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I didn't realize until JUST now. JUST NOW.

OMIGOSH! /)^3^(\

Tomorrow is gonna be THE GREATEST DAY EVER!!!

I also think it's funny that the episode is named Baby Cakes... :3

BUT OMIGOSH! I'm gonna go to sleep RIGHT NAO so I'm super wide awake for ittttttt!!! /)^3^(\

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Oh look, our exuberant excitement seems to have drawn a crowd... :3





Well now you know~


See ya tomorra!! 8D

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Oh, and before I shuffle off to sleep, I just wanted to say that I really like your pic Sulvuss.

ESPECIALLY the li'l back part with the comedy/tragedy faces. That I thought was pretty awesome.

That unique style of yours. I don't believe I've seen anything quite like it ever before~ <3

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Oh, and before I shuffle off to sleep, I just wanted to say that I really like your pic Sulvuss.

ESPECIALLY the li'l back part with the comedy/tragedy faces. That I thought was pretty awesome.

That unique style of yours. I don't believe I've seen anything quite like it ever before~ <3


Why thank you Fawkes. I wanted ot make Loki more of a depressed and one of the most mortally rational one in my revisioning of him. It seemed to make sense for him to have a lot of layers, a tongue over his chest and various snake/ coushons to represent lies.

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Oh. By the way. I am thinking of saying that either one: Deadpool and Pinkie pie break the fourth wall so much that they fal linto the real world-or at least an imitation of the real world and hence stuck together since they are the only two that have this problom Two: The two see each other through the TV either through a comic that facing the TV and they try ot expirement by jumping the fourth wall into another cartoon but end up colliding and living in a cartoon of the real world that sort of the gate way to every fiction possible.

Thanks, Nastyman. I am properly going to cycle through styles. SO you might see how they are drawn changing alot.

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Nice. I'll be honest, I don't really know what a tumblr is.

Its a blog space. It can support images, you can write stuff. Although its formatted in an ASK me way. People pretty uch create blog spaces for thier characters or themselves and answer question or post things.

I might make a second Tumblr called the order. Just...random idea. Bunch of creepy, all powerful dudes with no faces. Being all ominious.

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Angie, I dunno WHAT your doing with your google searches, but I got NOTHING BUT cars for irockz28... ._.

I think the interwebs is tryin ta tell you something Angiiiiiiiiie xD

oooooooooohhhh, so those check mark things at the side are the like button...

I'm going to be nice and not unlike this post

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