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Angie dear, it would seem that the time is ripe for Penumbra and I to take a wee holiday of sorts.

You see, we are set to be a we which is new to thee.

Not the type of we prone to tea and impossibility.

Nay, but a we which has thus been out to sea.


Up a tree!

Lost amongst the debris!

Penumbra and I must go.

We'll be staying right here though.

However, no need for you to lie low.

You will not suffer one smidge from this calamitous row.

Angie need only sit back and enjoy the show...

And hope she is chosen to maintain the status quo.

If not, oh well.

The times we've shared were swell.

When we finally return, our tales no longer will exist to tell.

So amidst goopy pools of chaotic caramel,

We will reforge our world in which to dwell.


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I go the boat ready Fawkesy dearest!

*Dangles off crows nest

Next stop, the land of milk and honey!

It's got wi-fi there, so it'l be like we never left!


We'll be safe there until this has all blown over, right?




If we die, tell everyone, I feel completely indifferent towards them.

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Ah, fantastic my dearest Penby!

*climbs aboard*

*takes deep breath of salty, sea air*




*coughs uncontrollably for a few seconds*




2/3s of the components for a proper cup of tea!

Perhaps this vacation won't be the soul crushing exodus from/into total oblivion that I originally believed it would be!

Although of course, it probably still will be.

*taps tophat trice times on railing of boat*

*tophat pops into a tricone with a squeak*

*positions atop head*


Bring me that horizon, first-mate Penby.



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Well....That certainly is ominous :)

Even though it is ominous though, it seems to have a fairly good colour variety, which is always good...

And it is pretty well detailed, but that's to be expected from Sulvuss :D

Overall, I like it, and I think Will....will as well.

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Well....That certainly is ominous :)

Even though it is ominous though, it seems to have a fairly good colour variety, which is always good...

And it is pretty well detailed, but that's to be expected from Sulvuss :D

Overall, I like it, and I think Will....will as well.

Yeah. I was pretty much like -"AIRBRUSH EVERYTHING*starts throwing digital brush around like a WII controller" then I had an epiphany..what if I used normal paint too randomly. Tadaaa. Kind of got an ominious feel to it. Now if I can only figure out how to get these two elements together with more solid objects and create a subtle colouring technique.

Thank you, Conor. Do you like my new avatar by the way or does my Pony look too depressed?

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You're welcome buddy :)

As for your avatar, it's hard to judge an avatar since it relates to that person's own preference...

Keeping that in mind...I think it suits you perfectly :D

What you think of mine?

(Please excuse if you've already commented on my avatar, I tend to forget things :P)

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You're welcome buddy :)

As for your avatar, it's hard to judge an avatar since it relates to that person's own preference...

Keeping that in mind...I think it suits you perfectly :D

What you think of mine?

(Please excuse if you've already commented on my avatar, I tend to forget things :P)

Its good and pretty neat. It not designed to be that small though and would properlly be better if you cropped a part of it instead of the whole thing I think. Its not bad its just at this size I can't appreciate the characters and I think those eyes at a bigger or upclose range would have a more evil, intense effect.

The only real problem I have with it is that you don't really have a face..and when I tried to draw you in th 1000 post picture I had to try and copy that guy in the middle as a subistute but because I can't see him too well, I had to be vague with it.

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Well...I like it :/

And if you want to see the full sized image, it's in my story thread :-|

But. I was talking about it as your avatar. And I said I liked it a few times. Infact I said I liked it soo much that seeing a more focused, cropped and deeper look at the characters/ eyes would be cool

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Tell with me. That odd, I didn't think I had the history to back up an image I might be aggressive or degrading of things. Is that I am a Reviewer of some sorts...I did get told it slightly unnerving but I never really took it to heart.

Great. I am going out with my dad tonight and my problem with sleep has finally gone down. My eyes are ok-I had an meeting with an optician because my colours in real life where going really strange alot-but she said that my eyes are fine.

Ate some cake. pigged out on sweets, got spoilt. Besides from that, just talking about projects with people. Finishing WIll's drawing. Deciding the script for my animation and just got around to doing home work for it. I also want to get my first chapter done by tonight but..pacing I guess.

Still..kind of numb. Been nervous alot lately-Properly from not having a peaceful night sleep or a relaxing moment before my birthday-

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