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*Gets comfortable*

*Crouches down before lifting off with a endless entanglements of lightning as he rushes forth at madenning speeds towards, Conor. Biting his hood and returning him to the ground*

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Oh my...

I forgot.

I'm fighting against a pony suffering from multiple personality disorder, aren't I?


I don't know if that's an ethical battle.

Maybe it'd be more fitting for the local asylum to fight this battle :I




*looks around the forest*

...oh wait!

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Spiteful? Neigh. I have been merely matter-of-fact in the face of both yours and "Applestia's" minor insults. And why should multiple personalities be looked down upon, especially here, in the so-called domain of madness? Or is true madness, insanity, craziness shunned here? Is it a farce? Silly me, I must have misinterpreted your description of the forest.

*Pinkie holds up a bag of seeds*

Weef gut twees!

*Summerfall flies high above, shifting the weather to keep it from being too gloomy*

Atmosphere will be fine too.

*smiles as Lunaria and Celestaria's horns alight with power*

You see? I'm not here to destroy. As I said, I'm merely providing an opportunity for change, to rid yourselves of the boredom and monotony you decry. To you, Fawkes, I simply say, "Complacency."

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Yeah...even with our hoodies you'd think otherwise...


*Pokes the atmosphere, makes a small hole*

Eh...that's considered nothing nowadays....Oh hey! I can see Equestria from here! :D

You've given me an idea for a quick drawing.


Slightly irreverent to the circumstance we find ourselves in buuuutttt...

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No, no, my dear!

You simply misinterpret my words.

All minds are welcome to walk down the golden road.

But some are less able to hold their own in certain activities.

For example, I wouldn't try to impart sense onto the actions of one who has MPD anymore then I'd challenge a Madman blessed with Kelptomania to a game of 'Who can Steal the Least Stuff while Strolling through Walmart.'

Tis just unethical, my dear :I

And in order to bring about this ridiculous change that you continue to babble about, you're trying to destroy our home, as I've said time and time again.

*preens a wing while absentmindedly stirring a silver spoon into my cup of tea, eyes half-lidded*

As well, I'm led to believe this is all naught but the spiteful spree of a pretend princess because of how all the pieces seem to have fallen together.

Dearest Aria decides to start destroying the Forest only after Fawkes vows to bring about a new Golden Era?

Uh huh. Of course, of course.

I may be mad, but I am not blind, my silly little pony.

All wrongs shall be righted in the end though.

You will not change the ancestral heart of this place.

Not while my heart continues to beat and these ponies continue to call this place home~

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Aria... You're mad by a madmans standards.

Please, stop.

I don't like to label ambition as madness. I am actually rather happy that Aria is doing this but none the less I cannot condone her actions. Its odd, its the first time me and fawkes ever had an alliance.

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Ah, you may claim whatever you wish of my motives, for you of course cannot know them. I am not mad by madmen's standards, I'm mad by the standards of those who found they could not bear the expectations of manestream society. That's not madness, merely counterculture.

Claims have been made of a new Golden Era, though I only see listlessness, the occasional discussion, a teacup or two. This forest is but a shadow of the one I called my home, which I've been told was a shadow itself of a once great society.

If you would make good on your promises, I would have no quarrel here, Lord of Madness. I merely wish to see this place returned to grandeur. If you carry on as you have, however, merely continuing on in whispers and rare appearances, you are not the herald of new glory, but a bastion against it. My goals are simple: to have you lead in more than simply title, or to step aside so that the change can forge itself.

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*sighs a soft sigh, flopping onto my back in the seat of my throne as my horn glows a soft lavender, the tea in my cup drifting lazily through the air over my head*

Do tell me then, Aria.

Tell me of your grand vision of a LPW without Fawkes.

Tell me of your revolutionary machinations which will bring back the Golden Age.

Tell me allllllll about the change you're trying to force down our throats.

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Tsk tsk tsk. You are both wrong and silly!

Because, see, you both shouldn't be the leader.

Because, well, I should.

*an army of Nasty Soldiers burst from nowhere, Nasty Tanks fall from above, and the Sexy B*tch, Nasty's technologically enhanced airship capable of ending the world in a holocaust, appears from the clouds.*

Let the games begin <: D

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