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Nobody's thanked me in ages for anything.


It feels strange.

My pony senses are tingling once more, informing me that I've just found a new, entertaining hobby.

... ... ...thank you Appy. :smug:

*stares at Penumbra through narrowed eyes*

You did that to Volt...

You JUST did that to Volt!

Blah blah blah.

Get over yourself Fawkes -.-'

I'm kinda debating using the sketchie of myself from that drawing as my avi. just to join in with everyone else .–.

Now. According to this thread needs, why would you all go after special CM, when you can have special AVI's underlining your allegiance to the LPW?

Morning everypony. Bank time.

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wiggle Angie has caused the deaths of many

maybe I'll switch it tomorrow morning ._. assuming my mom and sister let me on my computer and nobody tells me not to change it from now 'till then

okay, NOW I'm getting tired. time for bed for Angie =_=~*

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AH! RIGHT! Pen pen! I nearly forgot.

*Praises the drawing*

The mask reminds me of Silent Hill somehow, even though I've never played it .-.

The laughter... You've hidden Joker somewhere behind the character, didn't you? Admit it...

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BFL. Also known as, the smokes and mirrors.

You will never know when BFL will appear behind your back, in the thread.

You will never know if this will be an illusion.

You will never know what happened.

You will never know why you never knew.

Hiya BFL.

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I know it's based off of something....I just can't put my finger on what. It looks great, but if I can remember what it's reminding me of, I know I'll enjoy several times more.

Its based of my imagination. Ya know, that bit to the right.

AH! RIGHT! Pen pen! I nearly forgot.

*Praises the drawing*

The mask reminds me of Silent Hill somehow, even though I've never played it .-.

The laughter... You've hidden Joker somewhere behind the character, didn't you? Admit it...

I haven't neither.

I'm gonna get the HD pack when It comes out next week probably.


I am the Joker. Remember?

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Get over yourself Fawkes -.-'

I dunno if you've heard, my vivaciously volatile Volt, but I'm kinda a big deal 'round these here parts~ ;3

*licks finger*

*press against my flank*

*sizzles and hisses*


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*directs sizzling hawt flank towards Micro's marshmellows*

The benefits are there for those willing to use them :I



But instead of selling lemonade, you should sell marshmallows.

And you should call it, "Micro's Marshmallows!"

And the slogan will be, "Micro's Marshmallows! Much more marshier and mallowier than Mom might've made!"


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Jason is from Friday the 13th

Halloween has Michel Myers.


Horror movies bore me

That only proves how little I know of them

"Micro's Marshmallows! Much more marshier and mallowier than Mom might've made!"

I'd be to busy laughing at that slogan that I'll never be able to sell anything!

I'm blacking out for more then 5 seconds at a time. That usually mean's I should go to bed.

G'night! I'll see anyone else that's there for the stream.

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