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Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Angie >:I

Meatloaf is awesome

meatloaf is awesome for a bite or two, but after that it's like "grah grah grah, where's my fat? where's my juice? this is just dry meat in need of tomato sauce/burger condiments/whatever macabeef is"

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eeeeeeeeeeeh, but they're so uggo and laaaaaaaame o)3) if you want to see them, search up CinnamonWithATwist on youtube XP last video is almost a year old, but I might make a new one this summer.

I'm going to draw up my story board for a project idea now. I just watched your stuff. I knew I saw it before here. Looking good. Vector, right. They seem pretty shaped based.

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Ooh! A new avatar picture!

Anyway, when do you think we could play a match on League of Legends?

Whenever we're both on is fine.

Sure go for it. Besides is only a harmless bit of fun right? Just something to pass the time. Basic concept, its like keeping a diary that talkes back. One that will keep you company and make you feel wroth somthing when things go black. At no point will it ever get lost amoung the countless other ask threads that have popped up. Your's will be diffrent after all. You'll be lakcing mortality. Sitting in the dark. Typing away. Each letter punched through kills a part of yourself. You can hear it now. Scratching away at your basement door. It's become a lot quiter now. Every now an again you place your ear next to it. Its horse and bloody throat, trying to muster up enough strength to scream again, as its hooves gently scratch on the door. Your're just typing in the dark. Blind and lonely. A husk, surounded buy your humanity and others who wan't you to come home. Are you going to shut out ther thrembling voices just to be asked what you ate this morning? You use to fear you were becoming affected, what would be a speach of independance is now just a mumble. If what shyshy said was true, I know in my heart of hearts this could have all been avoided.

The outsides getting in. You're not Aria anymore. We cannot stop them all. And if you do this. I don't wan't to see what comes next.

I hope you find someone to comfort you in these last moments, I can only pray the real you is at rest.

You may be right. More and more I've given into the love, into my royal duties. When activity here flagged, needs of the crown blossomed. Pink flames lick at the edge of my consciousness, burning all to roses and laughter. Aria is used to the darkness, to the cold, to treasuring the one light that illuminates the dreamscape. It's been traveled before, now in the guise of another. A new consciousness joins the shaded procession as it moves through the shadowscape to a keep of burning light, ever trotting.

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I'm going to draw up my story board for a project idea now. I just watched your stuff. I knew I saw it before here. Looking good. Vector, right. They seem pretty shaped based.

yep yep. that channel is all 100% newbie stuff. my first time animating and using vectors

I want to start a new channel with less n00b animations o)3) only problem is that I've run out of emails

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yep yep. that channel is all 100% newbie stuff. my first time animating and using vectors

I want to start a new channel with less n00b animations o)3) only problem is that I've run out of emails

Same reason I don't upload any of my stuff. My first attempts were actually pretty good, I've been told but because of the time lines they couldn't be finished-which is sad since both of my first animations were about 70-95% finished. I never did return to them after the assignment passed. My animation after was more rushed and as punishment crappy...also It had several technical bugs which botched up the audio and screw up my buffering-making the lip syncing and frames off-

My third animation actually came out to good quality-my last one-however, it was simple it was still organic and accurate (it moved nicely and was at the right pace. When people moved it did actually look like they were legitimately moving-however I messed up the settings for it be compatible with transfer to after effects. I had to stretch out the animation, ruining its quality. On top of this because of its stretched out, I had to alternate many, many frames and some points redraw stuff since erased points and careful placement was involved.

It was a black and white so I couldn't just layer cover the over laps-it was meant to be black and white since it was aimed at providing simplified, gloomy mood-

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Whenever we're both on is fine.

You may be right. More and more I've given into the love, into my royal duties. When activity here flagged, needs of the crown blossomed. Pink flames lick at the edge of my consciousness, burning all to roses and laughter. Aria is used to the darkness, to the cold, to treasuring the one light that illuminates the dreamscape. It's been traveled before, now in the guise of another. A new consciousness joins the shaded procession as it moves through the shadowscape to a keep of burning light, ever trotting.

I am right. I'm always right. But no-one listens to me. Not now, not when I have a barbed wire noose around my neck.

But if you think you can. Ready yourself up. Tie up your loose ends. Kiss goodbye to restraint. The silhouettes of them are twisting beyone recognition. Painfuly stubiling, ignoring their tendons tighting, their bones snaping and themselves breaking. Take yourslef, take your consciouness and take your light. In the end, it doesn't matter. You won't get far.

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I still need to speak to Peggly and Tyler on Skype as soon as possible :I

And Silver after he works out his computer problems... which... how long is that gonna take?

This is not LPW RP related.

Its fixed, I was having issues with my ATI Catslyst Control Center software. It's been handled and I am a morning pc user, Fawkes. Plus you know I'm available on my mobile skype!

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Its fixed, I was having issues with my ATI Catslyst Control Center software. It's been handled and I am a morning pc user, Fawkes. Plus you know I'm available on my mobile skype!

Then log in! :I

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I am right. I'm always right. But no-one listens to me. Not now, not when I have a barbed wire noose around my neck.

But if you think you can. Ready yourself up. Tie up your loose ends. Kiss goodbye to restraint. The silhouettes of them are twisting beyone recognition. Painfuly stubiling, ignoring their tendons tighting, their bones snaping and themselves breaking. Take yourslef, take your consciouness and take your light. In the end, it doesn't matter. You won't get far.

I've gotten further than anypony ever believed ;)

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