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How are they irrelevant details?

Ow don't be pullin' on that >_o

Ummm....thanks? .____.;;

Because they're unimportant!

Unbelievably, unimaginably, uninteresting!

United in unanimous unfun!

*nibbles on mane*

Tell me a secret?~ :'3

You can't haz Royal Canterlot Voice. You am nots of royals least of Canterlot.


I've been rollin' with the royal roar since you were done up in diapers and drooling, my dearliest dear~

Fawkes is royal!

A royal pain in the flank.


For some at least. No doubt.

And what an unbearably exquisite pain it is~

I don't believe you've had the pleasure just yet.

Perhaps you and I should chat, Rosie~ ;3

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Bring. It. On.

Oh my.

Rosie likes a little pain in the flank~

Though that little just might end up being a lot >:3

I'll go and light the scented candles and warm up the leather~

iPad, goo goo g'joob

Fix'd~ <3

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Because they're unimportant!

Unbelievably, unimaginably, uninteresting!

United in unanimous unfun!

*nibbles on mane*

Tell me a secret?~ :'3

I'm never in something just for the fun, I'm sometimes what some people can call an intellectual :P

Don't be nibblin' on that, it's really hard to get the spike ends to come out so well and to get the spikes that go in an upper direction to stay up

:kissy: Socks, 'nuff said.

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Yes today is better than it is today!

And today will be better tomorrow they say!

You'll never guess what happend!


I did something yesterday for the first time in 8 years!

And i've never felt better!

I actualy feel happy!





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what was it?

I thought too hard about that depressing thing.

And I was like

"Thats really depressing"

And then the skys healed.

The rivers stop flowing with blood.

The tormented layed to rest.

And just for a second all the screaming in the world subsided.

As Penumbra felt something quite foreign to him.

And he cried for the first time in 8 years.

And it feels so good.

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