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Last post wins

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Oh, wow. I still exists.

Let see if I can post without introducing a paradox this time or rendering the fabric of reality.

Hmm, yes. Smooth entrance.

Hey, everyone.

Edit: Oh crap. I already posted. I must of gone into the wrong time line...let just hope the other (sdjaksfjagljalfmskmakfs) dosen't come back or we might be in trouble.

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I get this really big feeling that I know Havok from somewhere. Somewhere awesome.

Please, enlighten us. The greater ponymind requires that you input your thoughts into the Last Poster's consensus

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'scuse me?



Your lucky Fawkes isn't here.






You must be REALLY new.



Word to the wise, don't go round here saying stuff like that.

You might loose a spine.



This is LWP.



We're all the Embodiment of madness. Some form.


So, as the spirit of Dementia, you ain't stealing my joke.


Feel free to strut those claims around though.

You won't last long.

We've being doing this a lot longer than you.

Ha Ha Harrr.

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Believe me. I'm no stranger to the perils of "that".

But alas, I am at a tactical disadvantage. Only fools reckles enough to throw their lives away would fight against two.

Hence, I struggle to prevent myself from retaliating.

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Having your spine ripped out?

Getting your eyes slowly cooked with a soldering iron, whist your feet and arms are held down by rivets?

Being all stitched up with no where to run?



This is the largest sub-community on this site.

We can be the best of friends. Or the worst of the worst of enemies.


So Mr. Harv0k.


Whata ya gonna do?

Right now you're gonna be left alone because Penumbra will be off.

But wait a few hours.

The rest of Penumbra's friends will be here.


You gonna stay?

Step a few hooves further?

Still claim you're bringing the 'storm of chaos' with you?

You'll be struck down.

Trust me. You're not the first and you won't be the last.



Or come sit down. We'll find a place for you.

And you'll never be lost. This place will be your home. You'll be loved in the strangest of ways.



Or you can leave.

And never come back.

Never know what it's like to be part of something huge.

And go wonder to the other threads.

Where you'll just be one voice out of many yelling ponies.

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Naught long atoll doth Mr. Harv0k have to wait.

For with the spinning of the globe, the sun becomes mine again.

Dementia's torch dulls and Mania's ROARS into life amidst giggles both great and grand, until night falls once more.

Fawkes rises.

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It's Harv0kz. And please. Enlighten me. I require more savage processes to keep me sated. My dull imagination has left me with only 50 ways to kill. Expanding is quite difficult.

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Naught long atoll doth Mr. Harv0k have to wait.

For with the spinning of the globe, the sun becomes mine again.

Dementia's torch dulls and Mania's ROARS into life amidst giggles both great and grand, until night falls once more.

Fawkes rises.

I need an intro as the counter to fawkes.


Hooba, hooba, dododa doo.

Mess with me and I mess with you. Hooba, hooba, hooba, hooby heeby ha. No one can stop me when I'm in my ice car (fighting game humour)

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