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Last post wins

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Also, what did you get? I always get the Big Mac like a baws.

I only went to check for pony toys since I didn't have time to look online before I went out. no pony toys in Canada D: but I got a chocolate milkshake for $1 :^D

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Do I really? Or has it become an unconscious habit on my part? Aria is mysterious by nature, not only by choice.

There's a little bit of Penumbra in everyone.

You know that voice in your head that says stuff like

"I wonder if I could set fire to this building and get away with it?"

That's Penumbra.

You can deny this, because you probably will, but it is there. It just stays dormant until the right moment.

You've clearly never seen Penumbra intoxicated.

He acts pretty much the same and sober Penumbra.

Being odd is my nature.

Sometimes it is choice.

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Ah. A good bowl of beef ramin.

I win?


Anyway. I've been gone for 2 days. That is why, for the sake of my sanity, I've read all the LATEST LPW posts again. But I'm too lazy to refer to any of them excluding the last one.

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