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FIM Video game?


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I highly doubt we will see any sort of "official" Friendship is Magic game coming from Hasbro. Hasbro has no experience in the gaming industry, and also has been shown to keep a tight hold on most of their franchises. War for Cybertron is the only Transformers game endorsed by Hasbro, and they had a large hand in it's conception. Also, you have to keep in mind that at its core, My Little Pony is a show primarily aimed at young girls. If such a game were to exist, it would most likely be marketed towards that demographic.

That being said, there are some fan-made games in production. MLP: Fighting is Magic, is one in particular that has sparked my interest. http://www.mane6.com/


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Yeah. Any official games are gonna be aimed at the little girls. Nothing wrong with that. I hope they do make quality games for the young fans to enjoy.

But for us, fan made games are probably what we're going to have to stick to.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see a FiM based game in the next year or so. Likely for the DS (3DS I suppose) or for the Wii. I also wouldn't be surprised if it's horribly unplayable except by patient little girls under the age of eight and highly obsessive bronies. I don't see it as being interesting or engaging at all, at most it would be like the flash games on the FiM site with slightly better production values.

However I could be completely wrong and they could get a great dev team behind it and make a game that will go down in history as being one of the best licensed games in history. Wouldn't that be something? In the mean time I guess we can keep busy with Fighting is Magic and Spike's Quest and the Pony Kart game and the one RPG thing (Equestria Chronicles? Can't remember the name) and all the other games that the fans so willingly make.

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If there is a game, I would buy it.  Even if it was geared towards girls.  Because there's no way it's worse than this:


....That's supposed to be Pinkie Pie? G3, right?
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  • 5 weeks later...

....That's supposed to be Pinkie Pie? G3, right?

I played that game on GB advance (considering the DS version is the same game with some touch gimmicks) is not a bad game, it's all "Rarity's errands" like go there and pick that, carry up there and exchangue for a wand, take the wand to...

That kind of stuff, sound and music is appropiate, background and character sprites are accurate to what they are intended to depict, really is not a bad game. A bit boring if you expect something action packet like "pony-contra" or "ponyvania" But is a quite edible game.

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