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so many smudges and scratches on my screen that i actually saw something there. not invisible. just poorly drawn. D+, but only cuz i love you. (scrolls back up)... the smudges and scratches are shaped like a pony. you get an A-, cuz its not entirely invisible.

smudges and scratches can arrange themselves better than i can draw? this is depressing.

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That's good, cause now I don't have to cut you in two with my hands that can become long sharp blades thanks to the Mask's supernatural influence. I use them like pincers and clap them together, cutting standard Corrupted in half but causing lots of damage to the more unusual corrupted.

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So, I've read through the pages with comprehension, and... so much things concerning loving in there...

I am not keen on using this word so often as you, it seems. My romantic soul, as mentioned earlier since it wasn't a lie, considers this certain word to be a lot more meaningful than you consider it. Throwing it at everyone around just makes me feel that... it loses its charm and becomes just a typical meaningless emotion, for which nobody cares. It stops being special at all simply... Naturally, I'm not talking about true love, but the aim of expressing one's... appreciation? Bonds?

And on the side note, Rosie~ makes best Rarities ever :l ...

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I'd like to think of love like I think of sandwiches. There are many types of love, and different people use them or like them differently. For one person, one might feel they need to be around them and feel with and for them. For other people, one may feel that "special" connection. Then there is yet another love, like the love for friends, and of course let us not forget the love of food. I love that type of food and this type of food. For some, love may mean things differently than for others. It also depends on the context around the word. It is the same with sandwiches. Some people like mayo, some don't. Some like white bread, others wheat. Some people prefer different kinds of sandwiches at different times, when they are at different places, or when they are around different people. Love is a complex thing, and no one person's form of love is right. I may love you in a way that completely falls out of other people's definition of love, yet it would still define the connection I have with you based on my feelings. As love is a word used to describe feelings, and everyone feels differently, I feel it would follow that love is defined differently between people as well. I hope that clears up my use (or in some eyes, over use) of this word. I truly do love the people I tell that I love them. I want to talk to them, be around them, feel with them and for them, and encourage them. That is my connection, which I define as love. Thank you, and have a wonderful night :D

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i just had a terrible, terrible dream!

i was at a pool and i was sitting next to it with my big blanket and my uncle was nearby with all the other people. i wanted to sit on the other side of the pool, so i got the blanket that in the dream was my uncle's and he said that if i drowned his blanket he would drown me. it wasn't really fair, cuz i think pinkie was messing with gravity or something and also i forgot how to swim, and so the blanket got all wet and then he came over, pulled me out of the pool and made me go inside and do other stuff and he was really really really really really mad. :(

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