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It seems my job is not done here then, yet.

Medical help, you say? I am professional when it comes to consciousness loss medical treatment.

*Pulls out a bucket, fills it with water by a snap of fingers and pours it onto SS's head*

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*sits quietly high atop a mushroom, sipping at a mug of steaming hot chocolate and watching before nodding at Celestaria. Golden light suffuses Silver with soothing, rejuvenating energies*

I wonder how he tired himself out that quickly.

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*Returns, with a feeling of job well done*

*Turns sword into pipe, which he smokes afterward*

Oh. We have zombie SS now? How amusing! Can I take his head off and play with it around while watching his corpse trying to recover it?

*Tilts head, letting out a circle of dim smoke*

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*Frowns, hearing the words accusing him of mistake indirectly*


*Takes a closer look upon SS*

Weird... I could have sworn he drowned in the amounts of wat-- I mean, the strengths he put into fight forced his soul out of his body.

*Shrugs* Oh well... *Pulls out a piece of paper and crosses out a sentence out of it* ...it's better not to insist upon some ideas.

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*gets to his feet, still a little wobbly on his feet*

Whew, Villefort... I forgive you for that mistake, in fact I was in the process of walking towards the light but was told it wasn't my time yet. I guess I wasn't meant to die today.

*eats a hamburger and feels a little better*

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*with a loud, jerking snore I wake up suddenly, jumping slightly up from behind my throne as I try to reorient myself to my surroundings and remember what was goin' on when I fell asleep, stumbling as I stand with a groan and a yawn before rolling my head in a circle and cracking my neck loudly*



Wuz goin' on?

WHERE... where'd those West Side story ponies go?

Did... did you guys rumble them away without me!? D:


I wanted to rumble so bad... >:

*stretches my wings out behind me, flexing each one individually, the bones in each cracking softly*

*I gingerly place the gleaming golden apple which I had previously been cradling, atop the back of my throne*

Don't miss the point.

Don't miss the... pointy point.

My dear dear dear dear dear dear dear dear Aria.

Such a wondrous devotion to LPW you seem to have! It's devotedly wondrous!

Teaching new tricks to old Mad Gods. How benevolent and bigheartedly blue-blooded~

Just remember, my dear...

Even the wisest dog still has lessons to learn.

*kneels down to take a closer look at the softly rustling grass at my feetses*

And Micro!

Oh my!

Who WAS that DASHING pony who seemingly filled your shoes earlier?

Friend of yours?~ :'3

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Oh? You've notched my attention then. What is it about?

what's a small item that just says "volt"?

when you look at it, you think "wow, that small item is a volt item".

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what's a small item that just says "volt"?

when you look at it, you think "wow, that small item is a volt item".

...Fuse? Mobile transformer...?

Or, to be honest, you're thinking of some kind batteries?

Closed electric circuit.

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haha hilarious .-. unless you don't mind batteries. I can do batteries.

batteries don't strike me as volt-y and volt doesn't strike me as battery-y, even if they were my first idea

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haha hilarious .-. unless you don't mind batteries. I can do batteries.

batteries don't strike me as volt-y and volt doesn't strike me as battery-y, even if they were my first idea


I need to think this through, I suppose.



Although I do believe they'd look better if they were positioned in a snake/S way .-.

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cool sparky wires are cool an' all, but it needs to be something that can just be like sittin' on a table or somethin' .-.

do you see yourself as volt-like? .-. do you wish to be represented as an item related to electricity? because, tbh I think of micro more than volt when I see stuffs like that.

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do you see yourself as volt-like? .-. do you wish to be represented as an item related to electricity?

Honestly? Of course not .-. I don't know if you saw me response in that thread in which we explained where do our nicknames come from. I said there that mines adapted from a certain character.

Now, I understand I must come up with small item, right? That would represent me?

How about draw him an E-Tank? That's kinda volt-y?

Thank you for intentions SS, but no .-.

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*Sigh* 'tis a decision that shouldn't be undertaken hastily.

Although it gives me a funny question coming into my mind, which is no easier than the one I have to answer.

Judging from all the stuff I've posted here already, what item would YOU pick, marking all the things I've implemented in posts .-.?

I'll need to think about it for real...

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I would possibly maybe perhaps say a scale because Volty Volt seems to make judgements on everyone a whole lot.

But Davvy's item is a scale, if I'm not mistaken.


Doesn't the sword represent judgement too?

And Volty Volt DOES have that nifty sword of his~

Plus... you know...

It means other koo stuff too that fits Volt.

Like righteousness.

Volt seems like a pretty righteous kinda pony :3

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