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Remember that if you put in good, you'll get good out. Usually. Sometimes this won't work, but I like to think it does.

Be positive and feel good about yourself. I'm thinking you're a naturally facetious person, but it's hard to put across that tone on an internet thread, so it's starting to come off obnoxious to the others.

My suggestion is to try to be more positive toward what people say instead of questioning/making fun of it, and maybe the bad juju you're starting to attract will turn into real friendship.

you, I and Appliance pretty much said this. If doesn't get it this time then I think it clear what choice hes made.

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im sorry. i didnt mean to make anybody upset or frustrated. im sorry if ive made you upset about this. id like to explain myself, but i cant. ive typed it out twice and dont feel welcome enough to get a word in in defense or reply. thats why theres no point in staying. im sorry for bugging you and wasting your time. and im sorry for being so sorry...im just so sorry...

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Actually I think I played those not the DLC though. I don't remember unleashed over all though so it dosen't really jump to mind.

yah The Force Unleashed Won my Best/worst games of all time awards

Best for a great story that made sense and Worst for Glitchy and occasionally tedious combat. (Except boss battles which were just awesome.)

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Say what now? Don't confuse Rosie, she's very delicate with her thinking patterns. :P

(Angie...you're responsible for making me talk in third person!)

If you have an image you want in your sig, Sulvuss, PM it to me along with the details (color, text, favorite pony, that sort of thing) and I'll put it in my queue 'o sigs for cool people!

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im sorry. i didnt mean to make anybody upset or frustrated. im sorry if ive made you upset about this. id like to explain myself, but i cant. ive typed it out twice and dont feel welcome enough to get a word in in defense or reply. thats why theres no point in staying. im sorry for bugging you and wasting your time. and im sorry for being so sorry...im just so sorry...

Sorry enough to act like we didn't answer your supposed rebuttal. We are reading what you say and we deemed it close minded and un-flexible. Work on that and you'll fit into any social group.

I don't hate you. Have a good life..you'll fix these issues as life goes on anyway so don't let it get you down. We all find circle we can't seem to fit...heck, I've been forcfully ejected a good couple of times...sometimes for the same reason you had.

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today I saw a spider with a broken leg in front of my house

it was almost as sad as the time I saw a mouse with a broken leg in front of my house

or the time when I saw a bunny with a broken leg in front of my house

or the time I saw a duck with a broken leg in front of my house

or the time I saw a deer with a broken leg in front of my house


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(Angie...you're responsible for making me talk in third person!)

Angie was JUST gonna say... >:l

...something... but in the shower, she was thinking about what would happen if Rosie moved to Canada and started third personing :l

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well I wouldn't be surprised if the bigger animals break their legs in potholes, which are everywhere in Canada because of the extreme differences in winter and summer o)3)

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Angie doesn't like poutine o)3)

maybe she hasn't had any good poutine

she just doesn't really like gravy XP

all dressed chips. why aren't those in the US? :l

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Random Magical Effects Generator:

Your hair grows fur and then you become a fire elemental twice.





You turn into a wolf and then you sense the thoughts and emotions of everyone nearby.

today I saw a spider with a broken leg in front of my house

it was almost as sad as the time I saw a mouse with a broken leg in front of my house

or the time when I saw a bunny with a broken leg in front of my house

or the time I saw a duck with a broken leg in front of my house

or the time I saw a deer with a broken leg in front of my house


Never a domesticated animal?

Angie doesn't like poutine o)3)

maybe she hasn't had any good poutine

she just doesn't really like gravy XP

all dressed chips. why aren't those in the US? :l

Because they are unhealth-BWAHAHAHAHAH.

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Never a domesticated animal?

I did see a dog with a broken leg in front of my house once, and by broken I mean it was missing. I didn't count it 'cause it was on a walk with it's owner o)3)

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