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Don't get me wrong, Maria is cute for sure! Riza's just, I dunno.. Personal preferences, I guess. 

Oh yeah, Lan's pretty awesome. 

I'm really glad they didn't kill her off (not yet, at least).

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Did someone say gory anime?
Another - Pretty good. The best thing is that the manga, the book and anime are all slightly different so you can experience it 3 times!

Higurashi no naku koro ni - Great for the first season. Dials back the gore in season two. Ends with a trash ova. Also has slice of life ovas that don't fit the theme of the show for some reason.
Umineko no naku koro ni - How not to do a visual novel anime adaptation. Trash. The VN is the best thing i've ever read though and highly recommend it if you have a spare 50 hours.
Corpse party - The game was better.
Hell girl - Step one: Watch the first ep. Step two: Replay the first ep 25 more times in your head. Congrats you've watch the entire season.
Deadman Wonderland - The first few eps are pretty good and then they just go for edgelord fighting with blood magic.
Gantz: zero - A group of people try their best to not fire guns that kill monsters instantly. Great cg moive. Super gore to the max.
Berzerk 2016 - Trash.
Berzerk 2017 - Trash.
Helsing Ultimate - Unless you're 14 you probably wont enjoy this.
Elfen Lied - Best opening ever. Pretty good if a bit pretentious
High School of the dead - Actualy the best thing in the world.
Shiki - Slow burning murder mystery with vampires. One of my fav anime.
Akame ga kill - Ok if you just want gore. Otherwise an averare anime that uses cheap emotional hooks to make you care about bland characters. Ask me about my strong opinions.  


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No mention of Brynhildr in the Darkness? Criminal. I think it was also a product of whoever made Elfen Lied (which also has one of my favorite openings of any anime).


Also another stand out: Daughters of Mnemosyne.


NSFW warning:

I remember the main character shoots some guy, then jerks him off with his own blood. Amazing!


I agree the new Berserks are garbage. That CGI...


I liked Akame ga Kill. I enjoy how polarizing and emotionally manipulative it is. If you understand these things and embrace them, it's a fun ride. Also the manga does a better job of fleshing out the story. Lady Esdeath is my other soulsister.


Rocky is afraid Kill la Kill is full of excessive gore, since I've assigned him to tackle that next after FMA:B. It's not that kinda anime!

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Esdeath is waifu <3 I love it when she spills blood.

Kill la Kill is more funny than it is gory tbh, Mako is great. Just ketchup squirts here and there.


The only CGI anime I was able to stand was Inuyashiki (which I liked. I cried at the end.) mostly because CGI wasn't used for the entire series. I tried watching Ajinn because I thought the concept was interesting, but I just couldn't continue...

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So at 12:25 last night, I finished episode 50. I think I watched 25 episodes yesterday. Had trouble sleeping, of course but, it was just too good to stop at a reasonable time of the night.

Yeah, FMAB is probably the most gore I want to endure... If you want to call it gore, I mean.

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Congrats Rocky, you watched like 3 seasons of a single anime in less than 5 days. I'm pretty impressed, you little homunculus. 


Kill la Kill is next. It's definitely less gore than FMA, and more of a comedy/over the top shonen with blatant fanservice that spills both ways. I have an anime curriculum picked out for you, since you've chosen me as your anime Sensei. Do not disappoint me, my faithful student.


Symph -- I really, really wanted to like Ajin, but that molasses CGI killed me too. It's actually a very interesting story, but it's so poorly executed, I can't deal either.


Party went well last night -- we watched Zootropolis and Wreck it Ralph, had foods, enjoyed much camaraderie and fun. Today I gotta take it super easy since I popped some stitches and I'm bleeding on and off. My shower floor looked like a scene from Psycho.

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