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*plays a soft song on the bass*

You're implying it had many nice things before this? It was still decaying.

*closes eyes and holds a note*

And are you not a rather large part of the reason that Applestia's kingdom no longer really exists?

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Yes. Yes it did.

It had some treeeeeees...

And some vines....

And there was a taaaaank.

And tea cups and snowballs and fun stuffs.



And suuuure I am.

But I took that kingdom and flipped its junk all around and made it 200% cooler~ :I

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What's wrong with Colton tea?

...it consists of Conor Colton. I'm not sure if I'm ready for an experience of Conor Colton tea. It takes years to appreciate the taste.

But don't you know Volty?

It was /I/ who forged this forest!

Who tended to its bows and branches and vines and... venison.

The outline for this kingdom came from the empire of Applestia.

The beat of its heart, came from Fawkes and Penumbra.

And it's spirit, from those who inhabit it~

Fawkes is merely it's guiding spirit~

You observe without paying attention. I don't put in question anything that you've said. The Forest may, in fact, owe everything to all of you.

But with the flow of time, it became a force itself. You all might have created it, but now it continues to exist on its own. As your proceedings may have been humble and righteous in the very start, it now may find a lot of your actions... inappropriate.

You are right, you are merely a guiding spirit. But it's not up to you to decide whether Forest shall heed your guides or not.

Well, whatever you ruled, you left it to become this. And I have vacated the throne, but you cannot claim to know whether my apologies are false or not. Sadly you're but a shadow of what you once were so I'm complying out of respect, not obligation. And you know I don't like tea Fawkes, though I thank you for offering what has always been one of the few drinks of the forest. I can appreciate that though, since most ponies here enjoy tea.

As for a throne choosing one, again I have no delusions of leadership. This particular ruin behind me is nothing more than a sad reminder.

Most peculiar approach... but what makes you think that Forest needs you? Naturally, I'm not speaking of any leadership intentions, as you're clearly stating you have none.

The Forest takes care of itself nowadays. And it certainly wouldn't need any help from the ones like you.

Shall I really remind you your destructive actions against it in the past? Which, at one point, included even mysteriously crafted mech rampaging through the woods?

Why would Forest want to accept an offer of help from the one that acted against it?

It is no matter.

The old magic will remain.

Fawkes will remain and the forest will remain.

That's one thing I may finally agree upon. Although, naturally, it is not your Forest anymore. That Forest belongs to everypony, and nopony at once. Meaning, everypony may consider it as their home... but nopony may ever tame it anymore.

Claims have been made of a new Golden Era, though I only see listlessness, the occasional discussion, a teacup or two. This forest is but a shadow of the one I called my home, which I've been told was a shadow itself of a once great society.

If you would make good on your promises, I would have no quarrel here, Lord of Madness. I merely wish to see this place returned to grandeur. If you carry on as you have, however, merely continuing on in whispers and rare appearances, you are not the herald of new glory, but a bastion against it. My goals are simple: to have you lead in more than simply title, or to step aside so that the change can forge itself.

Most amusing. A deity accusing another poor deity of loosing with yet another deity. Returning The Forest to former glory? By waging a war on its territories? That's a completely new concept of renovation to me.

You're saying that Forest is now a shadow if its old self... How entertaining. You're trying to bring changes without accepting the changes which already occurred. Sounds quite... hypocritical. A mistress of changes not being able to comprehend a change on her own.

It lies not in your powers to decide of the fate of this Forest, a newborn deity which you all fed with your joy and hate, happiness and sadness, creation and destruction. Your influence here has stopped in the very moment you've started.

That would be its reaction, I assume. /\

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*walks by everyone in my new paper cut-out form*

Hi everyone! Strange days are upon us! Just look at what happened to me....

Are you trying to quote that Doors song "Strange Days"?

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no arting or computer for Angie today.

go downstairs, dad takes art computer. go upstairs, mom calls me back down because I'm never social and sibling gets the computer.

sibling never loses the computer because she has to be social. only Angie has to be social >_>

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