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come on plausible deniability man you could have said yes

Well, its slightly exaggerated since it a cartoon version of me, my hair a little exaggerated but I do actually combed up the front to look like that to an extent that doesn't look goofy in RL. But let say...a week..maybe two, My beard would be bushy enough to match that pic.

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Not nearly as much as you.

Owhhh, sickburn!!

Not much of an insult coming from someone I rarely talk to.

Try harder?

Where's my nose?!


I have no idea

where it could be..


Meany TT-TT


Cry some more, whole team is babies.



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I seem to have made a stable anchor to some form of reality. I think it's good enough to receive messages. Someone reply to this and tell me if there's anything I need to know. I still can't get in for a good look.

Hope you're all well.

Just received a warning point. Apparently it was blocking me from communicating with you guys.

Oh, and Fawkes, I just wanted to tell you that....

No. It found me. I don't know how, but it found me.

I'll probably be unable to send anything for a while. I...I have to go.


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ive seen the avengers 3 times now, and i have decided that there is no doubt that the hulk is the best fictional character ever. now, i know what you're thinking, and my answer is this: i refuse to believe that Fluttershy is fictional. :D

point being: im baaaack

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*ponders ponderously*

*contemplates cumbersome contemplations*

*mulls over massive musings*

Well that doesn't sound good at all.

*scratches behind my ear*

Oh well.

*kicks Micro's transmission device*

How are we tonight, my dear little ponies?~

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ive seen the avengers 3 times now, and i have decided that there is no doubt that the hulk is the best fictional character ever. now, i know what you're thinking, and my answer is this: i refuse to believe that Fluttershy is fictional. :D

point being: im baaaack

Only three you have a long way to go,

Also Yes yes he is

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well, i wouldnt be on this topic if somefawkes didnt whine about it. i can honestly say im almost sick of it though, so it will be gone soon enough anyway. just have faith...

fawkes mentioned it once. You've brought this up like..I don't know..ten-fifth-teen times , most of them Fawkes hasn't even been here to talk about it with.

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D'awwww. Silly Cathy.

I wouldn't have had to bring it up if everyone hadn't been complaining about your behavior.

But you know. That's all irrelevant at this point.

You jus carry on doin' your thing or wutever~ <3

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D'awwww. Silly Cathy.

I wouldn't have had to bring it up if everyone hadn't been complaining about your behavior.

But you know. That's all irrelevant at this point.

You jus carry on doin' your thing or wutever~ <3

Cold Fawkes. At least stand your ground and give it to him face to face. Hes not an enemy here.

I think what Fawkes is trying to say. Is that why we are welcoming, you are taking path socially that arn't giving you a good image. Not because your evil or un-likable but because you work with aspects you already accepted you can't do.

For example: You said you don't phrase things very well, but then you purposely ask question to draw things out and use sarcasm alot then when someone said your sarcasm was offensive you claimed we deserve to be offended. But you already said you don't phrase thing well but then use something that is almost totally un-detectable on the internet so it comes off as some of the thing you said/saying being how you honestly think.

Here a tip. Stop trying to be a witty, sarcastic guy. Stop trying. Just relax, let yourself fall into place. Like a textris piece you'll eventually fall into line with the group where you belong, don't shape yourself into some kind of internet image.

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i know fawkes wasnt here. i know he brought it up just once. i KNOW ive been referring to it to much, and i know that before, i was Posing too much. (i personally believe ive been getting better since then if not for all the references). i just like to hate on things. the only thing i really hate though is when people be polite. it bugs the heck out of me. for future reference, if you have a problem with me or something im doing, rub it in my face like an obnoxious jerk and dont let me forget about it until i change for the better. unless its something stupid. then go eat some nachos.

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warning points, warning points o)3)

Micro, why do YOU have one?

Angie still has hers

but apparently Arty has been in the hospital recently so she's not gonna rush it o)3)

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i know fawkes wasnt here. i know he brought it up just once. i KNOW ive been referring to it to much, and i know that before, i was Posing too much. (i personally believe ive been getting better since then if not for all the references). i just like to hate on things. the only thing i really hate though is when people be polite. it bugs the heck out of me. for future reference, if you have a problem with me or something im doing, rub it in my face like an obnoxious jerk and dont let me forget about it until i change for the better. unless its something stupid. then go eat some nachos.

Great, read what I just posted. You'll love it then

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