princesses of love. So you must enjoy hearing such. For my kind it's… We do not have love like you do. Mates come and go and a male is judged by the size of his land and the number of females kept. He hardly spends much time with them. They court, he wins them to his land. Mate… And then his duty is to keep the land safe from others. That’s it. I saw my father once, flying overhead. That was it. And mother hardly spoke about him. He was a far lord and had good land. That is all I know about him. Then he was killed and a new pride-king came. That was that. She liked the new one less and was going to leave when all departed… All of this is to say, this is all uncharted for me. Her, This kingdom, everything. I’m walking a new trail for my kind. And I’m so thankful she is here to help me. I don’t feel so alone with her by my side. And I hope I can repay that. I truly do. I hope to be whatever she views in me.” He spoke, rambling in a way about this. But he felt Cadance may be his best outlet for this. At least he hoped she’d keep all this just between rulers. They were soon to be neighbors after all, so maybe it was good to open up and let her see his more soft side.

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“You are here. Technically. We…” she thought best how to explain it, “we are in the...veil...between material reality and unreality. You are seeing things as they are, in real time, as they exist now. If the spell were to stop, you would take up that physical space that you occupy now for all the good and ill that would imply,” she shook her head. “It is a powerful spell, one I learned not long ago thanks to Twilight. It requires not only a significant amount of magical power, but a deep knowledge of the area I am locating myself and others at while also requiring many magical crystals exist at the location of the spell. Luckily, this cavern has many of them.”

It was very true. As they dove deeper, the mine seemed to continue. The mining was indeed extensive, but careful work was shown up and down the mine. They mined at a rate that allowed the crystals and other precious materials to regrow at an acceptable rate, while also doing so safely. Everything spoke to a well-oiled machine being overseen by a startling small number of ponies.


“I think she sees in you the same pride and majesty of spirit that she has always looked for. Beyond that, I have learned lessons throughout life. We accept the love we think we deserve.  You are worth all that she is giving you now plus much more, if you allow yourself to see it. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Without this, you would not seek to create the better world for all Sphinxkind. Without her love, and without loving her in kind, you wouldn’t have a Kingdom to call your own. The rest, how her love works on you, what it means in your heart, those lessons are personal and take much longer,” she said gently as she turned to face him. “This is a journey that you will enjoy, more than any other.”

As she said that, she felt a small aethereal movement along her wings. She bit her lip in excitement, knowing what it meant. “Oh, I see. Well, I think we should be heading back.”




Twilight had considered whether to modify Spoiled’s age during her transformation to Jizara. Of course, Sphinx aged in a very different manner. Spoiled was an older middle aged mare, but chronologically she would be barely an adult as a Sphinx if she used the exact birth-date. As far as Twilight could tell, Sphinx may mature somewhat slowly compared to ponies but it was once they reached adulthood that their aging slowed to a crawl.

Of course, Jizara didn’t need to know that. If she wanted a favor so graciously given, then she would receive one. Twilight smiled. “You will be a youthful sphinx, matching the energy and future you have and hold in your heart,” she nodded. “Now, hold still.”


Twilight’s horn lit up. In the past, such a spell would be hard and dangerous. It required time and preparation and she had messed up similar ones in the past. That would be because she was altering a form, changing what was into what is. For a unicorn or alicorn of her old power, not hard to do, but difficult to do well and accurately. 

This time, she went a different route. She instead reached through the fabric of reality and rewrote it. She changed what is into what was, and what was happened to be a Sphinx named Jizara. In a brief flash, Spoiled was no more and never had been. The only mark of her existence were her family members and paperwork, but as far as the foundational mechanics of material reality, she herself had never existed. Instead, Jizara existed, as pure and functional as if she had been born a sphinx. 


To outside observation, it happened near instantly. How Jizara herself perceived it, whether she even could, Twilight could only venture a guess. The spell was finished, and there sat Jizara the Sphinx.

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Whether it was automatically part of the process, or a special request fulfilled, Jizara was getting what she wanted.  Perhaps, everything she ever wanted.  Maybe that was too much to hope for, but she wasn't too old at heart to not feel it pound in her chest at the prospect.  The magic rose, she felt it start to act on her... it was weird, since Twilight's magic was changing, in essence, the past, while leaving Spoiled's memories of it intact.  Which, more or less amounted to a retroactive bifurcation of the universe, which at this very point in the timeline was combining and joining on her very overlapping person, who Spoiled Rich was contained only in the legacy of her daughter and the memories in Jizara's head, an existentially world-shaking series of events!

It tingled.

With a shudder, Jizara felt herself expand to fill the hall, the enormous cushion seeming to shrink beneath her as she shook out changing limbs that felt as if they were going to sleep on her.  "Mwa, rar, raowl!"  New feline flesh and nerves, along with a spurt of sudden youthful energy, caused her insticts to rile up, pouncing upon the pillow, claws out, working out her weird feelings in a spray of cloth, stuffing and feathers!

It took a few minutes for her to get to full size, and get used to it, by which time Blueblood was cautiously emerging from cover, as he'd overturned his table to act as a makeshift shield.  Jizara had regained a more regal pose, eyeing the Prince in the midst of the wreck, as if daring him to acknowledge it happened at all.  
Blueblood, however, was a married stallion, and knew better.  "Well... you look... improved.  Fitter, I mean.  Er, not that you fat before..."  OK, so the boy still needed some work...

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He followed what she was saying as he kept looking around the mine. It was modest and he’s seen much bigger. But it seemed to have a rich vein with steady flow output. Why it was not expanded he can’t fathom, but he’d see to that. It was no gold mine but gemstones never made you poor. Looking over at the pink mare he pounded her magic some. “That is powerful, when I walk unseen I… Make it so one wishes to simply not see me. An overriding need too just ‘not see it’ as it were. For most it works well, only very well trained guards can overcome that trick. But for most… I can walk down a street, every pony in it moves out of my way and never reacts, or remember even seeing me move out of the way. But this is much more grand than my school of magic… But, your kind were blessed with flexibility in such.” He remarked.


The topic moved onto his own, and watched her keenly as she spoke. It was, as ponies tend to be, a charming reply and maybe too good willed. But he’d lie if did not enjoy it. “I hope it is just so, and I am all her heart can want all ready. Yet I know I can do more and will do so. Some things come less easy, some even more so. It takes some care too not just roll her about with a nuzzle. Or soak her with a single lick. But such troubles are worth feeling less alone in this world. Not to be dramatic, but I think your kind can never grasp what it is to be alone. Friends? Oh yes. Blue has been nothing but good. But to sit down grasp in claws the fact you it. The end song. The fact she helps me push that away and feel as if something understands me, truly, as another of my kind. No pierce can put on that feeling.” He says, eyes wandering around the mine to take in the glitter of gemstones. The shiny was distracting. 


He flicked his ears when told it may be time too head back. “So soon? I feel like we only just started. Or is the magic drain of such a spell? If so, no need to drain it on this trip. Your city is grand and pretty, I’d be content walking its streets with you and seeing all it has too offer.” He replayed with a respectful bow of his head. Well she was an odd mare, he found her pleasant. A good thing as with the deals being offered he’d have to keep in contact with her.

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Cadance nodded. “We all have our ways of using magic. I think it is important not how grand or powerful the magic we use happens to be, but how we choose to view it. As long as you use your magic in service, I think you will find your magical capabilities have a wider, grander implication than even you know,” she said as she prepared to end the spell.

As he spoke, she had two thoughts. One was that his loneliness was something she may never truly understand. She could respond that having such closeness with other creatures, friendship, love, opened you up to escalating levels of grief that only such warmth could breed. But she wouldn’t turn this into a competition. Secondly was the knowledge she had, foretold, that his concerns for his love for her and how it was shared. He would soon have to change some of those thoughts and concerns.

“We will have time enough soon to further investigate these lands, but I think something is happening back at the negotiation that you would be very interested in seeing. I will teleport us in three...two...one...now!”




Twilight took her tea gently as she watched Jizara come to terms with her body. It was very cute, in a way. For all their regality, sphinxes were just big cats. All of the great species, despite their advancements and intelligence, had their animalistic pasts buried deep within. Jizara tore and moved and attacked like an over-energized housecat the size of- well, a house. Blueblood chose to protect himself with a table. Twilight remained in her seat, protected by a thin layer of magic from some debris.

“Jizara, a delight for you to finally join us. A regal posture befitting your kind,” Twilight bowed her had slightly in respect as she started pouring some tea. As she did so, Cadance finished her teleportation...

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Jizara chuffed at Twilight, then made a surprised face at the noise she'd just made.  She'd heard Niil make it many times before, but hadn't yet gotten used to the idea that her own voice produced it naturally rather than a whinny.  She also wasn't sure if Twilight was being sarcastic or not, but after giving her a long eyeballing, she decided to let it pass.  "I will say... it is good to be here at last myself.  If I may-"


But what she would have requested was lost to history as, with a flash, Cadence and Niilaavin returned.  The intant sight and smell of him hit her nose, she was up on all four paws, smiling.  Even less sensitive pony snoots could not escape the smell of cat around a sphinx, but it was just so much... richer, more vibrant and textured to her now.  Familiar, and lovable, as if Niil had a second, equally handsome face.  "Oh, welcome back, darling~"

Blueblood, still behind the overturned table, retreated back a little, wanting to give the two lovers some space.  He wasn't sure how active their reunion would prove, either, so remaining under shelter seemed the prudent course of action...

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Niilaavin gave Cadance a perplexed look, only to have any remakes cut short as took in a breath and shut his eyes preparing for the teleport. North Wind dashed over, flinging herself atop a paw as the count down hit… Now. He felt his insides move in ways most unpleasing as his body struggled to work out where it was for a moment. At least he felt less sick this time. He kept his eyes shut, pulling in a breath as he relaxed… Just to pick up a new scent. No, not new. But… 


The giant almost hit the ceiling of the grand hall as he leapt up and back, lips pulled up into a snarling display of fang as claws screeched over the floor. Both wings shut out, wide and open to make himself look even bigger as a deep hissing sound left his muzzle only to choke out moments later. He froze in place, eyes going wide as looking across the room at the other sphinx. His snarling lips dropped as he just stared with a look of raw confused bewilderment. Soon after his claws sheathed and he took a timid step closer. Then others as he stalked up to the other sphinx and sniffed at her. His eyes dated over to Twilight, staring with focused will for a few passing moments. But he did not say anything, he did not need to. It was easy to tell he’d be enraged if this was some trick. 


Soon he broke that look and looked at Jizara. Head to tail his eyes moved as he crept closer, wings still held out. When they reached each other he leaned his nose close to her own and sniffed some more. “Jizara?” He asked, his tone confused as his eyes. Yet full of something deeper. Despite her new found size she was still smaller than him, leaner and more elegant than his bulky frame. He cuffed three times in a row and soon as she spoke he rushed her in tackle as jaws found themselves along the back of her neck. Yet, Jizara will find the act painless. Oddly, it made her body relaxed to the point where standing was hard. Even speaking seemed too fizzler out as Niilaavin held her scruff, paws held onto her, nose flaring as he kept firm grip around her. He held her like for some time, not responding to anything or anyone. Just, staring down at her. Finly whatever was going on with his mind settled down as he let go of her scruff and began to lick her, gently and warmly as he purred. “How… And what pierce.” He asked, to Jizara or Twilight. Maybe both. 


North Wind, for her part, was staring as well with a mix of wonder and barely controlled envy.

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It was always interesting, watching sentient, intelligent creatures devolve ever briefly to their baser instincts. The way Niilaavin flared himself to appear more threatening, The way he approached her, held the scruff od her neck, controlled, then licked and purred her. It was a good reminder that they were all animals of different sizes and wavelengths, only a few steps removed from their feral cousins. If such a thought was given influence by Jizara, it was given certainty by Niilaavin. 

If anything, Jizara seemed to have better control of herself considering she just underwent a dramatic and irreversible species change. Of course, Twilight was certain that in about a second or two they were going to experience the most physically exciting part of Cadance’s domain, so she was quick to speak. “No price, Niilaavin. Jizara is finally herself. I hope you two are able to find your own happiness and harmony in each other’s paws, even as you embark on the custodial role of nation-builders together. There remains just one more thing,” Twilight said as she took a quick breath.


She looked at the bands and her horn glowed.

She knew she could just destroy them, but that could damage Niil and she did not wish to harm him. It was one of the better defenses against a powerful magical being, make it so that the power itself gave no grand benefit past a certain point. A few different attempts at scouting revealed how well made these cruel bands were.


And so her magic traveled back in time, looking for cracks in its metaphysical armor through the eons. Not one. She then went back to the time of their creation- no, indeed they had warded the work before the work began. She went back even further, tracking the base materials used in its creation. She created impurities and magical backdoors to either weaken the work imperceptibly or allow her to override the band. Nothing changed; they were made by somecreature that put great effort into only using the best materials.


No matter. She created a new element, a new material, localized it in the time and place of the band’s creation. It had all the strengths and qualities and protections and was for all intents and purposes an atomically correct replica of the source material. All she added was the faintest and lightest of touch, something so absurdly minimal that even Twilight, knowing what it was and what to look for and having placed it there herself,  could only barely discover it.


Happily, the bands were now made of this material as they always had been. She scanned the bands and found the trail of magic she had left behind. Like picking a lock she moved her magic, working through the personal ley line stealthily added into the material. Finally the bands came off, releasing Niil from them once and forever. 

She lifted the bands and put them on the table. “There. Now you can act as a ruler should- no chains on you,” she smiled mischievously, her eyes twinkling something fierce. “Maybe I can resize them for Blue?”


Cadance allowed herself to simply focus on the happy couple. Niilaavin likely did not know it, but she had infused the teleportation they had undergone with a bit of influence tailored to him. Not that he would need any cause to become so very interested in her, but to be clear, the chances of a litter being bred in the here and now was much higher than normal. Considering a primary goal of the day’s festivities was ensuring the survival of the species, a good decision on her part. She focused on the happy couple, the power of their affections acting as a warm salve to her. Her wings stayed close to her but shifted ever so slightly above, allowing the smallest of air currents to pass through to cool her body as it grew warm. 
She did manage to see North Wind, and she leaned over and whispered lowly. “How are you feeling about all this?”

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Even with her restored youth as a sphinx, Jizara retained the fortitude of maturity, standing fast and unflinching even as she saw Niilaavin flared up at the first unexpected sight of her.  Not to say that her hackles didn't rise, and her breath was a little shallow as she verbally confirmed, "Yes, Niilaavin, it is I."  Quickly finding herself all of a flutter inside, for the first time in decades, she was hardly able to respond to the cuffs, save instinctually, and gasped outright as she was rushed, tackled, and seized.  Heart pounding from being tackled, she felt her love's teeth on the back of her neck.  For three heartbeats, the world stood still.  But this was no attack, merely a mark, a sign she was his mate.  His mate.  Held finally by a lover with no barrier of kind or kin between them, she let out a deep, rumbling purr, her hackles finally coming down to rest.


"No price, this is a gift... just as you were to me."  She fully leaned into her now-fellow sphinx, intertwining her tail with his own, giving him a smoky half-lidded expression that promised full advantage of Cadence's subtly-given blessing tonight.  But this was not the only gift he would receive this day...


Though Twilight's interference seemed to take no time, as it was outside of time, Blueblood could feel something... change in the amulet he wore about his neck.  A tingling, as if power was leaking from it.  Quickly removing it from his neck in case of dangerous leakages, he held it out in front of him, watching the golden collar and bands fall from the neck and legs of Niilaavin, freeing him at last from the ancient binding of the sorcerer.  The faint glow about the gold and gems of his own amulet faded with them, signaling the end of his command over the Sphinx.  The Prince could not be prouder, as he spoke the ancient words of manumission,  "No longer do I call you a servant, you are my friend and my brother."

A solemnly happy moment, unfortunately spoiled by Twilight's joking insinuation.  "He-e-e-ey!"  Blueblood whinnied, stung in a sensitive spot.  Damnit, one dreamwalking Auntie was bad enough, were all the alicorns seeking out the idle fantasies of his mind?

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As Niil and his soon be mate shared their moment, North Wind glanced over at Cadance and was a little startled the princess was even speaking too her. But she held herself and spoke matter of factually, standing stiff as a guard on show. “I am, as in all things, happy for my lord and lady Jizara.” She replayed, it was not her place to discuss things outside of that. She knew her lord would make up for this in some way. He’s never failed her on his word yet. And this was out of his paws anyways so she can’t feel mad, just envy that Spilled got blessed first. But the blessing was real, that pipe dream of her lord… And herself was real. He’d see it happen… Her eyes went wide with shock as the first golden band fell off a leg. “Wha-wha-”




Niilaavin was overwhelmed, truly. His mind was a train rushing down a hill still shoveling coal. Words failed as mumbled, purred and chuffed like some feral cat as he nuzzled and groomed Jizara. This seemed impassable. Did he dream of such? Yes! But deep down he knew it was folly, the hopes and dreams of one sitting at the end of some story wishing it would go on. He made peace with that fact. He’d live his life as best he can and when the time came he’d go into history with respect and his kind known, not forgotten. It took him well over a year of struggling to come to terms with this fact, and a few more years of coming to terms. And all of that was just… Ripped out from under his paws in the best way possible. Yet it seems unbelievable but here it was regardless of his own mind's struggles. Another of his kind born from the soul he knew fitted it. 


The rest chatted, talked and spoke as if nothing much happened. Yet he found himself just staring down at her, gripped in his paws as if she’d just slip away as some figment of his mind. But she was real. This was no spell, no trick on his own mind. She was as real as he. And for what? Nothing? How can one do something this grand and want nothing. Speaking of nation-builders as nothing changed. As if they did change the very story of life and remove the last footnote for books to be. Niilaavin, endling of his kind. It was just so much… And yet it was not the last world changing event. He did not even notice at first his mind was so hyper focused on Jizara.


But notice he did as a leg was moved to remove a band. He stared, unblinking at that leg. Where the band once snuggle gripped his leg was patches of missing fur and skin tender to the feeling of air. He stared at it and timidly moved a paw to touch the tender flesh and patchy fur only to stop as the largest band, the one around his neck, slipped open and was removed. A ring of patchy fur and tender skin was opened to the world. Wounds born from wearing what can not be removed for so very long. He almost choked on his own breath as a paw reached up and brushed his neck, eyes following the golden bands as were placed on the table with a heavy thump. His neck band alone made the table bow under his mass. Each one was heavy but the neck alone was almost a ton of enchanted gold. It’s placement on the table let out a thundering thump that echoed in the room. 


Niilaavin just stayed frozen for a time, one paw on his neck. Feeling the tender skin. Feeling the missing fur. Then he let out a choked gasp as water welled up under his eyes. He was shaking, paw wavering as kept feeling his own neck. Then his legs. Slavery was never painless for any race. But for a sphinx it was unimaginable. So hard wired to see themselves Infallible to be ‘owned’ by another was almost mind shattering. It was worse than death and was the only saving grace for Niil and his loneliness. His own mother will have killed him, same for his siblings, before seeing him a slave for a moment. And he’d welcome it. At least, back with his first master. But maybe in a way, the chains did something for him. With a mind taken too place unknown to his kind he was forced to think and see the world in new ways. It changed him in ways he’d never fully understand. 


His eyes fell on the table, looking at the gold. He hated gold. He hated it so much. But he used gold earrings, and had his claws done in gold. All to blend the bands in with the rest to hide them. Hide the chains of his slavery. He wanted it all off. Every last scrap of that demand gold. He’d never wear gold again. He never wanted it in his room. His den. He was shaking, breaths short as water ripped down his muzzle from the spring underneath his eyes. He wanted to speak but only choked out a yowling cry as he plunged into Jizara’s mane and sobbed. It was all too much at once and the giant truly was overwhelmed. For the first time in all Blue has known the cat, as well Jizara, He was truly sobbing with rampant emotions and lacked any words to speak. He was truly free and that was worth more then anything.


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Twilight had steeled herself before the meeting. She knew she would need to do so. For as friendly and agreeable, personable and cooperative as she needed and wanted to do, she was also acutely aware of the gravity of the negotiations. For that, and any unexpected issues that may have arisen, she had been sure to keep a lid on herself. There were times to be free and easy and wear your heart on your sleeve and there were times to be clear-headed and focused, and except for the small comments she made to lighten the mood she had kept herself even and warm.

Which was good, because if she had not prepared herself she would have cried when Niilaavin did, his own heart’s bursting through his Sphinxian mental granite a powerful display. Instead she smiled happily, friendly and kind, but gave the newfound Tyr the time he needed to weep in and hold deep his love. She analyzed and considered the future, and allowed her analysis to die for the sake of the moment’s momentary purity.


She allowed the Tyr time. When she spoke next, it was when she felt he was composed. “I suspect you may try to quickly work to heal and cover your bandmarks. I would not rush this process- the area will be raw to some extent and your body will need time. Similar styles of bandmarks can be found among some nomadic bardzebras of Unyasi. I have sourced some potions they use after extended use to promote natural healing. I hope it helps. And Jizara- please be aware of your claws. I hear an excited Sphinx can be a dangerous predator,” she offered with a smile. Her horn flashed once more, though it appeared nothing changed. She then levitated a small army of documents towards Blueblood.

“If you want time alone with Jizara, Tyr Niilaavin, I think we can take it from here,” Cadance added, her tone carrying the undercurrent of mischief that hung at the tail end of every pregnant pause whenever love was the subject. “Correct, Prince Blueblood?”

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Jizara's eyes widened as she witnessed Niilaavin's emancipation.  The big cat had worn as cheerful a face on his predicament in public as he could, but she, along with Blueblood, had been close enough to him to know just how much strain those bindings inflicted upon his soul.  And now... he was free.  If there was anything more Twilight could have done to prove sincerity in dealings with him, she couldn't name it.  


Not that this was a time for words.  Her mate was in tears, unable to speak.  Niil needed her, needed her presence, her touch, her smell, her purrs... everything that could reassure him that Jizara and all that happened today was real.  She chuffed, nuzzling him where she could reach as Niilaavin choked out all the stifled emotions of the bound decades...


Twilight spoke then, and her eyes flickered up at the alicorn Princess.  "Oh... I'll try... I can't promise there won't be a few more marks on him come morning though, eheh..."  She was holding calm now, but Twilight had put her hoof right on the nub of the matter.  She was indeed excited, and this was going to come out in action pretty soon!



Detecting this situation as well, Prince Blueblood beat as hasty a dignified retreat as he could.  "Quite so, cousin, quite so.  Let's give the happy couple some privacy, eh?"

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Sphinxian mental granite was a fitting term for the unflinching self belief found within the species. Rare is it to see a species so self assured and unflinching in its unfaltering ego then the sphinx mindset. But such stones can not flex. And when they did it lacked the flex and rebounding of steel or iron, only shattering. Niilaavin came close many times in his life, all of it after his capture. The strain cracking and breaking the granite in places. But never shattered it. And in time the cracks and gaps were filled in with something new. He simply did not think as his siblings, his mother, father or himself once did. The strain of his life demanded change and where most of his kind may have shattered like a wall of stone. He served. He prospered. And now he was free. Free. Such a simple remark made all the more funny given how ‘trapped’ he was under Blue. He was in all ways free long before this. But how free is one when they know anything can touch one item and cast him back into that pits of slavery? None of that mattered now. 


Nore did his fears of being alone. He was not truly alone, no. But he was the end of something. End of the sphinx story and the last call of his kind. That was its own misery atop others. Laying in the sun knowing you very well may be the last to do so. It pulled him to breaking point a few times just to be pulled out by founding kinship in the ponies. He’d never forget that or go back on it. They were family. Part of his pride and saw them as such. But kinship no matter how strong will not, can not, save him from being the last. And just as simply as the golden bonds being removed that was over as well. He still can’t believe it, much as the magic chains of slavery. It seemed silly and just preposterous in how unbelievable it was. Two things that seemed as permanent as the coming and going of the rains, rise and fall of the sun. It simply WAS, until it was not. It made him feel… He did not know. He found himself awash and adrift on a raging river of feelings and confusion. Yet in the roar of this river one sound sang over all. Happiness. He was happy. A roaring youthful happiness that took him back to days long lost. A kitten rushing out to his mother with a fresh kill. Her warmth, her love. How big she was compared to him and yet how that made him feel nothing but hopeful. 


Anything was possible. He found himself more aware of himself after that. He pulled his muzzle away from a thick mane of fur and blinked water from his eyes and looked at the wet fur. He found his breath as his heart slowed and relaxed as he gained his paws back under himself. That sphinxian mind pulled itself back together with the grace only cats may know as he looked around the room with a firm, yet hopeful smile to his face that can not be kept contained. Thankfully it seemed Twilight was willing to contain herself until he was more alert, a fact he was thankful for as he still strangled his emotions back into palace. A task more easily hoped for then achieved but he was managing. He was unsure what to even say, how to thank her. Them… All of it. How does one even do so? How does one express how monumentally… Life changing this all was. He wanted to fly. To roar into the skies and tell the world all was not yet lost… More so he wanted something else. Something putting and cuffing so sweetly under his big frame. 


If he was not a sphinx he may have felt abashed being in a room with others staring down at Jizara the way he did. She was perfect. Her ears, her fangs and claws. He almost forgot what it felt like seeing his own kind. Her voice struck him, along with the sharpness of her eyes. She always reminded him of mother as a pony but now… All she missed was the proper fur color of his mother. It took him a moment to register he was being spoken to. “Jnk-ḥsj’ laudi, ṯmt ḫmtw-” He stopped speaking, blinking a few times then let out a short and genuine crack of laughter before nuzzling Jizara for a moment to relax. “I sing the praises of glory onto you there, for you have done more than I can say. I lack the words and mind to thank you properly at this moment. But thank you, truly, with all the glory the All Mother can give onto her cubs. I accept the potions too help deal with the wounds, and I humbly ask that later I be presented with a pony able to work my claws. I wish for silver gilding… I also wish to meet with a silversmith able to produce new jewelry fitting me. I will pay them in… Gold.” He says flicking his ears, one claw poking at a giant golden earring. 


He then looked down at Jizara and in reflex, bit down at the back of her neck again and let out a deep and strong purring rumble, before letting go and licking the back of her head a few times. “Be warned, that fresh hide will not stay so. You sing of fang and claw and shall know both.” His tone was playful, bordering on romantic even. At least to sphinx ears as he pulled himself up and off her… Even if he hesitated a moment. Looking over at Blue he paced over and leaned his head down, his nose almost alone looming larger than the pony as he smiled… Then he looked over at North Wing. His servant was standing proper, but he can tell she was… Upset. And he knew why. If something was found, no matter how slim… She was to test it. An oath he made long before befriending a town mayor. And one given to a pony that Blue can vouch for with her unfaltering duty and loyalty onto himself. His tail swings once then he turns too face Twilight. “I stand on no ground to ask for anything. You have given me… More than I can truly begin to make tally of at this moment. But I ask this. And do ask in all that it means for you to change North Wind. She has severed me fully. Unflinching in duty and needs. And… A few years ago… By the All Mother has it been so long already? I told her her faith in me will be repaid as she’d test first anyway that may bless a pony to be as grand as my, or Jizaras, self. I can not offer you anything fair for such a pierce. Just me and my litters will never forget such. You saved not me. But my kind. And gave Jizara the body befitting her soul. I ask the same for North Wind, and know well you may not do so. I will not hold it against you.” 


With that he looked down at North Wing. “You will be repaid, one way or another, for all you have done… HuntsMarshal North Wind.” That got something out of her, wings fluttered as she looked up at him with a thankful smile. But that is all he can do for now. Looking back at the others he bowed his head gently. “I shall take leave and spend the evening unless asked otherwise, alone with Jizara. She has much to learn about herself. And well I know her soul is where it belonged all along I think she’d enjoy some help… Exploring it.” He fluttered his wings up, making himself look bigger as he eyed the female up with a hunter's gaze before taking his leave. “North Wing, that goes for you as well and all staff. You will be called for if needed.” He added, moving swiftly for the large doors and pushing them open on his own and swiftly departing view from the grand hall.

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Cadance had considered for some time as preparations for this meeting were being made what role she would need to take once the sealed matters of state were settled and the prospects of romance, confirmed as they were, had taken the only road they could. She had her cheerleader outfit back home in the closet, she didn’t think they’d even need a cheering section. What would she even cheer? “Rah, rah, save your species, purr purr, meow meow?” Probably not. And she wasn’t going to kittensit tonight.


Twilight knew what her role was. Now that the big cat had been given his own big cat and the two could explore each other and their future- and all the sensations that threatened to overwhelm them as new worlds compounded on top of one another- she was finally allowed to get down to the brass tacks of business. The Tyr would have no patience for the busywork that was to follow and Jizara deserved some time to come to terms with her new body. That left Cadance, who had already acceded to what Twilight had wanted, and North Wind, who was a representative perhaps but held no great power in the proceedings.  Blueblood and Twilight were to do the real work.

“I am sure we can find proper ponies for proper work to be done at your behest for decorations and likewise. And the subject of North Wind’s future can be discussed, but such matters would need to be discussed with North- in private,” Twilight offered a smile as she leaned back.


“I hope you two have a wonderful evening,” Cadance added simply and with great and deliberate understatement.  Once the two sphinx were gone, the seats occupied by them were transformed into ones more suited for ponies. “Take a seat, North Wind,” Cadance said jauntily, as she took her own seat once more. “Need anything new to drink or eat, you two?”

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Jizara would need some more schooling in the ancient language of the sphinxes to understand Niil's off the cuff remarks in that tongue, but there would be time enough to learn in the future.  Time... she had more of it now, and each of those added moments would be doubled in value from spending it with her newfound love.  In a way, Twilight's gift to her was no less precious than that of Niilaavin's emancipation to him, though it would have been in poor taste to compare out loud.  Not that instincts weren't shouting louder in her mind than mere etiquette, as she purred up a storm alongside Niil as the two go to their feet.  


His remark directed towards North Wind drew a sharp gaze from her, as feline eyes stared down at the servant.  Ah, yes, she recognized that one; of all the servants she had seen Blueblood lend Niil, she seemed to be the closest, one she saw most often, always last to depart.  Was there jealousy in her eyes, as she parsed the request made on her behalf?  Undoubtedly; it is, after all, considered rather impolitic to discuss a new addition to the herd even before the consumation of its first match!  Niil might be getting a bit of an earful on that, but in private.

"Enough foreign.  I think it's time we saw to the domestic, don't you say, love?"  She huffed, drawing up his tail to intertwine with her own, as she departed the room by his side, in the shadow of his wings.  


Blueblood, who had been on the receiving end of such pleasant pinfeather preludes, smiled indulgently at the happy couple, until they finally departed.  The furnishings were re-adjusted to pony-sized scale, not without a sigh of relief on his part.  Dealing with large scale for large intervals did wear a bit on his mind, and he wanted to be the sharpest he could until all was concluded.  Faust knew that Twilight's charts could be dull enough without any distractions sapping his focus...

"I should like a glass of wine to toast the happy couple, were these not still working hours.  Tea and sandwiches until we've wrapped this all up would be lovely, though!"

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North Wind was not the sort of pony that first comes too mind as a ‘servant’ given she cut the look of a pegasus officer, not some cute maid cleaning a home. Yet that look and personality did wonders for the job, her staff were a well oiled machine thanks to her. And she did enjoy her work… More so she enjoyed working for her Lord. More so than most know or needed too know. And not for the reasons many may think. They were platonic, simple as that, even if some maids did not think so. Or maybe Jizara… Oh she’d need to talk to Niil about that one… And Jizara as well to clear some things up. She understood the look in the cat's eyes. Yes she wanted to be a sphinx as well! But not whatever Jizara feared. 


She flicked her Dapple gray ears, doing her best to keep a clean unflinching smile as the two big cats left the room. Then let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. It was still shocking. His freedom. Jizara… All in short order. She knew her lord would be overjoyed and so was she. She knew the bite of iron around the neck and the song of chains. Nothing in life compares too losing them. She looked over at the others in the room, and noticed she was being addressed. It took a moment longer to really think about it. She was being asked to sit… Why? She had no part in this. But she was not one to snub the mare her Lord will have to deal with so often now. “As you wish.” She replayed and walked over and took a seat next to Blueblood. 


“Plenty to eat and drink' on the table Princess Cadance.” She says back in an accent, if one was sharp, hailing from Maretonia. If the ears were even more sharp one can tell she was form Hippostion. Eyeing the table up before nudging a plate of fish over. She eyed it for a moment. Long ago she’d gag at eating meat. Oh, how times change. She leaned in and bit off some of the tender flesh and swallowed. She liked too pretend she was big as her Lord, hunting down a meal. At least when she was alone. She liked to pretend even more to help him get his meal. Was she insane? Maybe. What pony enjoys helping hunters? Speaking of the others, her muzzle slipped under a gray and white wing before coming back out with a liquor flask before Blue was even done speaking. Of course this left her blinking a few times mid-pass as he added that he was not in fact drinking. She slipped it back under a wing with a nervous chuckle.

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What followed could only be described as an assault on North Wind and Blueblood with details. The exact number of acres to be transferred down to the last rood and the roods of that rood, the final inch and the last speck of grass. With this would come the exact number of bits needed to complete the deal. Various options were given, depending on what offer was to be accepted, with the two point five bit offer from Cadance for territory, alliance, and tremendous efforts from the crystal corp of engineer being the one Twilight most favored.


More infoassaults regarding diplomatic efforts and other matters of state followed. Twilight was thorough and leading, but she also made sure that the information given to Blueblood was easy to digest. While she was surrounded by maps, figures, and notes, what she hooved over was simple, concise, and deadly accurate. She wanted him to be able to handle the duties given to him without overwhelming him, which she knew full well she was capable of. She loved information almost as much as she loved Equestria.


During this, Cadance came and went with food and drink, opining from time to time. Mostly though, she was the good cop to Twilight’s bad cop when it needed to be done.

Her focus was mostly on North Wind. She was Maretonian, for as much as that mattered. A pegasus, but her words carried the faint accent of Hipposition. The Earth Pony ran metropolis in that broken land. What was her story? She had dealt only rarely with the councils from that city, the cartels and mafias that ran it and employed mad scientists always looking to grease the wheels of their unpleasant survival with foreign investing. Cadance paid attention to her, attempting to decipher more than just her past, but her future.

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The assualt in detail was a time-honored negotiating technique, and Blueblood knew full well that he could only whether it for so long.  Coffee would aid in that more than booze, if he was to give more than he got, and as the compass rose on his flank indicated, he was a rather dapper hoof with a map himself.  That said, after bearing with it for a solid forty-five minutes, he was feeling the need to take a nip or two from North Wind's proferred flask...


"All told, yes, I do believe you are correct about the desirability of high initial infrastructure investment and cooperation, that just puts some constraints about the acreage in budget versus defensibility of territory..."  Not to mention the need to capture arable land within the drawn borders, which was not easy to determine, given that detailed soil surveys were thin on the ground.  Nonetheless, the three of them eventually landed on an eastern border at least that allowed for easy river routes in and out, plus room for agricultural expansion, or whatever could be done with the short local growning season.  "As for the west... I'm tempted to just let it hang by right of conquest; not as if there's anyone we can really negotiate with there anyhow.  It's just that I know leaving it as a problem for later means... well, it's going to be a problem later."


It was with a sigh of visible relief that he signed off on the maps, taking the diplomatic bundle, while gesturing to North Wind that he'd like a nip of that liquor now, thank you very much.  He also partook of the fish, less enthusiastically than her, perhaps, but diplomatic duties to more carnivorous populations had given him a taste for flesh as well.  Perhaps that was one of the reasons that North felt so comfortable in his household.  Never mind that militaristic pegasi mares were to his taste anyhow; which made it all the more unusual that she wasn't seeming to be angling for a spot in either herd branching out from Blueblood Manor, when one came to think about it.

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North has seen some stuff in her time on this muddy orb. Some of it rather haunting yet somehow, this felt worse. She was too used to paperwork. She did plenty and took pride in the detailed loggers inked by her own quill. Still. This must be some level of tartarus as Twilight assaulted her with more details about geography than North even knew existed. When it reached the topic of mineralogical record she pulled out the liquor flask and gulped down a hefty swig. What sin did she- Never mind, she can name plenty. But by the powers that be this was unfair! And yet it just kept going. It felt like a lifetime of keeping her head up, eyes focused as her mind screamed in some odd mix of rage and despair. 


So when Blueblood jested for her flask she passed it over without fuss, he'd find it was full of spicy rum. Both of them were in this war together it seemed. “The west’s only problem is the birds. Cut the line up to where they don't scream too much, we will deal with the rest.” She put in after Blues comments. She felt selfish for speaking up but she was the huntsmarshal now. She had a title! Even if she did not fully know what he implied with that. Was she the head of the army now? Hunting? His games? Still, she knew marshal was a flashy title and meant she had some swing in her words. Maybe. She'd be more giddy about that power if she was not being mentally attacked by the single most boring meeting she’s ever been in. 


“As for the tribes, he’s going to make them bow and call him Tyr. Outside of that they go about more or less unchanged. I don’t think he is planning too tax them until he can even take a real register of what they can even offer. Despite his worries the infrastructure help is needed. The land has as many roads that are usable as I got legs, and these legs will rather fly than walk them. The fact you get gems in at all from that mine is a saint's blessing in the works. Don’t start me on the north coast he wants. That fort is a rotting husk, don’t know what reports you have but it can’t stop a calf with a rusted spoon from breaking in. Southwest is an older fort in better shape run by bandits than that joke. Don’t worry, we cleared them out all ready. One of the more fun outings we had together. And do any of you know where he wants his capital? It has no roads at all leading too it. Not a hard trot in summer but come winter that valley will be cut off without some proper road work.” She added, finding herself going on a tangent longer than she was planning. 


“Most easy fix is a proper network down south linking the river. It's a good river, you can move river boats up and down it all the way to here. Making logistics for the new capital much easier than if you hoofed it all the way over land.” She added, learning her head to the side with a flick of the ears. “Come think of it, a town by the river will be a good trade hub. Maybe sit my flank down on that one. Get them docks up, push a road north. Not shabby. Anyways.” She gestured at a map with her hoof, marking where the castle will be. “Safe from the worst of the winter. But a long walk for every pony not blessed with wings if you live on the other side of them peaks. Clear the woods and I bet it makes good farmland. Better than the tundra to the east.” With that she looked over at them. Did she say too much? She felt like she did. But no one stopped her so it must be ok. And hay, spoke on his behalf plenty of times and he did not say she can't here so why not?

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Twilight nodded. “Indeed. I do not believe the situation will be dire enough to have to resort to any such conquest, nor do I believe arable land will need to be captured. Not only do I believe efficient and well-run agriculture programs can be implemented on what land we know and/or believe to be there, but more than one nation has its food security tied in trade and while I do understand every nation’s inherent desire to be self-sufficient, that desire must be balanced against other needs as I am sure you understand,” she stacked some papers and soon they were zapped away, lessening the info-load in front of them. “I have every intention of being a good friend to Hytaria and the Tyr, but unwarranted aggression against free ponies in the Basin and by aftershock their allies in the Leota who have renewed their own vows with Equestria and myself will do great damage to more than that relationship. 
Of course, I understand it is within the basic culture of a Sphinx to seek not only dominion, but to grow that very claim. I hope I can count on the both of you to help the Tyr learn how to conduct himself not only as a powerful sphinx worthy of fear and respect, but a powerful leader worthy of love and respect. If he is worthy, subjects will come to him willingly and so will new land,”
Twilight finished, another stack of papers vanish


“The river has been a point of possible expansion, noted by the Crystal Corp in their detailed plans. Good eye, Huntsmarshal,” Cadance smiled. “I would not discount Fort Trotterdale, in any case. You should pay it a visit now that you represent the state that owns the land. Here, take this,” Cadance said, levitating a small green crystal over to North. “Show it to the ponies who live there, and see what you find. In any case, no doubt the fort to the southwest is in better shape, but Fort Trotterdale’s port is already trade worthy. Not heavily, of course, but nothing that can’t be fixed. The Fort you cleared, however, I would agree makes for a better natural defensive bulwark,” Cadance finished amiably, nodding to Twilight.

The ruler of Equestria leaned in as most of the rest of the paperwork vanished. “Now, out with the boring material. Blueblood, you will be appointed as Ambassador to Hytaria, with the secondary title of Pony Relations Advisor. That is easy enough, but what is that you want to be? And North Wind, what should I do with you and why should I do it?”

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Blueblood did have to say, he was suitably impressed by how sharp North Wind was.  It was no mere favor of patronage that had led Niil to promote her to a high position in his kingdom, and her remarks were apt, if answerable.  "The fact there's not much infrastructure there to begin with makes capital location selection semi-arbitrary.  Selecting a previously undeveloped area in a central location is actually good politics, as it prevents any appearance of favoritism shown had either the port or the mine been selected.  Prevents divisions from forming at the outset.  As for Fort Trotterdale's defensiveness, I think arrangements might be made with the Vakstyra and Clan Breen to secure it as a trade entrepot; you need to open relations there in any case to ensure trade convoys can be properly escorted and protected from sea raids.  Their terms are easy, it mostly comes down to pledging political support to their faction in the Whitescar Civil war, that is, backing High Queen Sigrun.  You remember Sigrun, right Cadence?  She was the Jarl that came to help rebuild after the Red Jarl attacked.  Fine cow, in every respect.  A good friend to make, for sure."


That seemed to wrap up a lot of the map talk for now.  They could build a framework in this room, but the final decisions would have to be made on the ground.  It was probably best to leave some things open for future flexibility, now that the problems were delineated and the prices settled.  The real work would begin once the Sphinxes and settlers moved in.  Speaking of...

"Well... this venture, Twilight, its... I consider it a House venture.  Niilaavin is a part of House Platinum, and not a mere branch of the dynasty.  According to the College of Heralds and genealogy in Canterlot, we are now, officially, brothers."  That had taken a few... personal visits on behalf of the sphinx to persuade some of the stuffier members, but shining teeth and claws were universally effective tools of rhetoric.  The Prince took a deep breath, sighing as he looked out towards the window, seeing the new land in his mind's eye.  "I've gone from the last of my House to seeing it grow so fast... but its not enough.  Just existing at the top of Society's food chain in Canterlot was never enough even for me.  It all needs to be for something, you know?"  


He pointed a hoof down to his cutie mark.  "Ever since I got this, I knew my destiny was to do something great at the ends of the earth.  It's why I took up sailing, why I chafed against noble peers and expectations, and took up every foreign posting I could.  And now... now I know what that great thing is meant to be."  He tapped the map.  "This is where I want to be, as a founding member, a vizier, an advisor, an ancestor.  Heh, can't say I saw it coming before, but... that's what I want to be now."

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North nodded her head along as Twilight spoke until it was implied he ruled with only fear. Maybe she was reading too deep into that remark, looking between lines to see something not found. But she still felt herself puff up a little, but kept mind to not display that anger and toned herself down. “I can tell you he will do no such… Unwarranted aggression against the ponies found in the land he so wishes to claim. He merely demands they submit too him as a unifying force with authority over the land within the borders discussed. He will adjust or advance such borders without consultation of his fellow rulers bordering him. As for Leota, the borders discussed do impede on them as far as I’m aware but neither me or my Tyr know in detail what they claim. If you own such maps, we’d make good use of them when we reach out…” She shifted in her seat, wanting to toss in a tangent that he already is a leader worthy of love and respect. But bit her lip on that one. How can one not find him worthy? He was majestic. Powerful. Big…. She snapped her mind back to the moment at hoof and not dreams of fantasy. 


She was glad to see all sides with her own remakes about the river, and the use it can play for the capital. And Blueblood did bring forth some positive aspects she didn't think about. Far as she can recall, no tribe, clan, or whatever other petty power block in the lands claims that spot. The fort was not on any maps and was truly old. The only ones that may fuss about a city being built on it were some archaeologists. It did strike her as odd no one moved in. The land was warm most of the year and even took the winters well. It had a lot of hot springs that fed more heat into the valley… But it did not make it any less wet. Maybe that is why? Or maybe it was just so remote no one bothered. Don’t help how thick the temperate rainforest was. But it's why she felt it will make for good farm land when you cut it back some. 


She flicked her ears as Blueblood spoke of Clan Breen and let out a short nayying chuckle. “That is planned, yes. Niil has been trying to hire a caribou without much luck to help him do just that. And before you worry Cadance,” She flashed the mar a warm smile. She found it increasingly easy to chat with all of them. “The trade preference is still here. Your traders will get first dibs on things coming out, and will be favored when practical when buying. Niil told me such when discussing reaching out to Whitescar. He just views them as worthy friends to be, something I don't think anyone here will find fault in. Friendship is magic after all.” She smiled at everyone around the table, chuffed with herself on such a charming remark. This really was not that much different from speaking to her staff. What took her out of that thinking was being asked something simple. ‘What should I do with you and why should I do it?’ 


It took her a moment to even understand what was being asked of her. As it can only be one thing. What her Tyr asked of Twilight. Too change her into something so glorious. So… Perfect. She’d have magic! Sit on a horn and spin dad… Well, if she got changed. Even when he told her so long ago about the deal… It was a long shot. A dream in reality. She heard it in his voice. He did not believe it was possible. But he hoped. So did she. Some filly dream of not being… This. She loved cats. She even liked drawing herself as one for bucking sake. She even owned an outfit to… “I want it. More than anything. I hate what I am. I hate my hooves. My blunt teeth. My clunky movement. When I look at him, I see something so perfect and prideful. When I first saw him when blueblood came back from that trip I was the first to offer up to help! Blue can say so. Well most were scared I was the first to greet Niil. Even slept outside to keep him company and help teach him words. Well Prince Blueblood may be a brother, Jizare his love, I’m his friend and will stay by his side.” Maybe just a friend was underselling the bond, plenty of maids will speak in shadow of other things she’s done for the cat. But she was a trusted friend to him and she knew more about him than most, maybe even more than Blueblood. “I can not, will not beg. I can not offer some deal or under the table pact. My mind and heart follow him foremost.” She added, feeling as if fired a bolt into her own wings doing so. But so be it. She’d take no deal that may betray what she had.

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It was no shock to Twilight that Blueblood’s concern was in some way tied to House Platinum. Despite everything that had happened over the year’s that had allowed to Blueblood to rather defiantly stand against his past self as a changed pony, the means and ways of his House still mattered a great deal to him. The College of Heralds, however, was nothing more than window dressing. So far removed were they from matters of state and power that they spent more time fighting over obscure titles than doing anything noteworthy. It was directly from the Princesses that such changes were made. Celestia and Luna called him nephew; Tyr Niilavin, they would not. 


Not that she had any special feelings for the nobility one way or another. They were mostly an afterthought everywhere except Canterlot before IMAGINE unless Rarity was around. The peerages vanishing over time and not being replaced at anywhere near the same rate was a feature, not a bug, as far as Twilight was concerned. She knew that in the long-run there would be no more Houses, no more peerage, no more nobility to by title hold themselves above. Other titles and roles would be theirs to hold in responsibility, not privilege, in service to the ponies of Equestria. Blueblood would be a wonderful example, and one she dearly hoped others would follow.


“Understood. The importance of Hytaria’s success to both you and your family is noted and understood as well. I think I can accommodate this- whatever title the Tyr wishes to bestow upon you is up to him, of course. But as far as Equestria is concerned, I can simply keep you in place as Ambassador not only in the immediacy, but in the long run as well. Barring your own desire, you will remain in position. Is this agreeable?” She asked, a smile thick on her face. He would get what he needed. So would Equestria and Hytaria. A triple win. How rare!


North Wind was a different case. She was Maretonian by birth but Equestrian by right of immigration, and Twilight was reticent to accept absurdities as commonplace. From a purely logistical and geobiological point of view, she had changed Spoiled Rich into Jizara not out of a well of sympathy for who she really claimed to be, but as a necessity for saving the Sphinx species. Yes, there were many other smaller reasons that she had done so and made it easy to justify ethically, but she would not have considered it so easily had the Sphinx been thriving. Now that there was a breeding pair active- very active, if Cadance’s small pitter patter in position was any indication- she wasn’t so sure what to do with North Wind. 


It wasn’t easier when she spoke about what she felt inside. And what Twilight felt beat in her heart spoke to that and more. She liked the power, the perfection, the superiority and the grace of that species. Compared to her life as a pony- one who, as a pegasus of Hippostion, lived harsh and rough and discriminated against by nature- it must have seemed easy and clear for her. Were her reasons for seeking this change reflective of what was truly in her heart, or a result of the abuses hurled on her from the past? 

More than that, she was Huntsmarshal. An important title to be sure. And it was that importance that made her reticent. Niilavin and Jizara could not be fully trusted to understand the lives and needs of their equine subjects. Jizara may very well have been a pony, but Twilight was not certain that would translate to a great deal of care for the happenings of her subjects. She considered it important that at least one member of the government who was to be involved in the more active matters of governance in the physical scale of their territory lived and conducted themselves in a way that shared the strengths and weaknesses of their citizens. Blueblood would serve part of that, but she expected him to mostly handle affairs with the Tyr and relations with other states. The Huntsmarshal was likely to see the land and deal with the land to a greater degree.


“At the moment, I do not believe it is wise to change you in full to become a Sphinx. You need time to process the creation of the state and the affairs of its management before I can expect you to fully absorb the magnitude of such a change when it comes to Sphinxkind. However, I will give you a gift,” Twilight said as a small crystal of dark purple energy materialized above North Wind before slowly and gently falling into her possession. “That crystal contains the magic necessary to change your species to that of the Sphinx. I have given it a trigger for specific high stress situations, and it will also help keep track of your state of being. When and if it has decided that you are ready, it will seek my final permission to change your species entirely.”

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Blueblood knew that he and Twilight rather diverged in opinion on the importance of aristocracy.  It was a respectful disagreement, but nonetheless the difference and disagreement was sufficient for the Platinum heir to feel that his House would be better served moving to where the institution would be made more vibrant, rather than deprecated.  And if Auntie wouldn't recognize Niilaavin as a Nephew... don't expect him to visit for Hearthswarming this year.  Or any year until she would do so.


This rift did not yet amount to a breach in loyalty, though, so he felt no conflict of interest in accepting Twilight's statement of his station, with some modification.  "Functionally, whatever titles I may hold, my position and calling is likely to be Ambassador of Ponies to Sphinxes for the forseeable future, wheresoever the Ponies in question happen to be from or currently residing."  A clever and accurate statement, one which left him some leeway in which to act.  After all, not all immigrants were likely to come from Equestria proper, or the Crystal Empire.  Those were two safe, secure, prosperous, and well-governed societies.  Prospective settlers would probably be either down-and-outers, or else from particularly rough places looking for a new life.

Ponies much like North Wind, in fact, who soon presented Blueblood with his first instance of duty as Ambassador.  He knew of Niil's promise to North Wind, back when all this had been but a pipe dream.  Now, though, with the magic on clear display, it was clear that transformation was possible.  North Wind's refusal to deal for it was a matter of pride in part, and a pride Niil would think most worthy of a sphinx, but the other half of that reticence had to do with her upbringing in Hipposition.  Blueblood could read the look on the Huntsmarshal's face, and felt prompted to act and head off disaster.
"As my first act as ambassador!"  He smacked his hoof on the table, giving a sharp look to North Wind to cut off any intemperate outburst, though her refusal was likeley to be of the icily polite variety which was so much more effective at freezing friendships.  "I would like to offer you, Princess Twilight, the chance to retract and rephrase.  Bargains offered in Hipposition are struck with the intent and intensity of lightning magic, and were North Wind and her kin not on the receiving end of such, I doubt she'd have left the city.  If you want to prove yourself in good faith, a simple 'No', or 'Wait until Niil has so much time with Jizara' or 'Not until I see such-and-such.'  Any vagueness in a bargain presents itself like a hidden blade.  Cards on the table, Twilight, or declare the hand folded.  Any other course would sow a seed of resentment we can ill afford to sprout into its weeds."


The whole thing came out in a rush, and he wasn't sure if it was too much or not enough.  North did not like special pleading on her behalf, but Blueblood had seen her in action.  There was something in her that separated her from most of ponykind; if Twilight was hoping to encourage empathy with equine kind by delaying a transformation, sad to say that ship had sailed straight into the Bermaredan Triangle.  If anything, her attitude and behavior would be less off-putting as a sphinx than as a pony.  Or did Twilight not know what kind of Hunts she would be Marshal of?

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